Monday 26 November 2012

Let's Talk about War

Why do we fight conflict with more conflict? Why do we think one wrong deserves another? Why do we lash out and hit the kid who just slapped his brother? What does the death penalty solve? Did killing any murderer, who is someone's son or daughter, bring peace to our world? Think about how many wars have been fought throughout the centuries...If war resulted in peace and love then we should have abounding peace on our planet.

What is with our preconditioned responses? Why do we feel that we have to even the score? What revenge ever solved anything? How do we teach our children not to fight by smacking them as punishment? How do we stop an argument if we always have to have the last word? How do we think that giving a murderer the death penalty brings justice and restores love? It is just more crime, more rage, anger and unforgiveness.

We have to open up our hearts to really find the answers. We need to feel as though everyone else's sons and daughters are our children. Put ourselves in their shoes. If your child raped, killed, stole or whatever how would you react? Would your reaction be one of cold judgement? Would you willingly send your child to the gallows? Would you? Or would you look at the pattern of violence that has been perpetuated down the family lineage? If your child is bullying others at school, do you point the finger at the other child or do you look for the key in the behavioural patterns at home? Do you look at yourself? If you are locked in battle with your boss, co-workers, friends, spouses or kids ask yourself, "How and why am I contributing to the cycle?"

It's time we become accountable for our circumstances we find ourselves in. It's time to stop blaming each other. We are the product of our thoughts, words and actions. Our societies are a reflection of us, the individual.

Let's look at the very wars we start on a daily basis.

On rising in the morning what is the first thing you say to yourself? Do you fight with your wrinkles or your expanding girth? Do you mutter and moan at the dog or cat that is vocalising its impatience for food? As you drive to work in the morning traffic, do you try and squeeze out the other motorists because your need to get to work on time is greater than theirs? Do you hurl angry comments at the other motorists on the road as they do what you so often do? Do you become angered as you police others who are driving whilst using their cell phones or changing lanes without indicating? Do you project and anticipate the imminent war at the office as you do battle in the traffic? Do you take it personally when someone used up the last of the coffee before you had your cup? Do you look for someone else's head to bite off when your boss moans at you? What is your response when you hear over the news that that serial murderer has been given the death sentence? How do you handle your difficult clients? Do you silently seethe and call them derogatory names behind their backs? How do you react when you arrive home to a chaotic household?

O.k. I think I have made my point.

War is everywhere and we are co creators. It is time to face the facts. Until we individually can stop the war within; our world around us will continue to reflect that which we detest in ourselves.

Our work is within. We need to access our love. We need to LOVE. That is all. We need to forgive ourselves our prejudices and admit our own shortcomings. We need to own up to our own heartlessness and our lack of compassion with self first then with others. When we are brave enough to admit that there is a murderer, an interrogator, a manipulator and an abuser in ourselves then the judgement will stop. When we stop our self righteousness and blaming of others and start to point the finger at ourselves we will see that the war begins with us.

How do we stop the anger and retaliation? How do we turn the other cheek as Jesus did? We have to steadfastly and consistently seek love, be with love and access love in presence. It has to become our base, our foundation, not just something we talk about. It has to be our daily practise.

Sonia shared with me from Dr Wayne Dyer's teaching this morning. He asked; "What do you get when you squeeze an orange? Orange juice of course." He further explained that when we are pressurised we get to see what we are on the inside. Whatever it is we are holding onto is what will burst out of us. Why do we retaliate and match anger with more anger? It's because we are focused on our egos. We are forgetting who we are. In the midst of conflict we forget to reach for the light within, to use the love at our source as our anchor. We need to keep reminding ourselves daily in our quiet time that we are loving, kind, compassionate, forgiving aspects of Divine love.

We need to be the light and we need to project that light. "We need to be the change we want to see in the world", as Gandhi so succinctly put it.

Let's shine our love on the world this week

love and more love

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