Nutrition vs Excercise

What is more important nutrition or exercise?
Without a shadow of a doubt, if we have to choose between the two, nutrition comes up tops. There is no substitute for correct nutrition. Remember we are dealing with CORE issues here. We have to put the right fuel into our engines, to get the best performance out of them.
And by correct nutrition, I’m talking LOADS of FRESH VEGETABLES, Vegetable juices, fruit, some nuts, pulses and seeds and raw cold pressed oils and organic meats.
We need to get away from the old fandangled idea that man-made pastas, breads, pastries and cakes, processed meats, anything preserved or canned are good for us. THEY ARE NOT. Cooked food is an addiction like any other and it does not build healthy bodies. The more cooked and processed our food, the less nutritional value.
Our prime objective is health from the core.
In order to restore our bodies to pristine health, we need to consume as much God-made (raw and uncooked) food as possible and reduce our intake of man-made food.
Vitamin supplementation is another excuse for many of us to excuse bad eating habits. Taking copious amounts of vitamins daily does not equate eating a balanced and healthy diet. No amount of man-made vitamins can build healthy bodies like fresh wholesome food can.