Monday 6 August 2012

Always Be You

           "Always be who you are
            unless you can be a unicorn
                   then always be a unicorn."

I absolutely crack myself up every time I think of this quote which my son's girlfriend sent to him.

How fickle we are as the human race. How discontented we are with who and what we are. Why is it that we argue with ourselves about the physical traits we don't have, the possessions that would make us happy, the health that we lost, other people's lives that seem so much more together than ours?

Why are we so seldom contented with who we are?
Why is it that everyone else seems to have the life we want?

Just suppose everyone out there is in the same self perceived rut. If everyone is coveting what others have got and not appreciating what they have got, then all those people that you're wishing you were like are probably wishing they were like someone else.

Life is so simple and yet our human minds are so complex.

This clever little saying really says it all. You have to be who you are. You can only be who you are. And if you think like most of humankind that you can be something else, like a unicorn, that is a fantasy. Actually most of humanity is masquerading as something they're not. Most of us live in an illusion of who we are, at least some of the time. Are you trying to be a unicorn?

Why have we allowed our minds to fantasise a different life for ourselves? Why are we constantly trying to skip our assignments and take short cuts to achieve our perceived fantasies.

I believe we have allowed our minds too much time in front of the television. We have too many mirrors in our homes. We don't dig and toil in the earth enough, if at all. Actually most of us don't interact with nature at all.We spend far too much time in buildings, shopping centres, sitting in air conditioned cars, offices or homes. 

We have lost our true nature. We have become buried in our man-made perceptions and entrapments, obligations, guilt and greed. We might be the most financially endowed of all the generations in history thus far, but we are so spiritually deprived. We are so cut off from the rhythm of the earth as we sit in our glass houses like poor little rich children with tragedy written all over our faces. We sit and work and stress, but we don't play.

We are disconnected from nature and from spirit/God. We are disconnected from our soul.

It's simple. To be who we are, we need to spend less time in front of the TV and more time observing nature. We need to walk more than we drive. We need to spend more time outdoors than indoors. We need to walk barefoot as often as possible. We need to breathe and sunbathe.

So, if you've got a laptop, take your office outdoors and don't forget to stand up and walk around and move frequently, to get the blood circulating. Kick off your shoes and walk on the grass.

Find perfection in the simple things. Start by being you.

Have an awesome week


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