Monday 4 August 2014

Fear of failure

How often do we fall prey to the fear of failure? We procrastinate until the window of opportunity has passed its use-by-date. We find every excuse in the book: “I need to perfect this. I haven’t got enough skills yet. I need to study more. I need others’ approval. I need more time, more money, different circumstances”, excuses, excuses… 

The fear of failure is an illusion. It is an illusion that one day we will have all the information, finances, perfect circumstances and all the perfect skills to execute the plan without any hitches.

In order to allay this fear you need to realise that life is not finite. We are infinite, everlasting, indestructible souls. We are without beginning and without end. Only our physical body is finite. When it kicks the bucket we continue on into perpetuity.

Life is a journey and not a destination. This Earth school we are enrolled in, is a continuous learning through our experiences. If you don’t jump in, you will never learn to swim. Life is the school. Our experiences are our teachers. If you think you can learn about life by studying it from text books you will sit on the edge of the diving board until you die.

Another point I want to make is that you can’t fail unless you foreclose yourself by drawing a line and quitting. If you haven’t quit you are still on the path to success.
If your name was Donald Trump, would you consider yourself a failure? Donald Trump has been declared bankrupt a staggering four times. Each time he was down the tubes for billions of dollars he would charm his bank managers into loaning him even more money and reducing his interest rate. The American government granted him 40 years of tax relief. Why?

Because Donald Trump never gives up. He never quits. If Trump’s bank managers had foreclosed him they would have suffered massive losses. By increasing his debt they knew they were extending the period for him to succeed.

Donald’s story is an inspiration to us all.

Never give up. Learn from your mistakes. Give yourself eternity to succeed. Remain positive, hang onto your sense of humour, keep up your stamina and unleash your creativity.

Every obstacle is just another stepping stone to your success.

Have a beautiful week jumping in and experiencing life without judgement. Enjoy the journey!


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