Monday 11 November 2013


Touch is my language. I am a hugger and I connect with humanity and all of nature through my physical senses.

I find situations in which touching is considered inappropriate quite alienating and isolating. If you want to torture me just place me in a glass cage and prevent me from skin-to-skin contact. I need to feel the energy, the heat and the encoded messages that lie skin deep.

I love the transference of love through an encouraging squeeze, the comfort of holding a hand, a supportive stroke on the back, a tension relieving neck rub, or a heartfelt hug. I love to hug people until they smile or until they feel warm, accepted, recognised and appreciated. Some would say that golf levels the playing fields. I say "Try hugging". When you really hug someone and I don't mean a quick embarrassed bumping of two awkward bodies and an even faster withdrawal; you should hold the hug for as long as it takes to feel the merging of two energy fields. When you allow yourself to linger in a hug you are able to connect compassionately with others and all the walls come crumbling down. You can sense a person's ease or dis-ease. You can sense how calm or scattered a person is. You can feel their self-worth or their self-judgements and you can affirm them.

I've decided that we don't touch enough. We really don't. We live behind high walls and drive around in cars with the windows closed. We are germ phobic and fearful. I have memories of walking in a public place when a friend scolded me for touching the hand railing because it was dirty. "Do you know how many people have touched that rail?" she chided. I even find myself recoiling when I stop at the robots with my windows down and a hawker tries to 'high five' me.

We have been gifted with healing hands which are the outward expression of our Spirit's innate essence which is the love we hold at our core. We shouldn't hold back. We shouldn't suppress and restrict that which feels so natural and right. We need to shed our prejudices, our fearful egos and the need to impress others with our aloofness and embrace authenticity. We need to be natural, more childlike, actually more animal. We need to forsake our human etiquette and learn from the animal kingdom. We need to bump noses, rub faces and have more skin-to-skin contact.

Well, that's what I feel, but then as I stated: "Touch is my language of love."

Here's to a week of touching, hand holding, caressing and hugging. If the thought of hugging a person is too scary then hug a tree. Caress the petals of a flower. Draw yourself a sensual bath and languish in the pleasure of the comforting warm water against your skin. Go for a massage. Pet an animal. Find a feather.

Connect through your senses and TOUCH!

lots of love

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