Tuesday 2 October 2012

In Praise of Trees

Trees are more valuable to the universe than humans. Think about it. Trees provide oxygen for the planet. They don't litter or defecate. They provide shade and shelter for animals and humans. Many trees provide fruit and nuts, valuable nourishment for humans and animals alike. Even when they die their wood is useful for making furniture, homes, tools and fire for warmth and cooking. They decompose easily and cause no harm to any other living organism.

But humans, on the other hand, litter and plunder, defecate and destroy the planet. Humans are major consumers. They take but how much do they give back? They rape and pillage the environment because of greed. So often humans are consumed with satiating their immediate needs for food, comfort and shelter, that they forget about correcting the imbalance caused by their taking. We humans consume oxygen, but we don't convert our carbon dioxide back into oxygen like plants do.

The footprint we make on our planet is huge. Every hot bath we run comes at the cost of coal that is mined out of the earth's centre. Every time we drive somewhere we are using up the fossil fuels which are mined out from our earth's belly. Every week we throw out piles of rubbish and are unconcerned as to where it is dumped. What do we do as individuals to reuse and recycle our own rubbish?

I have noticed how very few of my neighbours make use of a recycling company to collect their waste products. Every week the bins are piled high to overflowing with human waste. I notice people stripping their gardens of plants and discarding them in the rubbish heap. Diamonds and gold, copper and other metals are extracted for human want and greed. We are so busy hoarding and taking like worker ants, that we are oblivious to the major devastation we are causing to our environment. Man-made factories spill their chemical waste into our river systems killing fish and other organisms.

We really ought to learn from nature and start consuming just what we need. We need on an individual scale to give back to our planet. We need to start doing things that enhance our planet for the benefit of everyone.

I have always been a tree hugger and fanatical nature lover. I seem to have a close bond with everything green that grows. I have green fingers and am passionate about saving plants and finding homes for plants that have become over crowded. I couldn't imagine living in a place devoid of plants, lush green vegetation, gorgeous soft grasses and shade giving trees. The colour green calms me, providing me with a warm inner peace that gently soothes my senses. When I have spent all my energy and have been indoors for a while, there is nothing more appealing and soothing than walking outside in nature, sitting on the grass or in the shade of a magnificent tree and breathing. I thank God for trees. I am so grateful for and dependent on the plant life of our planet.

So please, I urge you when you cut down a tree, plant another in its place. Become green. Start a compost heap and sign up with a recycling company. If you utilise plastics and all manner of chemicals on a daily basis, you need to be accountable for how you dispose of them. It is our responsibility, not someone else's. Yes, we hear lobbyists who make a stand, but what are we as  individuals doing?

We need to connect with nature and feel its rhythm. We need to walk barefoot and soak up the messages that mother earth has for us. We need to listen, see and feel with our core and be sensitive to the natural flow of energy and life on our planet.

So, I ask you: "What are you doing to improve this planet? What are you doing to give back? What is your value to planet earth?"

If you aren't recycling yet and you reside in Johannesburg, South Africa then here's Mama She's Waste Recyclers contact details 076 041-6764 or carmen@wasterecyclers.co.za. They make recycling so easy. If you live elsewhere look up your nearest recycler and give them a call.

Make your mark. And don't forget to hug a tree and give it thanks for its contribution to your existence.

lots of love

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