Sunday 13 May 2012

You're Not in Heaven Yet

Darren brought up some questions at my talk on Wednesday night and I thought them deserving of further expansion and elaboration.

Question: “Do we have to identify every incident of guilt and shame in our lives and forgive it to be free of it? Or do you have to do it collectively? I do it all the time but I don’t feel that I have really forgiven myself. Why?”

Answer: “No, you don’t have to itemise each and every incidence, only if it is causing you to remain fixated in self recriminations and self loathing. If it is robbing you of the pleasure of living in presence and truly experiencing the freshness of every never to be repeated moment, if you are stuck in the false belief that you are somehow attached to your resultant emotions and feelings that were initiated by a past event, then you need to go back and address the issues and bring them to the light of consciousness. You need to sit with the guilt, name it and understand where it is coming from. You will see when you bring it to the light and expose it for what it is, that your judging yourself as guilty and shameful is self-imposed. There are no wrong or right choices. We get to choose, like or dislike our choices and make different choices the next time around. It’s as simple as that. The ego will con us into believing that our stories, our guilt and shame somehow serve us, which we know when we confront it, is the biggest lie.

We need to die to the past and leave what happened behind us. We need to live in the present. We don’t want to take this baggage with us on our journey going forward, do we? We want to be free.”

Question: “So we just determined how crafty the ego is. It’s going to keep us in bondage. Dying to it? The ego’s not going to let itself die?”

Answer: “What is ego? Isn’t ego just a branch of our minds, an assumed sense of self which is based on how we measure up to others? We measure ourselves by the clothes we wear, our possessions, how well we perform, whether we are liked, praised, respected by others and even ourselves. We need to go within ourselves and be the presence that we are as the backdrop to our lives. We need to get to the root of our essence which is spirit and that is pure, without blemish. Our spirit is not concerned about what car we drive or job we do. We need to derobe ourselves of all our earthly clutter and realise that we are perfect just as we are.  We need to manage our egos with our minds. Our egos are like unruly, ill disciplined children. All we need do is constantly expose the ego’s misperceptions. Our ego doesn’t rule us. We don’t need to heed the constant barrage of misinformation it projects. We are way above that. We have the power over our minds and whether we choose to buy into the ego’s lies or not. You’ve personified the ego into a kind of ‘devil’, who is going to fight us to the death. I perceive ego as the negative side of our minds. We get to die it off by our choices, by facing our truth and ignoring its constant barrage of fear-based perceptions and constantly challenging ourselves to focus on the here and now. You can’t have the negative and positive portals of the brain open at the same time, so by focusing on the positive we shut out the negative. By focusing on the present, we shut out the voice of the ego.

I firmly believe that we need to be focusing on training and disciplining our minds and stop entertaining the advertorials from the ego department. We should start to skip over them like we do with the TV remote and focus just on the main movie which is our journey.”

Question: “Is it o.k. to feel angry at times, to feel rejection, to feel these human elements?”

Answer: “Absolutely! We are spiritual beings having a human, physical experience so that we can entertain, feel, express all range of emotions and as a result thereof, make choices to work these emotions into a place of better comfort for ourselves. No kid ever experienced what hot was until they felt the burn on their skin. You can study every manual on raising a child, but you only learn life’s lessons when you actually have a kid of your own and have to face the puke, the shitty nappies, the battles of will, the pain of watching them learn it for themselves. How can you not feel pain and sufferance when someone you love is injured? It is all part of the process. When we feel anger that someone close to us has been hurt, it is our opportunity to address whether we choose to allow our emotions to rule us or whether we take responsibility for other choices. Our negative emotions and feelings are as much a part of the sum total of who we are as our positive emotions. Our shadow side is what balances us and gives us substance.”

Question: “If you’re living in the now, then you don’t know what anger feels like, you don’t know what rejection and all those feelings are. The fact that you let it go in the past, means that you don’t know what it means, what it feels like?”

Answer: “I absolutely disagree. Our evolution into the now was a process. It is built on our very experiences. That is the foundation of what we have become. The fact that we have become aware of our choices to live in the present and die to our pasts is testimony to the fact that we have visited with anger, rejection, etc. and decided that these emotions no longer serve us. We go through the motions of feeling and expressing anger and then we make the conscious choice to discard it as it doesn’t serve us to carry it in our hand luggage.  When we forgive our pasts, we don’t forget them. We choose not to dwell on them and continue to revisit a time that no longer exists except in our imaginations. By living in the ‘Now’, we are making a conscious and educated choice to experience fully the live show. Why would we choose to watch our whole lives via PVR? That is exactly what I was referring to in last week’s blog about living proactively or defensively. Living in the now is about empowerment through awakened choice. You cannot be empowered if you only have half the emotions available to you. Living in the ‘Now’ is an awakened state of conscious living, being empowered by the freedom of choice and making that choice out of garnered wisdom without fear or judgement or guilt.”

Well, all that said, I wish you a prosperous week of self discovery and growth, refining and fine tuning your choices as you evolve on your path to enlightenment.

Love you lots

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