Monday 21 May 2012

My Downfall

Today I recognised one of my Achilles heels, so to speak. I have been receiving messages about this particular irksome quality for quite some time and really, really not taking heed of the signs, even though I am a great believer in signs and messages from nature, even billboards and especially our friends and family.

A week ago I was listening to the playback on my digital voice recorder and discovered a message I recorded more than a year ago. The message was: "Why is patience so important? Because it makes you pay attention."

I can't even remember the source of that quote, but something must have resonated with me, for me to have recorded the message.

Now today I arrived rather agitated at a client's house, because the security guard had ignored me as I waited impatiently outside on the street until he deemed it appropriate to handle my request to be let in. On relaying the story to Stacey, I was tactfully informed that I am rather impatient and as is typical of a modern-minded, city person, I want results and I want them now. I couldn't argue the point, as I am guilty as charged and her comment which was completely honest caused me to pay attention.

After spending some wonderful time catching up and lunching with my friend, Nianell, I picked up a book I had lent her some time ago, and opening it at a random place, I read Osho's words from 'Yoga The Science of the Soul', "Yoga says that the more you are impatient, the more time will be needed for your transformation. The more you are in a hurry, the more you will be delayed."

O.k. NOW, universe, you have MY ATTENTION!

Osho goes on to say: "The less you are in a hurry, the earlier will be the results. This very moment the thing can happen because it is not a question of time; it is a question of the quality of your mind. Infinite patience... Simply not hankering for results gives you much depth. Hurry makes you shallow... You have to drop into it, not to reach anywhere. And the dropping in is possible only if you are totally patient. The modern mind is constantly obsessed with the future, with the result, not with the here and now. Wherever you are, in that moment enjoy it without asking for the future. This is patience, absolute patience!"

Well, I don't know about you, but I am always dancing somewhere between overly excited about the future and in fear of running out of time to do all that I still have to do. I seem to most often be "asking for the future" as Osho puts it, instead of really being fully present in the now. I constantly find myself rushing the present because there are perceived more important issues to be addressed at a time, that as of now, doesn't exist except in my imagination.

I am rushing the present and producing inferior quality instead of slowing down and sinking into my presence and finding the stillness and depth of my being.

On examination of the statistics, I find myself trying to be the dancer, instead of allowing life to dance me. I am so busy looking for opportunities to help people, that I probably run them over in my haste.

I am now laughing at myself and the absurdity of the above statement which is not a joke at all.

I am listening now. I am still. I am paying attention and I know that the universe will now highlight for me every opportunity to notice myself when I repeatedly fall prey to this pattern and I will most likely start to observe the pattern in those around me as I have become sensitised to this lesson.

My dance for this week is patience and surrender, because I believe the two go hand-in-hand. And as I know myself so well, the lesson is going to be: To have patience with myself, for not getting it right the first time around. Ha, ha, ha...

Wishing you a week of hearing your messages and surrendering to your highest will.



There is no time like the NOW.


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