Monday 31 October 2011

The Secret Is...

"The land wasn't meant to be bought or sold
 It was meant to be loved and sung to
 It was meant to be appreciated for its wonderfulness

The world has never been in worse shape; global warning, animal extinctions, people fucked up and crazy, war...

And then there are us, harmless little humans, who seem to nibble at the root of things..."
                                                                             Alice Walker  'Now is the Time to Open your Heart"

It sounds about right. We nibble and nibble like termites at the roots of a large tree and then one day when the tree dies, the secret murderers are no where to be found. It couldn't be little us. We're too small to harm Earth.

What difference does it make if we smoke that cigarette. It's only one small cigarette in such a huge universe. What difference does it make if we chop down that tree, there are millions more. What difference does it make if we poison our weeds and termites with pesticides, the poisons will be diluted in the drain water and what difference does it make if we kill a few harmless insects or rodents when we flush this toxic water, there are many more where they came from. What difference does it make if we keep on building shopping malls, forcing the wildlife to retreat to smaller and smaller locations, forcing them to inter breed and over graze. What difference does it make if we catch all those fish along with a whole host of other sea life in our huge fishing nets, there are many other seas to catch fish in. What difference does it make if our cars give off toxic emissions into the atmosphere, causing acid rain. The world's big enough for the rain to fall on someone else's head.What difference does it make if we eat badly, we're going to die anyway

Now is the time to open your heart...
Open your eyes!
Open your ears!
Open your nostrils!
Open your pores!

The secret is that you do not need to be told.

wishing you an experiential week of being conscious


P.S. try walking softly and consciously, noticing where you put each foot down. Notice the mushrooms and insects, snails and butterflies and try to avoid trampling on anything in haste.
You might even avoid stepping in the dog pooh!

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