Tuesday 1 April 2014

Positivity Takes Effort

Do you know that the average person has negativity selected as their automatic default setting?
Do you know that a river always chooses the path of least resistance?

What is your default setting? Do you choose the path of least resistance? Are you committed to change or do you give in to complacency, too lazy to leap across those last few hurdles just in front of the finishing line?

Are you an optimist who never gives up or are you laden with excuses as to why you just can’t change?

Positivity breeds more of the same but it doesn’t come naturally. It is a teachable skill, something that needs to be practised before it becomes a habit and before it becomes your natural default setting.

In order to change anything you need to be open to self-examination. You need to be honest with yourself and you need to identify what your pre-programmed default setting is. If you are a pessimist the first step to changing your default setting is to acknowledge it. Then you need to step into it and unravel it so you can understand it

To understand how you became entangled in your negativity, you will need to listen to your thoughts and emotions. You will most likely discover that these stem from much verbal conditioning and programming from your childhood. Try and remember back and see if you can pick up what your parents said. What did they condition you into believing through repetition? “Life’s tough”, “It’s all about luck and timing”, “You’re never going to amount to anything”, or something completely different.

Repetitive programming is yet another way we become brainwashed by observing and mimicking others’ behaviour. And repetitive occurrences that trigger an emotional response also play a huge role in shaping how we react to life.

No matter the cause of the default setting, it is entirely possible to reset your thermostat to one of positivity. It just takes a bit of reconditioning and willpower. Beliefs are more powerful than willpower, so you start there. You start by challenging your beliefs as they surface, asking them if they are true. Ask yourself: “How can I know that this is the gospel truth? Is it my truth or is it someone else’s that I have adopted? Who would I be without this belief? Do I want to be free of this false belief?” If your answer is YES. Then say to yourself: “I let go of this false perception right now” and replace it with a positive one. Write your positive new thoughts down and paste them on a wall where you are likely to see them often. Then repeat them to yourself every time you notice them. With continual remembering and repetition you will replace your negative beliefs with new and positive ones.

And remember positive people never give up. They never quit. They are too busy striving to get there. And because they do, they will.

Have an excellent and productive week


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