Tuesday 11 June 2013

Are your beliefs toxic?

What do you believe?  Where do your beliefs come from? Are your beliefs cast in stone? What makes you believe that your beliefs are the only reality?

It is my perception that beliefs come from conditioning and reinforcement of other's beliefs.

If what we know is formulated out of what we have experienced thus far then we are limiting ourselves and our futures to a regurgitation of all our previous experiences. We are not open to seeing the expansiveness of the larger picture. We are closed, fearful and guarded. Nothing new can evolve from a rigid belief system.

Anita Moorjani in 'Dying to be Me', says "If I can accept that my understanding is incomplete, and if I'm able to be comfortable with uncertainty, this opens me up to the realm of limitless possibilities." She goes on to say that in realising that we are one and the same as consciousness and by becoming aware of our limitlessness we enter the state where miracles occur.

Anita nearly died when her organs began to shut down after battling with cancer for four years. She had a near death experience where she entered a state of pure consciousness and realised that heaven isn't a place but rather a state. She decided to come back to her earth experience because she realised that heaven is achievable right here on earth.

She attributes her miraculous healing to an absence of belief. She says that our beliefs are the very reason we don't heal.

I find myself agreeing with her. How often have I obsessed about what I eat and how I cook. I stress about whether certain foods are good for me or toxic, whether I should drink out of plastic, sleep next to electrical power points, breathe the air, drink from the tap and so it goes on. How toxic are my thoughts? How toxic are my beliefs to my mind, emotions and physical well-being? Aren't my beliefs poisoning me?

Life is to be enjoyed and lived to the full. It is not necessary to suffer. Suffering is caused by our inability to see ourselves as infinite beings. When we see ourselves as less than we are, as incomplete and needing improvement, then we forget our Spiritual oneness and we suffer. Life becomes a chore because we are never good enough and we are always punishing ourselves and resisting the flow.  We are always apologising and carrying our tails between our legs. We create our own suffering out of the belief that we're not good enough exactly as we are.

Let me ask you? If you were created by the Divine in the Divine's image, then are you not Divine? Could you be anything less than Divine? Do you think that you have the capacity to make a better job of yourself, just by trying, than God made of you in the first place? Isn't it absurd to even entertain the idea of yourself being less than magnificent? If the Creator is Supreme then it goes without saying that you and I are extremely magnificent beings. We are perfect in every way. God doesn't make mistakes or mess-ups. We are absolutely fabulous and powerful and creative and all encompassing. We are walking miracles. When we realise our power in knowing who we are, there is nothing we need to do or achieve or be other than exactly what we are right now.

If my belief is that God is a larger version of me then I have just limited God, but if I believe that I am a diminutive version of God then I have brought awareness to my infinite potential. If I believe God keeps score of all my transgressions and intends to punish me accordingly, I have humanised and limited God into a five-sensory being like myself. The magnificent, amazing Power that created us all in Divine unconditional LOVE, is incapable of judgement and punishment. The very nature of unconditional love is non-judgemental. It loves without need, want or greed, without being asked. It loves without holding back or seeking payback.

We need to drop our false beliefs about ourselves and appreciate who and what we are with awe and gratitude. Expand your consciousness and allow yourself to believe in the unknowable, the unbelievable. Believe in what you haven't been able to imagine and perceive. Faith is the essence that our dreams need to bring them to fruition.

Don't let fear rob you of your vision of supreme capability and inhibit your ability to love without bounds. Fear separates you from your Source. Fear is what man does when he doubts the job God/Love did in creating him. Don't doubt your magnificence.

Close your eyes and connect with your Source and have the experience of supreme power and love and peace that you are. Believe in yourself!

Have a magnificent week


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