Monday 7 March 2011

How Much Love is Enough?

I was reading a novel by one of my favourite authors when these words shot out of the book like arrows to my heart, ”Love cannot betray because it has nothing to do with possession” and I thought these words were worthy of deeper reflection and meditation.
So, here goes.

As one of my dearest and closest friends once shared with me that “love is not ownership of another’s heart and soul. It is a gift from one soul to another without judgement or expectation”. It is not that these words are new or that they are telling us what we don’t already know. We just need to constantly remind ourselves of our humanity and our fears and our need to possess...

Our need to possess another human being is all about fear and feeling inadequate within ourselves. When we are complete and balanced mentally, emotionally and spiritually, we have no need of another’s love to fill our void.

When we love as a whole person our love is not seeking anything in return. We simply can love because it is an overflowing of our self love and appreciation.

Have you ever observed when we are blissfully happy, the world around us seems to take on an irrridescant glow. We feel in love with life and love everyone we encounter. People seem kinder and jollier. This energy that bouys us up, seems to bouy everyone around us up as well.

When we were at school, can you remember the amount of squabbling over who was whose friend. If she was mine she couldn’t be yours or later as teens, if he was mine he couldn’t be yours?
When we were at home there was a constant vying for our parent’s attention. Who’s the favourite? Who’s getting more attention? Me, me, me....complete me!

When I had my second child I had a moment of panic. How was I going to share my love evenly between my two sons? How could I ever have enough love to give them both evenly without favouritism? How could I love them the same?

Well, as I have realised over the years...
-           love cannot be measured. We either love or we don’t
-           love is the source of giving. It never runs dry. The more you give, the more it is replenished
-          we don’t love all people the same, we just love
-          we can love more than one person. We can love lots
-          love is pure and we should not feel fear to love openly. We cannot betray anyone by loving them or loving someone else
-          loving has nothing to do with receiving any form of reciprocation, otherwise it’s called needing. I’ll love you back if you love me first...
-          we don’t fall out of love. We fall out of passion, lose commitment, we become needy and fearful, our expectations change, we can become bitter and unforgiving, we become lazy...
-          love is an eternal well, we either decide to open the tap and let it flow or we can choose to shut it off. It is a choice
-          when we love ourselves, we love all of humanity and nature

Can anyone ever be regarded as bad for loving someone else’s friend or ‘heaven forbid’ for loving someone else’s lover? How can loving ever be anything but pure and good? Can we put a limit on love? Can we love lots of children, only a few select  friends in order of most to least and only one lover, husband or wife?

I was just wondering, “How much love is enough?”

Food for thought! I’ll leave you pondering and we’ll catch up again next week

Until then keep on loving and telling yourselves how absolutely fabulous you are


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