How often do you climb out of bed and bemoan the weather?
How often do you regret the thought of the day ahead?
How often do you have the wind taken out of your sails, by listening to the news?
Do you feel good when you open your e-mails and find some distressing fact about hijackers and corrupt authorities?
Do you stay calm in the midst of all the panic about the collapse of the world around you?
Do you focus on how bad things are?
Do you see a solution for this world or are you dreading the worst?
Are you digging your heals in, resisting the flow of life?
Remember what you focus your attention on, is what you will manifest more of.
Let's just this week focus our 100% on what is within our reach.
Get out of bed and be grateful for the breath of life.
Be opportunistic for yet another day to make a difference in the world.
Seize the day and all its wealth of opportunities that lie in wait for you.
Choose not to listen to the news for just this week.
When you open your e-mails, delete those that have a negative context in the subject line.
Look outside the window and notice nature, always fresh and innocent and pure.
Tune out from the billboards on the side of the road and don't listen to the radio.
When sitting in heavy traffic, play some beautiful music that feeds your soul.
You make the choice as to what will entertain, motivate and encourage your senses.
Look for the 100% positive in every situation, meeting and encounter this week.
Shape your life going forward with proactive self motivation.
See it in your mind's eye and believe it.
By focusing 100% on seeing the good in yours and others lives this week, you will be generating a new wave. Remember each wave has, at its beginning, an idea, an intent, a single droplet of water and action.
Imagine a wave entertaining negative thought at the outset. If the water droplets examined their individual minuscule strength and debated their insignificance in the big picture, they could argue: "What's the point? What difference can little me make? Why try? Why get out of bed this morning? What's the use? I cannot change the outcome. I may as well surrender to my fate and shrivel up and die."
Well, we know exactly where that wave is headed for. Crash and devastation.
But suppose you are one of those droplets of water that is imbibed with faith. You see yourself as a vital participant in the creation of a whole new wave that can change the face of the world we know. You have vision and know that your contribution is vital to the collective. You realise that as we gather like minded individuals, we generate momentum, sweeping up those others who are indecisive, along with us in the swell. We are creating a new wave with our thoughts, our beliefs and our aspirations. We are creators with our vision.
We need to grow our awakening powers and expand our vision. We need each other as we grow our faith and accumulate other like minded droplets. We can create a gigantic tsunami of well being for this planet just by believing and intending and giving of our 100%.
Researchers have proven that there is a critical mass point and that once a certain number of a species have been taught something new, suddenly all or most of the species are imbibed with the inherent ability, without having to be shown or taught. They seem to be able to do it 'by inspiration'. Isn't that incredible?
Let's change our world by evolving the masses with a new thought wave. The more of us that become conscious and dedicated to focuings our efforts on our 100%, the more people we'll gather in the momentum of our making.
"We are what we think and the world is what we all think." David Icke
Let's give a 100% to the thoughts we generate this week.
yours in love