Talks Offered

What is Sexiness?

In this talk, Nicolette delves into what it is that defines sexiness. We unravel our old conditioning and look at our beliefs and perceptions. We discover a powerful,creative energy able to create new life.

Why I Care?

This talk broaches the subject of “I don’t care what you think” and why that ultimately hurts us. We address the issues of why we do actually care and why we have been searching for other’s approval to appease a sincere lack of self-esteem.

Who am I?

In this rather theatrical rendition, Nicolette takes us on a humorous journey to unravel the layers of conditioning we think we are but really aren't. 


Based on her own experience Nicolette shares from the heart what it really means to forgive and how in so doing, we open the doors for love, healing and true happiness to flow into our lives.

Mind Matters                      

Here we take a look at our mind talk and how it is that we continually manifest more of the same in our lives, whether that be bad or good.

Why Ego Stops us Living in the Now
In this talk, Nicolette explores what it takes to live a life of presence.