Don't pray for me! Please don't pray for me.
You cannot know my circumstances or my needs. You have no idea what my highest purpose is. That is between God and myself.
When you pray for me, you assume to know exactly what it is that I should have and what I should be doing, according to your own prejudices and perceptions.
If you pray for me, you are in judgement. You assume that you are right and that I am out of line or in need of changing. You assume that I have a lack. You do not know if my wanting is a test of my faith from my higher self.
Take a look below the surface of your well intentioned prayers and ask yourself: "Does this prayer come from my highest self or is my prayer a request to try and manipulate my world to my way?"
O.k. I'll give you an example. Let's just say that you pray to God that He will make your partner more loving and supportive, that He will heal the greed and corruption of the people in government, make your boss more generous and approachable and your children more obedient and less self centred. You ask God to change all these people so you can live in a perfect world.
Would you consider this prayer to be for the highest good of all those for whom you prayed? Or is it rather a cleverly disguised request for self? The perception that your partner, your children, your boss and the government need to change, assumes that you don't. It reinforces the 'I am right and they are wrong' perception?
Why do you assume that they need to change? Why does it make you uncomfortable that they are what they are?
I'll tell you why. It is because you are in judgement. You are looking without and not within. What do you see reflected in their eyes? You see you. You see your own flaws. You are looking without for others to meet your needs. You pray for them to be perfect because you're not. By praying for anyone else you are turning the spotlight from yourself and avoiding confronting your own issues. Don't be fooled by your ego's cunning manoeuvres. Don't assume when you pray for someone else that you are being pious. You may well find if you look a little deeper that your prayers are inadvertently seeking to fulfil your own needs.
Would it not be better to rather pray: "Dear God, help me to not judge others. Give me patience and understanding and acceptance of their needs. Help me to become a better listener, to really see and hear from my heart. Help me to dispense with my ego and my judgements towards others. Make me supportive and kind. Let me die to my past every second and not hold anything against anyone who I perceive has wronged me. Let me not assume through my own prejudices to know anyone else's needs. Help me to focus solely on other's good traits and not on their bad. Help me every day to walk your path of love and find every opportunity to humble myself and keep my nose in my own business. Give me the strength and courage, Lord, to change me. And forgive me for judging others. Change me, Lord. Change me."
You see, I firmly believe that all our prayers should be focused on ourselves. If we each just pray for one person every day, this world would be a wonderful place.
If we could all become the person we want our partners to be, we'd be living our dream.
So please, please don't pray for me, pray for yourself.
have a wonderful and blessed week
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