Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Just Give, Just Receive

I spent the long weekend attending an Art of Living workshop wherein we explored the art of giving.

In my daily reflection today, I explored my feelings and questioned myself if indeed it is better to give than receive. After all the two exist because of each other. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Imagine a world with only givers. Who would they give to?

I know I've so often missed the essence of giving because I've been hung up on reciprocating, instead of allowing the natural ebb and flow of imparting and receiving love.

Let's step away from the entanglement of material gifting for a while and focus on the gifting of our talents, our time and our love. What greater gift can we give another than our unconditional love? Can this love be measured? No. Unconditional giving is the essence of true giving. It is actually the only way to give, without needing anything in return. When we give without seeking praise or credit or reward or recognition, that is true giving. It is this true giving of ourselves that satisfies and blesses us and others.

When we give as an act of service, we give of our energy, our talents, our caring and compassion. We give with humility and our egos bow to the Divinity within us. These qualities when imparted cause an incredible outpouring of love, which causes a vacuum within. This vacuum in turn creates a pull and is rewarded with an in pouring of Divine love. That in pouring is the feeling we get of being blessed. There is no greater feeling. When we receive this in pouring of love, it feels as though we are kneeling at our creator's feet and being showered with compassion.

In closing the course yesterday, we did an exercise in which we were instructed to walk around the room in silence and find a partner. We were then to gaze into one another's eyes until one of us felt the urge to kneel at the other's feet and receive their blessing. When we felt complete with their showering of love, we stood up again and reversed roles. It was our turn to bestow blessings upon them with our intentions of love, healing, forgiveness and compassion as they bowed before us and laid themselves at our feet. We repeated the exercise until we had all been blessed and bestowed our blessings on one another.

I can't tell you how many tears I shed as I felt equally passionate as the giver and the receiver. There wasn't a separation. The two were one and the same entity. One minute I felt like an angel with all the compassion in the world, as I showered my love upon a colleague, tears streaming down my cheeks. The next moment I was shaking uncontrollably and sobbing as I felt the loving compassion of an angel standing above me, tenderly radiating his/her love and support.

The energy in the room was powerful, as love multiplied and flowed in and out, in and out. 

What is more beautiful than that. You see every act of giving has a reciprocal flow.This is a law of science. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So if we give out of guilt, we will receive out of guilt. If we give unconditionally, without expecting anything in return, we receive more than we could ever imagine, we are filled to overflowing with abundant joy. Spiritual giving is rewarded with Spiritual blessing.

But in order to give there have to be people willing to receive. We all need to be willing givers and receivers. That is how God's Divine love is kept in motion. What a Divine plan God manifested.

So, my blessing to you this week is a request to keep the flow of the Divine in motion. Be a willing receiver and giver and seek ways to give of your time, your love, your support, your compassion and understanding this week and be prepared for a peaceful power to imbibe you.

Richest blessings

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