Monday, 15 October 2012

I am Rich

Today I have had the most awesome day
Not because anything extraordinary happened
Not because I received a material gift
Not because I achieved any great accomplishment
The world didn't stop whilst I made a life changing discovery
I didn't do anything particularly unusual or profound
I didn't have a feeling of importance or of making a huge difference

Today I just lived for the moment
I took time to connect with whomever crossed my path
I didn't get rushed and panicked
I honoured my time with presence
and gave my fullest concentration to whatever I was doing
really listening and connecting with my heart
Today I shed tears of joy appreciating the simplest of things

My day started with singing at my youngest son's assembly. If there's one thing I miss about school, and there are lots, it is singing hymns every morning. How awesome is the combined energy of a hall full of people, all unanimously harmonising to the same tune. I sang like I was a child back in school. I sang from the depths of my soul. And when we sang our national anthem, I felt like I was going to cry. I felt proud, not in a superior egotistical way. I just felt alive and connected and proud to be part of the moment.

My son wasn't awarded any trophy or colours for his sport. He did receive a handshake and his whole team received certificates. I felt for him in his disappointment and yet I felt proud because Dylan is who he is. I felt gratitude to be there for him even though his experience was bitter/sweet. There were many who received accolades for superb academic and sporting achievement. I felt huge joy for the parents and their children who were acknowledged for all their various accomplishments. I felt like their joy was mine too.

As this year's prefects relinquished their duties to next year's team, I felt a lump in my throat as I connected with the happy/sad feelings in our midst. Tears of happines and tears of sadness. Memories shared and past and the anticipation of memories still to be made.

Later, at the shops, I engaged with the other shoppers and assistants via a smile, a nod or a few words. I savoured in presence as I tuned into all those around me.

I felt sufferance for the lady who helped me at the bakery counter, who shared that the health compliant shoes she has to wear, squash her toes and cause her pain. I felt like her pain was mine as  her smile and warm manner touched my heart.

Unloading the packets, when I finally arrived home, and hanging the washing on the line, I felt blessed with a contented peace. It felt as though God had pushed the 'slow play' button for me today. I was not tempted to rush or squeeze in any more important chores. I felt fulfilled in giving my 100% to savouring the moment I was in.

As I lunched on my patio with a colourful bowl of salad, my senses were overflowing with joy.  I cried with appreciation and gratitude for my beautiful food, the gorgeous day, the rain we've had and the lushness of my garden, for the experience of being a mom and a wife, for the friends and family that bless my life with their presence, and for the interconnectedness of us all.

I chatted with my son in the car on the way home from school, after having served his first detention for talking in the corridor. I shared how proud I am of him for being exactly who he is. I shared that no matter what, my love for him is unshakeable and that everything is perfect just the way it is. I sympathised with him in his disappointment and encouraged him to keep on striving, to reach for his dreams. And together we mulled over the highlights of those who achieved and laughed as we remembered their passion and joy.  

Today I feel rich because all of my senses are alive. I feel as though I have absorbed maximum pleasure out of every split second of today.I feel like I soaked up every trace nutrient out of every never-to-be-repeated nano second and I am laughing through the tears, so grateful for the gift of being.

I am so rich with joy!

Oh, I recommend it. Have yourself a rich day.

love and blessings for the week ahead

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