Monday, 22 September 2014

We all need a Heaven

I have just returned to Earth after escaping into an unexplainable storm of literary genius. I picked up a book last night from my personal library of ‘still-to-be-read’s and couldn’t put it down until the last word was imbibed.

I am feeling like one who has returned from exile into the daunting freneticism of fast-paced living, like I have stepped straight out of the character of the hero in the book.

The book is ‘Almost Heaven’ by Marianne Wiggins and is a love story of such passion and absolute opposites. It is almost like reading a parable of yin and yang, if that makes any sense at all. I’m feeling like an absolute kindergarten kid with my rough use of language by comparison to Wiggins’ mastery of words. She seems to juggle and do things with words that leave me palpitating and speechless. 

The heroine asks the hero “-why do you feel ashamed?”

“- for my selfishness. For trying to protect myself. For trying to numb the truth of what was in front of me by thinking of something so beautiful.”

“You shouldn’t feel ashamed of that,” she says slowly. “Searching for something beautiful is what makes us divine. Some of us. What made you search for a beautiful thought in the face of such horror is the same reason we invent Heaven. The idea of beauty is the same as the idea of an ideal love – it promises healing. It stops the sorrow. Everyone needs a Heaven in them somewhere where they can go in their minds when everything - all of it - is lost.”

We all need a piece of Heaven in us. We need to believe in the greater good, in a world devoid of hatred and unlove, a world of kindness and compassion, a world that compliments the harshness of living.

In the wake of all the unpleasantness, all the suffering and sadness, we need to embrace that within ourselves which is the spark that ignites the fires of passion, and gives us the faith to persevere in our pursuit of happiness and unconditional love.

The suffering we experience is real, as is the love we hold in our hearts. The one cannot exist without the other. 

Wishing you a week of finding your piece of Heaven. You will need it in these turbulent times.

All my love

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