Monday, 1 September 2014


 Today I am hurting because of all the unconsciousness in the world.

We have people who regard themselves as different because they happen to be born on the other side of an invisible, man-drawn line. This invisible line is supposed to define who they are and keep at bay those individuals they judge as ‘not their kind’. These individuals are killing and bombing each other. Why?

We have people who are exploiting others by paying them as little as they can get away with, because there are thousands who would do the work for the same. They don’t see that their unconscious actions have a ripple effect of suffering, which feeds our planet with desperate people who will do anything to make a buck.

By playing by those rules we are encouraging the prevailing situation in our world where life is cheap. We are perpetuating the prevalence of prostitution, murder, theft, drugs, pornography and so on.

By continuing to buy cheap Chinese products, we are condoning the plight of Chinese workers who are working like slaves. We are also undercutting those who are trying to make an honest income.

We don’t see it. We don’t feel it, because we are OK. Our immediate families are OK and because we don’t know about it, or we prefer to avoid confronting it we turn a blind eye. We act oblivious. There is no excuse for ignorance.

It is time that we all wake up and open our heart’s to compassion and caring, because our actions are going to come right back at us.

We are living in a world which is a mess and it was created not by someone else. It was created by each one of us. We are drowning in the consequences of our actions or inactions.

Our ignorance is no longer a valid excuse. Our planet is groaning from all the most atrocious, unkind acts of mutilation and rape by humankind. When will we wake up and realise that it is the Earth that sustains us and not money.

We are not considering the effect of our actions upon those who are further down the chain. We are an ‘instant gratification’ generation who are trampling all over the humble and the weak.

We need to check in with our consciences. We need to ask ourselves: “Would I be prepared to work for what I am paying my staff? Would I be prepared to work for a dollar a day?”
And if you would not, then you and I need to take a stand and stop supporting Chinese industry. We need to stop paying people less than their worth because we can get away with it.

We need to stop considering others as different to us, stop focusing on the outer physical differences like colour, gender, Nationality, religion and social status and start connecting with what we all have in common. We all belong to the Earth. We all have a right to be here and we need to care for and support one another. We need to be compassionate with the least of those amongst us because how we treat them is ultimately the hand we are dealing ourselves.

Slavery, prostitution, extreme poverty, crime, pollution and war all have their roots in the unconscious way we are living. The solution lies with us. If we want to see change in our world we need to act consciously and change how we are doing things. “We need to be the change”, as Gandhi so succinctly put it.

I appeal to you: “Together we can make this a beautiful world. Let’s act consciously.”

All my love

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