Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Life as it's Meant to Be

Today I am filled with an incredible peace. I am who and what I am. I am not questioning why. I have this absolute serenity that the circumstances of my life are exactly intentioned for reasons I am not in control of and don’t necessarily understand.

Today I feel power in finding no resistance to anything or anyone. Everyone who is in my life is perfectly orchestrated for my and their learning. There are no accidents. There are no chance encounters. Everyone whom I have met so far has had some influence on me and added their thread to the tapestry of my life. I am what I am because of the sum total of all my encounters thus far.

Today I find meaning in the simplest things. Nature just seems to sparkle with greater intensity. Perhaps it is because I am really seeing with all my awareness. It is as if I am seeing with my physical eyes for the very first time.

I feel as though this is the first day of the rest of my life. I feel such appreciation and excitement for living.

I sit alert, absorbing every detail. It is as if Life is pregnant with a great surprise. Life is a moment-by-moment unfolding of presence.

Today I am alive and it feels as though I am witness to creation as it occurs. I feel like I have a front row seat.

It is not always like this, because often times I find myself stressing and worrying about how things are going to play out. There are times that life is difficult and feels like hard labour, when everything “seems impossible until it’s done”, to quote Nelson Mandela. But not today. Today I am not considering the future. Today I just am. I am not trying, expecting, hoping, beseeching, wanting or rushing and I have never felt more exuberant or alive. All my energy is in my awareness rather than being drained out of me through fear.

This feeling is so intensely beautiful. I never want to lose it. I want to live each day going forward like today, without fearing the future or questioning the past. Because this is heaven. This is unquestionably and undeniably the life I am meant to live; and I wouldn’t trade places with anyone. This is exactly the life I want – the one I have.

As I close, I hear the words of Nianell’s song playing out: “Here’s to life as it’s meant to be. Here’s to love and to being free.” She sings of the inner fire of passion burning and her total acceptance in letting it play out as it is meant to. After all that’s it, that's the magic ingredient – acceptance. And when we surrender to our lives in faith that everything always works out for our greater good we access gratitude.

All we need do is drop into acceptance and surrender to being. Heaven is a state created by our choosing to live consciously and it is entirely possible to be in heaven right here, right now.

May I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to you for being exactly who you are and for being in my life. You have made a difference to me. Thank you!

Have a magnificent week

love                                                                                                                                                                     Nicolette


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