This piece is inspired by watching my son's rugby semi-final on Saturday. I was watching young men falling and being doctored by the paramedics and being patched up or carried off the field on a stretcher. Each time another boy was hurt my heart poured out compassion because he was my son. And then my son did hurt himself and I ached for him just as I ached for all the others who were hurt. It didn't matter which team any of them were playing for. They were all my sons.
I hope this article from my heart inspires you
You and I are the same.
No we're not, you say. We have different colour hair and skin, different nationalities. You're a man and I'm a woman.
We're the same, I insist
How can we be the same when I have children and you don't. You are a career person and I just stay at home?
We are the same. The same universal blood flows through our veins.
We are not related. We have different blood types and we were born in different countries.
We have the same origin of LOVE. We all come from love and will return to love. You and I are each a dollop of love essence from the self-same love pool. It is as if we are both droplets of water from the massive oceans that cover planet earth. Just because you call yourself another name and have gathered a bunch of other droplets to yourself in your click doesn't mean that you and I aren't still water droplets. Just because you entertain certain beliefs about yourself or have experienced life differently to me doesn't change anything. We're the same.
Don't hide behind your excuses and care more for those you have included in your fold. Open your heart. There is space for much, much more love than you ever deemed possible. Love extends past the barriers we build with family, religion, class, social network, sexuality, hobbies and so on. We both want to be loved and appreciated, understood and not suffer. We are the same.
Open your heart with the eyes of your soul and acknowledge that we're just one big family. What happens to one, or another or someone else's loved one happens to us, you and me.
Don't sit by when someone experiences loss and suffering and hide behind your veneer of otherness and gloat in your separateness. It is just the way your ego tricks you into escaping from the truth that one of us is hurt. That someone else, whom you haven't yet had the opportunity of befriending, is the same as your own son or daughter. Don't sigh a huge sigh of relief that it is not you personally who is suffering and send a mental sympathy note of condolence. Dare to feel some emotion because they are you and me. Use your empathy and imagine the suffering of another, don't just stand to a side and numb your feelings towards them with pity as your ego creates a nice big protective divide between you and them.
We are the same. My son, your mother, our neighbour, their gardener. We are all beautiful refractions of Divine light. Don't let us ever forget that. Let us embrace our compassionate hearts and wish for each other blessings of love, health and happiness. Let's use our thoughts which are creation to create a world of caring, a world of unity and togetherness. We are one interconnected Spiritual body.
You and I are the same. I love you and I love me. There is no difference. We exist because of each other.
Have a beautiful week embracing all the beautiful aspects of us.
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