Monday, 5 September 2011

Out with the Old

Spring has sprung and the trees are bursting with little shoots of green. The birds are busy building little homes and doing their flattering dances. Walking through the suburbs this morning, my nose was seduced by nature's perfumery. All of nature seems abuzz with life and abundant energy.

Isn't it fascinating how we are all seduced by the opportunity to have a fresh start, to forget about our yesterdays and focus on creating a new improved, more positive future for ourselves?

It's a time of discarding and sloughing off old stuff that doesn't serve us any more. How often do we notice the feel-good emotions of spring cleaning, whether it is in the garden, our cupboards or ourselves?

Well, I don't know about you, but I have been a very busy bee in my garden for the past couple of weeks. I seem to have shifted mountains of soil, pruned bags full of dead branches and leaves, replanted many a plant that has burst its pot or been crying for a new spot in the garden. I've been composting and top soiling and fertilising and trying to ply the earth with as many nutrients as possible to encourage new life and growth.

I haven't as yet tackled my cupboards, but in due course I will try on my entire summer wardrobe and shed what doesn't work for me any more and that of which I have grown tired. If I haven't worn something in the last two years then I'm not likely to wear it in the near future. Discard, donate, recycle!

However, the thing which is tugging at my conscience, is this: my soul feels like it needs a spring clean. I really feel like I need to let go of a bunch of stored information, whether that is conscious or unconscious. I feel the need to express and unleash some negativity, some anger, a whole dollop of old conditioning, sadness, preconceived ideas that no longer serve me and a bunch more.

It rather feels like when we are catching a ride in the lift at the local shopping centre and the door opens on the floor at which we wish to exit. But before we have the opportunity to navigate our way to the door, a whole bunch of keen shoppers squash themselves in, causing those of us, wishing to vacate to stagnate.

Ha, ha... That's exactly what I'm feeling like right now. If I don't get rid of all this old baggage, firstly I'll stagnate and secondly there is no room for new ideas. The lift is full to capacity.

So right now, as I go within and observe the status quo, all is not so calm and peaceful and ready for the surge of fresh ideas with spring. I am feeling an intense need to purge myself of my old habits, my old thinking, some past undealt with issues and even some stuff that I don't even know exists. Does that make any sense?

I feel as though I need to have a good cleansing cry, to open the floodgates and wash out all the old debris that is stagnating my soul and restricting my growth.

So here's to looking deep inside ourselves, evaluating our old beliefs and honouring them for the lessons they brought and then allowing them to wash right through and out of us, making space for the innovative and the explorative.

After all it is the season of:"out with the old and in with the new!"

Embrace your spring cleaning in body, mind and soul!
Have a good cry, a quiet meditation or a physical workout, whatever you need to clear out the cobwebs, set new intentions and honour yourself.

until next week

lots of love

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