Monday, 29 August 2011

It's Me!

"Isn't it funny how we hide behind our fears?....
 Isn't it funny how we always play pretend?
 Isn't it funny how we try to fool the world?
 Isn't it typical to blame someone else?
 Isn't it typical to make a lame excuse?"

These are some of the words from one of my favourite songs by Nianell.

She further sings about:"If you know what's inside of you
Why not believe in what you can do
Do you know you can change the way things are?
If you can see it
You can be it!"

What powerful words of wisdom.

How often when we are miserable do we lash out at those nearest and dearest to us and lay blame and guilt at their feet. Is it because we need those around us to feel our sufferance and pain? We need to try and drag them down to our level of pain.

Perhaps we haven't realised that all we need do is reach down deep inside ourselves and find our own inner wisdom and truth. Nobody can make us unhappy. We are responsible for making our own happiness. When we realise this important truth, when we can actually see it! Then we can live and be it!

I received the most gorgeous prayer last week from Kim, my hairdresser, and it goes like this:
" Lord grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change
  the courage to change the one I can and...
  the wisdom to know it's ME!"

Oh, and not one of us is off the hook here, because it is not someone else's problem or someone else's fault. We all do have the power to change our worlds around us. We can start by changing how we choose to perceive our lives and  how we react to them. We can decide to make the most out of whatever opportunities life presents us with and we can decide to enjoy the ride.

Because each one of us is worth it!

Let's spend the next 7 days focusing on what we can do to bring more joy into our lives
Here are some ideas to which you'll add a whole lot more of your own...
Make a list of what's good in your life. When you get to 20 things you'll start smiling
Know that there are always a million people worse off than yourself
Surprise a friend with an impromptu visit or call
Stroke a pet or a baby. Really connect and focus your attention on enjoying giving love and affection without receiving anything in return
Make time for precious you to enjoy a favourite hobby
Listen to your favourite songs
Find people to compliment daily
Say: "I love you" and mean it!
Plan to do something on your bucket list, don't wait until you're too old
Spend time outdoors, whether it's riding motorbikes, hiking or gardening
Do little things that make you feel special, buy flowers for yourself or make a small pot of tea just for you and sit in a quiet spot and savour the moment
Enjoy the deliciousness of sunrise or sunset. Spring is here!
Literally smell the roses or the jasmine and pick some for your bathroom
Have a gorgeous candlelit bath
Make your favourite meal
Wear your best underwear today. What are you saving it for, your funeral?

Now is the time to love and spoil yourself and
Enjoy your life!

Happy self loving and spoiling yourselves
because you can!
Have an awesome week

love you

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