Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Guilt Free!

Wow! Have I been dancing since we last chatted? Oh yes! And how free of guilt I am feeling. Something has shifted and it feels so amazing.

Have you changed your dance since last week?

Well, you know how we discussed that we have the power to choose another dance at any time in our lives? I have consciously decided to stop being so controlling on my myself. I have let go of the fear of my sugar addiction and have surrendered to my greater truth, trusting and knowing that I am balanced and whole without doing anything.

This weekend, which was a four-day long weekend, I spent so much time in the garden, at home pottering, gardening, watching nice movies, basking in the sun and today walking with friends and lunching at the Botanical Gardens.

How energising it is to spend time in nature!

Nature is so pure. It is consciousness. It just is. How energised we become by just being PRESENT i.e. when we can switch off the nagging computer voice in our heads, that is constantly making judgements, and rather just go with the flow of life.

"In the sky there is no distinction of east or west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true" is a quote I picked up recently.

How awesome it is to not constantly be casting self judgements. How wonderful to enjoy lunch with friends and not have to wrestle with the menu to find something to eat, not have to recreate a dish, but rather just order something as it appears on the menu, knowing that it will not kill me. It was wonderful to not feel bad or guilty or remorseful afterwards, just pure pleasure.

Isn't that how life is meant to feel? Well, if we choose that dance, that is.

I hope you're experimenting choosing other dances and finding your intended outcome. Remember you're in charge of your own destiny.

And you deserve it!

love you


1 comment:

  1. happy women's day, glad that you had a great one!
    you deserve it :)
