How often I find myself skirting over
issues, applying a quick fix or rationalising a problem and putting a band aid
over it. I assume the issue is sorted. But is it?
A wise
shaman told me that sometimes it
is necessary to retrieve the past sufferance of long ago, to unpack it and
allow oneself to mourn. Sometimes it is necessary because the tears are embedded and stuck and
have no way of being brought to the surface.
I don’t know
about you, but I tend to be the person who looks for quick solutions. I forgive quickly and move on, denying myself any form of grieving or
self-pity. I am
pretty much an impatient, instant gratification type of woman.
The shaman
warned me that there are many layers to forgiveness.
We start with the outer layer, but
soon it becomes evident as time passes that there are deeper
layers to address.
We need to learn to trust again. We need to allow a certain time to grieve. We
need to be patient and allow the feelings of sadness,
loss, regret or of disappointment to wash through us. We need to honour
ourselves with loving tenderness and kindness.
Crying I am
learning is such a necessary part of the healing process. It is a very
important criteria in detoxifying, cleansing and purifying the body, mind and
soul. Having a good cry releases certain hormones like serotonin and lowers the
pulse rate. As a result, we are afforded the space to assess our situation with
renewed calm, through fresh eyes, as it were.
So, today I
am going deeper. I know there is still work to be done, and will be until my
dying day. It is my intention to dig out the old wounds, ones I don’t even
remember. I intend to uncover the scars that are creating
blockages that prevent me from accessing my full capacity to love unconditionally.
My adult self will
embrace my small child self and comfort her as she cries.
I don’t know
what the process will reveal, but I am making it my intention to allow it to
unfold as it is meant to. I am going to see what shows up and take it from
I have been
warned that it will take time. I need to allow myself time to remember. I know the greatest challenge I face is going to be the act of sitting,
not doing, but just listening.
Anyhow, I
have decided to drop my tough girl mask, and journey to the depths in humility
and compassion.
I forgive myself today for my
ignorance and innocence that denied me the space and time to grieve at the appropriate time.
So, I know
what I am doing this week. What are you up to? Whatever it is, may you be
All my love
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