Monday, 19 January 2015


In response to the statements Zelda le Grange made on Twitter a few days ago, John Robbie shared his advice, this morning, about tweeting when you’re angry. He suggests taking a few deep breaths and walking away, before you commit your tirade to history, because once on social media, always on social media.

I have a ‘soul-ution’. I call it the 24 hour rule. If you are offended by something someone said, sleep on it for 24 hours and allow your emotions to settle. If you still feel strongly about an issue after a cooling off period, then voice your opinion. 

When we allow ourselves to become emotional rollercoasters, we are irrational and often incoherent. Our egos go to war to protect themselves from all sorts of perceived hurts and damages. We put on protective armour to shield a part of ourselves that is just an illusion.

Ego is just the façade of who we are. Ego is not the real deal. So, step back behind the mask you show the world and connect within to the soul person you are.

By realigning to your spirit-self you will awaken to the knowing that nothing anyone says or does to you can harm your spirit. Your spirit doesn’t have a colour, gender, image or agenda. 

Many of us are bearing the scars of our childhood, but it is our responsibility to determine how we are going to manage that. We have the choice to react to every situation as though we are still freshly persecuted. We can continue to punish our present relationships with our old wounds.
We have the choice to paint our futures with the colour of our pain. But we don’t have to. Why not choose a different colour, the colour BEAUTIFUL.
It’s time we make the only rational choice, to let go of our pasts, detach ourselves from all the unconscious behaviour of our persecutors, and stop blaming our parents, partners, siblings and all the other imperfect people in our midst for their shortcomings. 

Let’s stop undermining our present experience with all our blame, guilt, need for revenge and retribution for the misdeeds of the past. We know of the wrongs and the hurts. We have been there. Let’s not carry the pain into our futures.
For the benefit of your life going forward, press the DELETE button. Just do it. Clear the memory so you can start afresh. It is never too late to have a happy life. Stand in front of the empty canvas that is your life and colour it beautiful!
Have a magnificent week precious soul

All my love

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