Monday, 7 July 2014

Lesson from a Toilet Seat

Disclaimer: Please read this article at your own risk. It contains sensitive subject material.

Here’s the thing. I am the only woman in a household of three men. And did you know that this scenario is a bit off balance especially when it comes to the TV remote, sport and the toilet seat?
Anyhow, I generally pride myself that I am evolved enough to go with the flow and be one of the boys … most times if not all…

So here’s the scenario. I was cleaning up the line of pee behind the toilet seat on Sunday morning and having my own private bitch session in the process. I was wondering just how hard it is for anyone to wipe up their spillages whilst they’re fresh… and then it occurred to me…

I can bitch and moan about the inevitable every single time I do the wipe down act. But, all my anger is doing for me is ruining my day. My seething is internal and only harms me. I can choose to build a wall of frustration towards the perpetrators of the pee, but I will also suck every bit of joy from this moment.

It then occurred to me that everything in life has an upside and a downside. The toilet seats in my house are always up. So, that is good right? They always have pee behind them so that is a downer, but the potential for pleasure from the perpetrators of the pee is another upside.

So, the lesson I derived from the toilet seat was this. I have the choice to focus on the pleasure or the pee, but whatever I focus on will be quality of my day. I can obsess that I will be mopping up pee ‘til the day I die, and allow that to make me depressed, or I can focus on the pleasure I derive from having a man who comes equipped with the machinery to spray paint our toilet seat, aside from it’s other specialities.

It really is a simple but effective lesson. We have two choices in life – let life piss you off or take the piss out of it.

So, thank you boys for the lesson from the toilet seat.

Have a wonderful week, whether it is sprinkling or sanitizing.

All my love

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