So many people are searching for something. It could be love, happiness, self-fulfilment, self-worth, confidence, passion, wisdom, a reason to get up in the morning and so the list goes on.
Here's the thing! You won't find any of those things outside yourself. If you are waiting for Mrs or Mr Right to come along and fill you up, you are living a grand illusion. There is no one who will make you whole, who will fix you and complete you. You are you and you are perfect just as you have been created. Everything you need is inside you. All you need to do is go within and uncover the love which is suffocating in piles of stenching debris, old negative beliefs and societal conditioning that don't serve you.
You are LOVE. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are love. You have just forgotten your God-given gift and most precious asset. Go within and uncover the beautiful gem that lies hidden beneath all your prejudices, conditioned thought patterns, societal influences, education, religious brain washing and so on.
You need to uncover your LOVE of self. And you will see that all the wisdom from the beginning of time lies in await for you. All you need to do is go within. Seek it with intention, ask it and it will flow out of you.
Until you love yourself, love from any external source will evade you. You will not believe anyone who tells you they love you, because you have no frame of reference for that within yourself. You have got to love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly and then, and only then, will you be able to give and receive what you already know.
Take this example I am going to share in my talk this Saturday in Newcastle at the 'Leave No Girl Behind' Conference. If someone were to collapse in front of you and were unable to breathe. And if you were inclined to perform CPR on them, what is the first thing you will do? You will take a very large breath of air, wouldn't you? If you didn't, how would you be able to breathe life into them? You can only give what you have got. Now empty your lungs and try and give mouth-to-mouth. You can't. It is impossible to give what you don't have, if you haven't filled yourself up first.
Love is like that, and so too is happiness, self-confidence, passion, peace and self-worth. You have to imbibe it and fill yourself up from within and then you will ooze it. Then you will become a human magnet because everyone will want what you have got and they can't beg, borrow, buy or steal it.
Do yourself a favour and shut out the busyness of the world. Just invest some time for you. Go within to your inner recesses and sit with your soul. Reacquaint yourself with the God/Goddess within. Remember your birth right and fill your thirsty, dehydrated self with love, joy, peace and power from your bottomless well of LOVE.
Search no more. YOU ARE LOVE and don't you ever forget it!
Have a beautiful week, special soul
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