Monday, 5 August 2013

Find the Door

A friend shared with me once about a dream she had had. It was about her trying to cross a gigantic fence. In her dream she was trying to climb the fence and bash though it to no avail. The fence was just too high and too tough. It was a massive obstacle.

After her full account of the dream, I candidly remarked: "But why didn't you just walk along the fence until you found the gate?"

We chuckled at the stupidity of trying to tear down an indestructible object, but how often do we try and do this in our daily lives. We have a predetermined objective and outcome and we stick rigidly to our planned execution thereof, ignoring the signs and help we are offered from the side lines. We are so stubborn in our desire to execute our plans as we imagine best, that very often we neglect to see the door that is standing wide open.

We obsess and rant on about how tough it is and how hard we have to fight. But if we were to just stand back and take stock for a moment and stop beating down the walls we'd see the doors. There are always doors to choose from. We just need to open our hearts to see them.

Often times the reason we don't see the doors is because we're too afraid. We don't want to entertain the thought that we could be wrong in our pursuit to 'do it my way at whatever the cost'. We perceive that it would be effort to go through the whole process of tacking it differently. But how difficult is it to simply walk through a door? There is absolutely no effort involved. You see, we make life laborious and effortful because we don't still our minds to see.

If we can surrender the need to control, which is based on our fear of failure, and have faith in the supply of all the tools we need from the Spiritual realm, then we place our trust in the outworking of our lives for the highest good of all and for the perfect manifestation of our life purpose here on Earth.

When life gets tough, just take a few steps backwards, breathe, close your eyes in order to rearrange your focus. Dare to consider a fresh new approach. Step outside your frame of reference. Look for the signs. Listen. Observe. Step into your feminine side.

We are so programmed into being in our masculine energy - making, getting, doing and achieving; that we forget to embrace our feminine energy, which we all have. When we step into our feminine side we are the listener, the observer, the nurturer, the receiver and the intuitive.

We need to be whole hearted, balanced beings and to be that we need to embrace both halves. We need the drive and determination to succeed, but we also need the quiet discipline of being receptive to receive.

So, this week, I say: "Stand back and the doors will be revealed".

have an excellent week


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