So many people are searching for something. It could be love, happiness, self-fulfilment, self-worth, confidence, passion, wisdom, a reason to get up in the morning and so the list goes on.
Here's the thing! You won't find any of those things outside yourself. If you are waiting for Mrs or Mr Right to come along and fill you up, you are living a grand illusion. There is no one who will make you whole, who will fix you and complete you. You are you and you are perfect just as you have been created. Everything you need is inside you. All you need to do is go within and uncover the love which is suffocating in piles of stenching debris, old negative beliefs and societal conditioning that don't serve you.
You are LOVE. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are love. You have just forgotten your God-given gift and most precious asset. Go within and uncover the beautiful gem that lies hidden beneath all your prejudices, conditioned thought patterns, societal influences, education, religious brain washing and so on.
You need to uncover your LOVE of self. And you will see that all the wisdom from the beginning of time lies in await for you. All you need to do is go within. Seek it with intention, ask it and it will flow out of you.
Until you love yourself, love from any external source will evade you. You will not believe anyone who tells you they love you, because you have no frame of reference for that within yourself. You have got to love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly and then, and only then, will you be able to give and receive what you already know.
Take this example I am going to share in my talk this Saturday in Newcastle at the 'Leave No Girl Behind' Conference. If someone were to collapse in front of you and were unable to breathe. And if you were inclined to perform CPR on them, what is the first thing you will do? You will take a very large breath of air, wouldn't you? If you didn't, how would you be able to breathe life into them? You can only give what you have got. Now empty your lungs and try and give mouth-to-mouth. You can't. It is impossible to give what you don't have, if you haven't filled yourself up first.
Love is like that, and so too is happiness, self-confidence, passion, peace and self-worth. You have to imbibe it and fill yourself up from within and then you will ooze it. Then you will become a human magnet because everyone will want what you have got and they can't beg, borrow, buy or steal it.
Do yourself a favour and shut out the busyness of the world. Just invest some time for you. Go within to your inner recesses and sit with your soul. Reacquaint yourself with the God/Goddess within. Remember your birth right and fill your thirsty, dehydrated self with love, joy, peace and power from your bottomless well of LOVE.
Search no more. YOU ARE LOVE and don't you ever forget it!
Have a beautiful week, special soul
Monday, 26 August 2013
Monday, 19 August 2013
Life is Sexually Transmitted
I loved this quote which was sent to me by a friend today. Actually it made me giggle and contemplate just how stuck-up we can be about our separateness and exclusivity. If we imagine we can create an island around ourselves and live in isolation from others, we are living in a grand illusion.
This crazy statement really stirred up some mud in my single-focused, male-dominated brain and got my creative juices flowing.
I started to ponder how much of our lives is transference and how much is static.
I started with LOVE, because Love is our prime motive here on Earth. Love cannot be owned, bought or sold. It is given freely and is transferred from one to another. It is in constant motion. It is pure energy which cannot be destroyed only transferred or transformed. We are literally receivers and transmitters of love from one to another. What about happiness, laughter, sadness, stress, actually all of our emotions? Again we transfer, transfuse or transmute all of these emotions from ourselves to others.
Everything in our midst is energy and is in constant motion. We like to imagine ourselves as singular, insular beings with rigid exteriors, but we are not. Our field of energy is greater than the extent of our physical form. We are transmitting energy every second, just as we are constantly receiving energy. We are alive and happening.
We are transmitters of life. How beautiful is that? Did you ever think of yourself as an energy transmitter and receiver - receiving and sending messages, ideas, feelings, information, thoughts, intentions and so much more?
Our physical eyes are continuously receiving transmitted signals of refracted light. Our physical ears are perpetual receivers of sound waves. Our heart centres are continuously filtering and receiving emotional signals because emotions are the language of our souls. When we greet one another with a handshake, a hug or a kiss we are transmitting and receiving healing energy, the energy of the Divine, 'Love'.
So here's my question. If you could choose and you can, which energy you'd like to transfer would your choice be love or hatred, happiness or sadness, vitality or depression? We do have the power to receive negative energy and transform it into positive energy. It is up to us. The easiest and laziest option of course is to just sling the negativity on into perpetuity, but the option which takes a bit of endeavour is that of transforming dark energy into love.
And this is where our Earth purpose lies. We have the choice to be mindless conduits through which energy passes whether good or bad, or we can take responsibility for being transformers of negative energy into positive energy.
I say, Let's be transformers. Let's not just allow life to happen and transmit through us. Let's rather shape and create life with our full creative potential, in brilliance, happiness and LOVE.
Have a magical week transforming your life
This crazy statement really stirred up some mud in my single-focused, male-dominated brain and got my creative juices flowing.
I started to ponder how much of our lives is transference and how much is static.
I started with LOVE, because Love is our prime motive here on Earth. Love cannot be owned, bought or sold. It is given freely and is transferred from one to another. It is in constant motion. It is pure energy which cannot be destroyed only transferred or transformed. We are literally receivers and transmitters of love from one to another. What about happiness, laughter, sadness, stress, actually all of our emotions? Again we transfer, transfuse or transmute all of these emotions from ourselves to others.
Everything in our midst is energy and is in constant motion. We like to imagine ourselves as singular, insular beings with rigid exteriors, but we are not. Our field of energy is greater than the extent of our physical form. We are transmitting energy every second, just as we are constantly receiving energy. We are alive and happening.
We are transmitters of life. How beautiful is that? Did you ever think of yourself as an energy transmitter and receiver - receiving and sending messages, ideas, feelings, information, thoughts, intentions and so much more?
Our physical eyes are continuously receiving transmitted signals of refracted light. Our physical ears are perpetual receivers of sound waves. Our heart centres are continuously filtering and receiving emotional signals because emotions are the language of our souls. When we greet one another with a handshake, a hug or a kiss we are transmitting and receiving healing energy, the energy of the Divine, 'Love'.
So here's my question. If you could choose and you can, which energy you'd like to transfer would your choice be love or hatred, happiness or sadness, vitality or depression? We do have the power to receive negative energy and transform it into positive energy. It is up to us. The easiest and laziest option of course is to just sling the negativity on into perpetuity, but the option which takes a bit of endeavour is that of transforming dark energy into love.
And this is where our Earth purpose lies. We have the choice to be mindless conduits through which energy passes whether good or bad, or we can take responsibility for being transformers of negative energy into positive energy.
I say, Let's be transformers. Let's not just allow life to happen and transmit through us. Let's rather shape and create life with our full creative potential, in brilliance, happiness and LOVE.
Have a magical week transforming your life
Monday, 12 August 2013
Man Up or Be a Woman?
I spent my long weekend embracing my femininity, showering myself in wonderful quiet time alone, interspersed with an art movie or two, a powerful bliss dance session on Friday night and curled up in front of my fireplace with my new book, Kagiso Msimango's' The Goddess Bootcamp.
Kagiso's book is a journey into unravelling the essence of what makes a woman a Goddess rather than a doormat. Of course, we'd all rather be a Goddess or share the presence of a Goddess than a doormat wouldn't we?
It was when she mentioned the list of commonly used sayings, that I too have used on numerous occasions, that a light bulb went on inside my head.
These are things we say to one another in jest and complete innocence: "Man up!" "Stop being a girl!" "You son of a bitch!" "Grow some balls!"
However, if we look at the underlying meaning of those words, what are we saying? That to be a man is right and to be a woman is wrong? Aren't we implying that our masculine energy is preferable to our feminine energy. These sayings are nothing other than derogatory to the feminine. They imply that women are bitches, bimbos, sissies or whores.
We need to look closely at our inherited conditioning and weed out the legacies that don't serve us. If we continue to blurt out these kind of statements without considering the effect it has on all of those in our midst, including ourselves, we will continue to create a sexist, bullying, capitalist, dog-eat-dog kind of world.
I am not trying to take the fun out of life, I am merely pointing out the importance of bringing consciousness to our thoughts, intentions and words. You see, if we continue to use phrases like this we will continue to devalue the feminine and worship the masculine. We tell our sons to "Man up!" as if they need to be any more manly in this male-dominated world. What we actually need, and that is ALL of us, is a lot more softness, compassion and receptivity. But we continue to repeat these sayings even amongst women, to motivate ourselves to be strong, courageous, go-getter's who will stop at nothing to get out on top.
It has been 60 odd years since the radical women libbers burnt their bras in a public protest for equality between the sexes. Their cry to be heard just escalated women into their masculinity as they fought to make it and measure up to men.
My question is this. How long does it take for the conditioning of our pasts to be eradicated?
To change our world we need to nurture our feminine energy. We have spent centuries in our masculine and look where it has gotten us. War, hatred, crime, greed, masses of homeless, starving people. Our world is crying out for softness, empathy, love and nurturing.
Embrace your feminine, whether you're a man or woman. Cherish your femininity and discover your innate power. Don't lose or devalue your masculinity, rather curtail the man in you and invest time in coaxing your woman out of the shadows. For out of woman's womb came all of creation.
Have a blissful week ahead
Kagiso's book is a journey into unravelling the essence of what makes a woman a Goddess rather than a doormat. Of course, we'd all rather be a Goddess or share the presence of a Goddess than a doormat wouldn't we?
It was when she mentioned the list of commonly used sayings, that I too have used on numerous occasions, that a light bulb went on inside my head.
These are things we say to one another in jest and complete innocence: "Man up!" "Stop being a girl!" "You son of a bitch!" "Grow some balls!"
However, if we look at the underlying meaning of those words, what are we saying? That to be a man is right and to be a woman is wrong? Aren't we implying that our masculine energy is preferable to our feminine energy. These sayings are nothing other than derogatory to the feminine. They imply that women are bitches, bimbos, sissies or whores.
We need to look closely at our inherited conditioning and weed out the legacies that don't serve us. If we continue to blurt out these kind of statements without considering the effect it has on all of those in our midst, including ourselves, we will continue to create a sexist, bullying, capitalist, dog-eat-dog kind of world.
I am not trying to take the fun out of life, I am merely pointing out the importance of bringing consciousness to our thoughts, intentions and words. You see, if we continue to use phrases like this we will continue to devalue the feminine and worship the masculine. We tell our sons to "Man up!" as if they need to be any more manly in this male-dominated world. What we actually need, and that is ALL of us, is a lot more softness, compassion and receptivity. But we continue to repeat these sayings even amongst women, to motivate ourselves to be strong, courageous, go-getter's who will stop at nothing to get out on top.
It has been 60 odd years since the radical women libbers burnt their bras in a public protest for equality between the sexes. Their cry to be heard just escalated women into their masculinity as they fought to make it and measure up to men.
My question is this. How long does it take for the conditioning of our pasts to be eradicated?
To change our world we need to nurture our feminine energy. We have spent centuries in our masculine and look where it has gotten us. War, hatred, crime, greed, masses of homeless, starving people. Our world is crying out for softness, empathy, love and nurturing.
Embrace your feminine, whether you're a man or woman. Cherish your femininity and discover your innate power. Don't lose or devalue your masculinity, rather curtail the man in you and invest time in coaxing your woman out of the shadows. For out of woman's womb came all of creation.
Have a blissful week ahead
Monday, 5 August 2013
Find the Door
A friend shared with me once about a dream she had had. It was about her trying to cross a gigantic fence. In her dream she was trying to climb the fence and bash though it to no avail. The fence was just too high and too tough. It was a massive obstacle.
After her full account of the dream, I candidly remarked: "But why didn't you just walk along the fence until you found the gate?"
We chuckled at the stupidity of trying to tear down an indestructible object, but how often do we try and do this in our daily lives. We have a predetermined objective and outcome and we stick rigidly to our planned execution thereof, ignoring the signs and help we are offered from the side lines. We are so stubborn in our desire to execute our plans as we imagine best, that very often we neglect to see the door that is standing wide open.
We obsess and rant on about how tough it is and how hard we have to fight. But if we were to just stand back and take stock for a moment and stop beating down the walls we'd see the doors. There are always doors to choose from. We just need to open our hearts to see them.
Often times the reason we don't see the doors is because we're too afraid. We don't want to entertain the thought that we could be wrong in our pursuit to 'do it my way at whatever the cost'. We perceive that it would be effort to go through the whole process of tacking it differently. But how difficult is it to simply walk through a door? There is absolutely no effort involved. You see, we make life laborious and effortful because we don't still our minds to see.
If we can surrender the need to control, which is based on our fear of failure, and have faith in the supply of all the tools we need from the Spiritual realm, then we place our trust in the outworking of our lives for the highest good of all and for the perfect manifestation of our life purpose here on Earth.
When life gets tough, just take a few steps backwards, breathe, close your eyes in order to rearrange your focus. Dare to consider a fresh new approach. Step outside your frame of reference. Look for the signs. Listen. Observe. Step into your feminine side.
We are so programmed into being in our masculine energy - making, getting, doing and achieving; that we forget to embrace our feminine energy, which we all have. When we step into our feminine side we are the listener, the observer, the nurturer, the receiver and the intuitive.
We need to be whole hearted, balanced beings and to be that we need to embrace both halves. We need the drive and determination to succeed, but we also need the quiet discipline of being receptive to receive.
So, this week, I say: "Stand back and the doors will be revealed".
have an excellent week
After her full account of the dream, I candidly remarked: "But why didn't you just walk along the fence until you found the gate?"
We chuckled at the stupidity of trying to tear down an indestructible object, but how often do we try and do this in our daily lives. We have a predetermined objective and outcome and we stick rigidly to our planned execution thereof, ignoring the signs and help we are offered from the side lines. We are so stubborn in our desire to execute our plans as we imagine best, that very often we neglect to see the door that is standing wide open.
We obsess and rant on about how tough it is and how hard we have to fight. But if we were to just stand back and take stock for a moment and stop beating down the walls we'd see the doors. There are always doors to choose from. We just need to open our hearts to see them.
Often times the reason we don't see the doors is because we're too afraid. We don't want to entertain the thought that we could be wrong in our pursuit to 'do it my way at whatever the cost'. We perceive that it would be effort to go through the whole process of tacking it differently. But how difficult is it to simply walk through a door? There is absolutely no effort involved. You see, we make life laborious and effortful because we don't still our minds to see.
If we can surrender the need to control, which is based on our fear of failure, and have faith in the supply of all the tools we need from the Spiritual realm, then we place our trust in the outworking of our lives for the highest good of all and for the perfect manifestation of our life purpose here on Earth.
When life gets tough, just take a few steps backwards, breathe, close your eyes in order to rearrange your focus. Dare to consider a fresh new approach. Step outside your frame of reference. Look for the signs. Listen. Observe. Step into your feminine side.
We are so programmed into being in our masculine energy - making, getting, doing and achieving; that we forget to embrace our feminine energy, which we all have. When we step into our feminine side we are the listener, the observer, the nurturer, the receiver and the intuitive.
We need to be whole hearted, balanced beings and to be that we need to embrace both halves. We need the drive and determination to succeed, but we also need the quiet discipline of being receptive to receive.
So, this week, I say: "Stand back and the doors will be revealed".
have an excellent week
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