Monday, 11 February 2013

Trust like a girl

How many times have you overheard someone say: "I have prayed and prayed for xyz and God never answers my prayers"?

Well I was reading Gary Zukav's book, 'Soul Stories' this weekend and there was a story he shared that resonated with me.

It was a story about a little girl who had so much faith. She asked God that it would snow on her birthday. Her parents were concerned because her birthday was in the middle of summer and they knew there was no chance of their daughter having her wishes realised.

The day dawned and it did not snow. The little girl was happy and had a wonderful birthday. When her parents asked her if she was upset with God for not answering her prayer, she declared that God did answer. He said: "No".

What an amazing lesson from a babe. It is a lesson firstly of acceptance. And secondly it is a lesson of faith. It is saying, "Whatever the outcome, God, I trust your decision, because you know what is best for all of us."

If you consider the number of times you have requested a possible outcome that God declined then just be grateful that God knows best and that you're not in charge of all of earth's decisions, because if all of us had our prayers answered all the time, this world would be an utter mess.

One man's prayer for no rain because it would spoil his moonlight dinner date would be counter to the man who prayed for rain so that his crops didn't die.

It's funny how we assume to know, from our limited perspective, what is in our best interest.

It really is when we surrender to God's perfect will without questioning or complaining or assuming to know better, that life becomes lighter and happier. When we can accept the inevitable outcome with the simplicity of the little girl, we are living in presence. We honour God because we have complete trust in the evolution of our souls as we handle the experiences that life dishes up for us.

We don't assume to know better. We just live each moment as it happens and delight in the ups and the downs because we know when we're down that our next moment will be up again.

You see trust doesn't mean that you are believing in your perfectly engineered outcome. That is ego. Trust is surrendering your ego and having complete faith that everything will work out just fine. Faith is not in human endeavour. Faith is in God/Spirit. Faith is about being flexible to the flow and the rhythm of the universe and trusting that God will equip you with all the strength and power that you need to cope with your experiences.

It's a simple lesson, but a powerful one.

My prayer for you is that you can embrace this truth and have the faith of a small child this week.

richest blessings of love and joy


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