Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Madiba Nelson Mandela

I  wish to sign out of 2013 on a high note with inspiration from one of my greatest teachers.

                                               Madiba, you taught me so much.

You taught me never to judge someone for their past. Nobody deserves that. We deserve rather to be valued for what we became, for what we learned from our life's experience and how we evolved into who we are today.

You taught me the importance of treating everyone as a friend, because every stranger is just a friend I have not yet met. And you challenged me to cross the Rubicon and befriend those I fear and mistrust or those who I assume don't like me. When I realised that we are all the same and that we all have the same desires and needs, the thought of separation and division just melted away.

You taught me the meaning of 'Ubuntu'. I am who I am because of who we all are. This has become my mantra. It is no longer just a beautiful saying. I resonate with its truth. I am no less and no more than each other individual or the greater whole. We are all one people, Spirit's people. We are all one blood, the blood of Spirit/Love. We are all sisters and brothers and we are all children of the same/one-and-only God.

You taught me the importance of sticking steadfastly to my goals even in adversity and even when there appears to be no hope. Your 27 years of imprisonment, though they must have felt insurmountable and at times overwhelming with feelings of defeat, your strength in upholding your beliefs against all odds won in the end.

You taught me the importance of education. You never wasted a minute during the time you served. You invested your time and efforts in studying everything possible to empower yourself with knowledge and wisdom, so that you could emerge a true genius in understanding the minds of your adversaries. You used your education to empower yourself to think outside the box, to challenge the conditioning of the world in which you found yourself and give you the tools to steer humanity from hatred to love. You are a teacher second-to-none.

You taught me the importance of having a belief that you are prepared to die for and to never give up.

You taught me the importance of caring for others, for selflessly being of service to others and going out there and finding someone who is in need. As Christ said "The harvest is plenty, the workers are few." You have inspired me to give to others, even if it is merely a smile, a compliment, a hug or a helping hand.

You proved to me that there is a way out of discrimination and intolerance of one another's beliefs. At your memorial service yesterday spiritual leaders and political leaders of the full spectrum united in their appreciation and adoration of you. Your ideals were founded out of humanitarianism and not out of any man-made religion or dogma. Your guiding light is Love/Spirit/God and anything that is of God unites us, and anything that is not of God divides us. Anything that divides is done out of fear and 'unlove'.

You taught me that Love and Forgiveness are inseparable and that these two, which in fact are one, are the only thing worth living and striving for. You planted a seed within my heart to propagate the message of self-love and to be of service to others in helping them let go of their pasts and to show them how forgiveness is achievable. It is possible to completely relinquish attachment to the past and live unencumbered and free.

It is my greatest wish to propagate this message to all of humanity and even though I am only one, as you were only one, I will endeavour to be the best I can be and do whatever I can do. I cannot do everything, but I can and will do something.

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world, for indeed; that's all who ever have."
Margaret Meade.

I wish to play out with this most amazing you-tube clip of Johnny Clegg with our late Madiba.

Have the tissues handy when you do.

I wish you and your loved ones the most amazing peace, unconditional love and forgiveness this 'Season of Celebration' and I look forward to connecting with you once again in 2014.

all my love


Thursday, 5 December 2013


The dreaded word!
The single person who has so much suspicion and negativity stacked against her.
Why is it that Mothers-in-law have the worst possible track record?

There are plants named after her that have sharp sword-like leaves.
Mothers-in-law are frequently associated with meddling, interfering, emotional blackmail, dividing families and so it goes on.

I was blessed with a Mother-in-law who was an angel I'm quite sure.

My mother-in-law never took sides. I always felt her support because she was fair and unbiased. 'Mom' as I was blessed to call her was always there for me. She was 100 % available to babysit at the drop of a hat. Nothing was ever too much trouble for her. She always had a genuine concern for others, for their needs and their welfare. She had a knack of making you feel welcome and special. She was 'Mom' and 'Granny' to more than just her family. She was a true giver and when you gave her anything she made you feel that your gift was absolutely appreciated.

It's funny how life's greatest treasures are often only discovered and really appreciated when they are gone. Mom departed from this realm six years ago and one of my favourite memories of her was in her hour of need when she could scarcely breathe. Her cancer had completely taken over her lungs. Chris and I had taken her for a chest x-ray and since we had to wait our turn we had found a wheelchair for Mom because she was too weak to stand. I had sat myself down on the stairway so that I could be close to her and on the same level, 'eye-to-eye'. Mom fussed over me, still every bit the mother hen, and chided "Don't sit there on the cold floor. You will get piles."

I was astounded that even though she was at her lowest and her physical body was giving up on her, her concern was not for herself but for me. She never lost herself in a fight for survival. She had a calmness and complete acceptance of her situation which amazes me to this day.

I wasn't always trusting and giving and fair to 'Mom'. I had my reservations and judgements. I oftentimes spoilt our relationship with my fears and my separateness. I would focus on how I had been brought up and how different my ways were to her ways of doing things. I focused on my otherness and individuality, my stubborn need to do things 'my way'. I would be impatient with Mom when she phoned, but she persisted in calling and offering her caring. I didn't realise the sacrifice, nor the self-driven determination on her part to keep the channels of communication open between us. I didn't appreciate the effort she put in to include and support and nurture me.

Hindsight is such a valuable tool. Now that I have a grandson,  the wheel of life has turned. I have become my Mother-in-law. Well, let's just clarify that. I wish to be everything my Mother-in-law was for me. I want to be there for my grandson's Mommy. I want for her to feel comfortable and safe with any of her concerns, safe knowing that she can trust me. I want for both of my future daughters-in-law to be just like daughters to me. I want them to know that I don't judge them. I love them and care for them just as my own. I want for them to feel safe and loved and cared for and that nothing will ever be too much to ask.

Mom has been one of my greatest role models. She was humble, kind, charitable and loving. And she has inspired me to be the best I can possibly be.

So, if you have a mother-in-law that you value, send her this mail and tell her how much you love and appreciate her.

Strong families make for strong communities, strong countries and an empowered world.

Bless you this week!

all my love

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Giving and Receiving

Everywhere I have been of late I have had different versions of the same conversation with a diverse number of people. The topic of discussion is: Why are there doers and those who happily sit by and watch? How can we create a community where we all participate, if it is indeed possible?

The more I have dwelled on this topic the more it becomes evident to me that I am in judgement of others who aren't like me. I am a self-driven doer. So, from my perspective all others need to be doers, achievers and go-getters too. But this thought projection is flawed. It is thwart with masculine energy and ego. Can we all be doers and givers and go-getters all of the time?

I pondered my need to be the giver because being the receiver makes me feel uncomfortable. As the receiver I feel weak and needy and rather like a loser. I cross examined my desire to be in control and on a superior high because I am the one who has to be the proud doer or giver. How would I fulfil this need without others who willingly accept what I offer them? We can't all be givers, as much as our upbringing has instilled in us that 'it is better to give than receive'. We have brainwashed ourselves into believing this codswallop. How can we give and in our moment of charity judge the person we are giving to as less than ourselves? How can we place ourselves on that pedestal with our puffed up ego and dare to gloat and feel more special than the person who has humbly accepted our gift? It takes humility to receive. The ego loves to be in control of the giving and doing doesn't it?

My ego certainly got caught out. I then examined the option of living in a community where everyone has a role to play. We can't all play the same role. We can't all be care givers, nor can we all be farmers. We need the doers who will actively see to the planting and harvesting and preparation of food. We need doers who will take care of children and education. We need those who will take care of the sick and disabled and those who handle maintenance and security. We need accountants and designers, architects and engineers. We need inventors as well as the work forces to implement the great ideas. We need thinkers and dreamers and planners and motivators. We need those who think outside of the immediate concerns within the community. We need those who are gifted to dream and conceptualise, so we can plan and strategize for the future. We need those who uphold the highest good of everyone in prayer and emotional support too.

And so I came to realise that we are not all doers, in the same way. Some of us are silent doers who go within to receive wisdom. When we are listening, dreaming or planning, we are no less valuable to the community. When we are holding someone's hand or offering a shoulder to cry on, we are no less than the person who is planting cabbages, or cooking the evening meal. We are all valuable and doing our part whether it is receiving acknowledgement or not.

If we are graciously taking advice or accepting a meal or a gift of someone else's time, we are giving that person the gift of allowing them to use their God-given talents for the manifestation of their true life purpose. "Who is gifting who?" I ask. We need each other in order to realise our true potential. We exist because of each other. We need to step aside from our prejudiced egos and the belief that our way is the only way that is right.

We cannot all be givers. It is unrealistic and egotistical to believe that you can just be a 'giver'. We have to find the balance and we have to give others the chance to give to us too. We have to humble ourselves in the realisation that we are all givers and receivers and that the two exist because of each other. Neither is greater or lesser.

We need to pause the frenetic conveyor belt of life and reflect upon the fact that all creation is born out of a thought rather than frantic doing. It is out of boredom that the best inventions are born. So, to judge someone who is appearing to be doing no more than just sitting and thinking or scribbling on a piece of paper, is to say that your way is right and their way is wrong. It is to deduce that you are more worthy or deserving than he/she who is seemingly taking time out and being idle.

Let's stop judging one another as different or lesser, greater or better and just focus on what we each are doing to find real satisfaction in living our life purposefully.

We exist to serve one another. Let's find more ways to be of service to the community and to help one another. Let's pool our resources and share what we have been gifted with. Our togetherness is our only strength. Let's be givers and receivers without any further guilt or judgement. And let's especially thank those who graciously receive from us. It is them whom we need to thank.

And may I thank you, my reader, from the bottom of my heart for willingly allowing me to share what is on my heart. Without your willingness to receive my writings I would be no one and nothing. I would have no purpose and no satisfaction and I would have had no growth either. Thank you for humbly accepting my writings on a weekly basis and to those of you who every now and again write and tell me how my sharing has impacted on your journey, thank you for giving my life meaning.

Have a beautiful week!


Monday, 18 November 2013

Relationship Rescue

This is the article I wrote for this month and I thought I'd share it with you.

Here are my top ten tips on how to save your relationship from disaster.

  1. LOVE YOURSELF. Love yourself wrinkles, cellulite, short comings and all. You are all you’ve got. You are your own best friend, confidante, teacher, guru and so on. Just go within and fill yourself up with unconditional love. You are the only one who will be with you from birth right through until your physical death. You are the only permanent thing in your life. All other relationships will be for a season. Get to know and make friends with yourself. Until you can love yourself unconditionally, you will never be able to love another, nor will you deem yourself worthy of another’s love. Your inner status quo is a reflection of how you see the world, your partner and how you in turn are treated.
  2. BE responsible for your own HAPPINESS. You cannot seek or find happiness anywhere but within yourself. If you place the responsibility of your happiness on your partner’s shoulders, you will have given them the key to your happiness and you will fight with your partner for the rest of your time together over the loss of power that you willingly gave away. Be responsible for doing things that individually make you happy. Your relationship will thrive as a result thereof.
  3. NEVER ASSUME to know what your partner is thinking or feeling. It is so important to communicate your feelings, your thoughts and perceptions, because our perceptions can be so wrong. When we assume to know our partner’s feelings we anticipate their reactions and we set ourselves up for conflict time and again.
  4. BE your AUTHENTIC self. Don’t try to change your or your partner’s personality. It is our differences that attract us to each other in the first place. We are to each other the yin and the yang. We are complimentary opposites for a reason. We balance each other and create an harmonious whole. We also give each other the opportunity to see our weaknesses and  strengths mirrored in each other.
  5. COMMUNICATE what you want, need and feel. Communication is vital to a healthy relationship. Don’t sulk or withdraw. Talking is moving energy. When you clam up your energy becomes stuck and stagnant. As soon as you stop the flow of communication bitterness, anger, frustration and unforgiveness manifest. The longer you withhold communication the more acid and self-destructive the inner turmoil. This negative energy block is the cause of sickness and disease. It will undermine your health and destroy your relationship.
  6. BE 100% HONEST. White lies are the withholding of love. Witholding your feelings is lying too. Lies are possibly the most detrimental behaviour to relationships. Don’t do it. Even though the truth sometimes hurts it will reward you with peace of mind and a relationship that is authentic and real. It is better to be truthful and alone than in a relationship based on lies and mistrust.
  7. WATCH YOUR MIND. Steer your thoughts to the positive in your life. You can either focus on the negative or the positive, but you can’t do both at the same time. It is impossible. You can choose to focus on the 80% good in your partner or the 80% bad. The choice is yours and so is the outcome. Your relationship will reflect what you project with your mind.
  8. PLACE YOUR TRUST IN GOD and not in the human endeavours of your partner. Your partner WILL let you down. He/she is human just like you. And you WILL let your partner down too. If you expect to have a safe and exciting relationship you have just committed your partnership to hell. These two are complete opposites. The only way to have a completely risk-free relationship is to marry a dead person. We are all continually changing, ageing and evolving. Allow your partner the freedom to be and put your trust in Spirit. Everything always works out the way it should, not the way you want it to, but for the highest good of us all.
  9. LEAVE YOUR EGO OUT of it. In any argument step aside from your ego. Always ask yourself if your intentions are for your Highest good, not your selfish good, not your material good, but for the sake of LOVE.
  10. ALWAYS FORGIVE. Forgive yourself and forgive your partner everything. You are both human and you make mistakes. That is how you learn, grow and evolve into a more loving being. Forgiveness is the knowing that whatever happened, happened for a reason. Forgiveness has gratitude for the opportunity to see what you are made of and to become more conscious. FORGIVENESS offers us the opportunity to tear down the barriers we have built against love and to LOVE more deeply.

And after all isn’t that exactly what we all want?

Have an awesome week


Monday, 11 November 2013


Touch is my language. I am a hugger and I connect with humanity and all of nature through my physical senses.

I find situations in which touching is considered inappropriate quite alienating and isolating. If you want to torture me just place me in a glass cage and prevent me from skin-to-skin contact. I need to feel the energy, the heat and the encoded messages that lie skin deep.

I love the transference of love through an encouraging squeeze, the comfort of holding a hand, a supportive stroke on the back, a tension relieving neck rub, or a heartfelt hug. I love to hug people until they smile or until they feel warm, accepted, recognised and appreciated. Some would say that golf levels the playing fields. I say "Try hugging". When you really hug someone and I don't mean a quick embarrassed bumping of two awkward bodies and an even faster withdrawal; you should hold the hug for as long as it takes to feel the merging of two energy fields. When you allow yourself to linger in a hug you are able to connect compassionately with others and all the walls come crumbling down. You can sense a person's ease or dis-ease. You can sense how calm or scattered a person is. You can feel their self-worth or their self-judgements and you can affirm them.

I've decided that we don't touch enough. We really don't. We live behind high walls and drive around in cars with the windows closed. We are germ phobic and fearful. I have memories of walking in a public place when a friend scolded me for touching the hand railing because it was dirty. "Do you know how many people have touched that rail?" she chided. I even find myself recoiling when I stop at the robots with my windows down and a hawker tries to 'high five' me.

We have been gifted with healing hands which are the outward expression of our Spirit's innate essence which is the love we hold at our core. We shouldn't hold back. We shouldn't suppress and restrict that which feels so natural and right. We need to shed our prejudices, our fearful egos and the need to impress others with our aloofness and embrace authenticity. We need to be natural, more childlike, actually more animal. We need to forsake our human etiquette and learn from the animal kingdom. We need to bump noses, rub faces and have more skin-to-skin contact.

Well, that's what I feel, but then as I stated: "Touch is my language of love."

Here's to a week of touching, hand holding, caressing and hugging. If the thought of hugging a person is too scary then hug a tree. Caress the petals of a flower. Draw yourself a sensual bath and languish in the pleasure of the comforting warm water against your skin. Go for a massage. Pet an animal. Find a feather.

Connect through your senses and TOUCH!

lots of love

Monday, 4 November 2013

So Simple

I've been searching and striving for meaning.
I am guilty of looking for the goose bump experiences
I have a fascination with what could be if I were to dig deeper, try harder and seek more earnestly
I always seek the meaning behind the meaning

Oh, how I set my sights high above the sky
My potential owns no limits
Each new day offers me the excitement of discovery and the unveiling of new facts
I am a seeker, a discoverer and life intrigues me.

So, it was with anticipation that I stepped into yesterday
I was attending a 'Divine Feminine' workshop with Hilde Light
I was so excited to be a student for the day
hungry for new inspiration and the necessary tools I assumed I lacked

I was seeking the keys that would unlock the mystery of what it is to be a woman
Tools that would better equip me to be a better version of me
I felt I needed some external answers
I needed to know my purpose, my destiny, my reason for being

During the day we shared and spoke, we cried and we danced
And at the end of the day I realised
That to be a woman is just to be me
To try to be anything more or less is just silly

There is a quiet simplicity in being exactly who and what I am

I laughed at my silliness, my seriousness and my over analytical brain
I laughed and laughed because I realised I've been looking too deep
I have been looking for someone to tell me how to be what I am
For someone to uncover some hidden mystery

And then it dawned on me
I am woman and you cannot improve on that
I am...
and it's as simple as that

Have a wonderful week laughing at yourself too

all my love

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Why Education is so Important

With all the youth in the midst of their year-end examinations, I thought it would be nice to send them some love and encouragement on their paths.

I remember so well the conversations I would have with my mom when I was a teenager. Mom used to tell me that education was important, not so much for the content of what we learned, but that it was more about the discipline of committing to something and seeing it through. It was not so much about the parrot fashion cramming of lots of irrelevant facts, but more about learning the skills to process information, in other words learning to think for oneself.

As a young student, we are oftentimes frustrated because of the limiting subject choices that are offered. We ask: "How will I ever use this seemingly irrelevant information that I have to squash into my brain? What is the point when we have search engines, computers and calculators, and so on?"

The point is that learning is a discipline. It is like gym for the brain. Arnold Schwarzenegger never became the strongest, buffest man in the world without spending hours in the gym pushing weights. You have to exercise the brain to keep it agile and supple. It really doesn't matter which courses or subjects you choose. It is the brain gym that counts. Mom always told me that the more languages you were able to learn at a young age, the more easily you would be able to pick up yet more languages when you were older. Have you noticed that those who speak more than three languages seem to have an absolute ease at learning more? Their brains are so developed with regards to languages. It is as though the pathways are connected and open.

The Maths we study at school goes far beyond the realms that we will utilise in our daily lives, however it stretches our brains so that we are able to think outside of our little boxes and imagine and create, because that's where our destinies lie. Our futures depend on our ability to become entrepreneurial and to think for ourselves.

Gone are the days where each learner is assured of a job. Gone are the days of being a button pusher or clerk. Machines and computers are taking over those rolls, and we humans are required to be thinkers and creators.

When I cut out of a piece of cloth and sew a duvet cover or a slip cover for my couch, I am truly grateful for the spatial concepts I learned in Geometry. When I write my blog I am grateful for all those boring lessons I endured in English. I was never an 'A'' or a 'B' student in English. I struggled with poetry and creative writing and yet today I am a self-published author. I learned the grammar and I persevered with the discipline and today it has paid off.

I studied to be a ballet dancer at University and after 3 years as a professional ballet dancer, I realised that it wasn't the profession for me. However the discipline I endured became instilled in me and has enabled me to stay at my computer and write into the early hours of the morning. Working as a performer has helped me with my speaking career. Learning choreography and lighting helped me with my photographic career. Every bit of learning has been utilised. Not a single thing I ever learned has been a waste of time.

So, I want to encourage you, if you are in the process of trying to cram much seemingly irrelevant knowledge into a brain that feels the size of a pea. Never give up! Every scrap of information that you can gather will reward you in years to come and if you invest the time and discipline now, you will be so glad you did.

I encourage you to see education as a wonderful opportunity that will open doors for you that you can't yet see. Commit to study because it is the best exercise for your brain and the more supple your brain, the more choices you will be afforded as you enter the world of adulthood.

Good luck sweet students of life! I am sending you love and the will to persevere. May patience be your constant buddy and determination your guiding spirit. You can do anything you put your mind to.

all my love

Monday, 21 October 2013

Who Would you be?

Who would you be without the thought that you are not good enough?
Who would you be without the belief that you are imperfect?
How would you feel without your debilitating self-judgements?
Who would you be if you were to remove the layers of doubt you hold about yourself?
Who would you be without the thought that you are different to all other human beings?
How would you feel if you could live without fear, fear of judgement from yourself and fear of judgement from others?
How would you feel if you entertained the notion that we are all the same?
How would you choose to live your life differently if you didn't entertain any of those perceptions?

You'd be perfect, powerful, content and free!

You are not your mind.
You are not your thoughts
You are not your ego nor your emotions
You are the silent observer of all of these attributes
You are above your mind
You do not have to play victim to the movies your mind plays out
They are merely memories of a time gone by.
Your mind can never give you anything new.
It is like a computer. It only gives you what you have fed into it.

You have a duty to observe your mind and steer it towards happy memories
You hold the power key over your mind
The choice of whether you replay the happy DVDs or the unhappy ones are entirely up to you.
Did you know that?
Did you know you have the ability to choose the life you have?
Did you know that you cannot focus on a happy thought and an unhappy one at the same time?
It is impossible. Try it! You can't.
You get to choose which script you want to run with, which thoughts you'll use to sculpt your life going forward.
Life doesn't have to be the way it is. You don't have to be the next accident waiting to happen.

We spoke two weeks ago about DNA, which is only responsible for 1.5% of our human encoding procedures. The rest is up to YOU. Think about it!

What are you doing with your thoughts? Thoughts can decimate and destroy, but they can just as easily create and inspire. Thoughts are powerful so use them well.

Do you choose to believe that you are unworthy of love? Then look at your life and reward yourself for that which you have brought to fruition. What you believe about yourself is what you manifest.
Do you think you are worthless? Then notice when others talk down to you and abuse you. You attracted what you yourself perceived to be true.

I'll say it again. You are not your thoughts. You are more powerful than your thoughts which are merely a memory bank. Erase those thoughts that don't serve you and replace them with new, powerful, loving thoughts.

You are a powerful Spirit. You are perfect just as your Creator made you. Now YOU believe in YOU!

Have a beautiful week dear Soul


Tuesday, 15 October 2013


I have been pondering a lot lately about capitalism, politicians and life. I continually ask myself: "What would it take for all of humanity to live harmoniously, where we all share the wealth, we share the world's resources and we give of ourselves to one another?"

The burgeoning heaviness I feel in my chest is of a lethargy and laziness to act. In my fully satiated, plumped up state of indulgence, why rock the boat? Why change the status quo?

With all the uprising and striking and calls for more stringent methods of fairly distributing the wealth, I have been challenged to think outside of my cosiness. Only when our protected little world is threatened by strikes and empowerment issues, our own young struggle to find employment, the increasing costs of food and amenities start emptying the coffers, do we start to question, or certainly I did.

I think we can all admit that there is an uneven distribution of wealth. I think you'll agree that if we all share, no one needs to go without. But somehow we point the finger at the politicians as if they can make it all right, as though all the sharing has to come from them. We're happy to share as long as it doesn't affect us, as long as that share doesn't come out of our pockets. We sit in our well-appointed castles and throw stones. We want everyone to have food in their stomachs. But we don't eat a little less.

We are happy to share as long as our pie doesn't shrink. Yes, we're happy as long as someone else does the giving, not us.

Wow! Isn't it time to look within and notice that we are at the helm of the ship? We are the creators of that in which we find ourselves. We don't have equal distribution of wealth because some of us have much more of the pie than we can eat. We are greedy little capitalists. We all are. It is a human condition. Some of us are a little bit more and some a little less, but capitalists on the gravy chain is what we all are.

I am not pointing fingers at the 'haves'. Just watch the 'have-nots' that manage to get onto the gravy train and notice how quickly they hoard and stash away more than they could possibly consume in a lifetime. WE ALL DO IT.

So, to come back to my initial question, "What would it take..."

It would take for ALL of us to share, ALL of us to only eat what we each need, not what we want. It would take for ALL of us to know the difference between our WANTS and our NEEDS. It would take for ALL of us to care about the needs of others and to care about others' suffering. We need to see everyone else as the same as us with the desire for survival and to not suffer. We need to see others as shareholders on this Earth that we born into freely and that we each have an equal right to inhabit. We need to escape our capitalistic values of first come first serve and sorry for you if you snooze.

I want to leave this last thought with you. "Who stole the first piece of land that was all of ours, and duped us into believing that it was theirs to sell to us. Who started all this land ownership when GOD gave it to all of his children to share?" One greedy little capitalist who changed the face of the world as we know it. And because we were so easily misled, we now scramble and fight over land which was never ours to own in the first place. We compete and fight for qualifications and jobs that earn us paper money. Our concrete jungles are squeezing out all of nature in our bid to turn every bit of available land into a money making opportunity.

We need to share. You and me. We need to give a portion of our pie to those who don't have any and I don't mean our rejects and our scraps. We need to relinquish our entitlement and share the good stuff, not our left overs.

This week ask yourself what you'd be prepared to share. When you die and you cannot take all your unfinished pie with you, will you have regret for all those who went without because of your stockpile?

You have to be fearless to share. Think about it.

all my love

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Do Not Assume - DNA

Genes are a fascinating subject and I was blessed to attend a talk by William Brown on DNA some years ago. Actually, to be quite frank with you, I was rather bored at the thought of spending and hour and a half listening to a bunch of scientific facts which were just going to prove what I already knew, that our genetic structure or patterning was something inherited and was therefore unpreventable and irreversible. I mean our genes make up who and what we are. Isn’t that what we have been taught?

Contrary to popular belief Brown told us that it is not some kind of scientific formula that makes us inherit our looks and the same illnesses our forefathers and mothers suffered. He shared how new research is showing that the scientific formula that constitutes our genes is only 1.5% responsible for our human encoding procedures. The rest of our development is attributable to morphogenetics and this is to do with our thought patterning.

There is only a 1.2% difference in nucleoid sequencing between a human and a chimpanzee. The actual catalyst that causes the human embryo to take on the form of a human being is the collective thoughts that are formed in and around conception. So our thoughts are at the pivotal point of our creation.

This is very important because we can no longer blame our forefathers for our deformities, our illnesses or our looks. We have to look deeper at our own thought forms and redirect these to positive construct. Our thoughts have a direct influence on what happens to us in terms of our physical development, our health, growth and mental well being.

I was delighted to awaken to this realisation. We are responsible for who and what we are.  We are not just dealt the cards. We are not just accidents waiting to happen. We do not have to accept the plight and suffering of those who came before us. We have a choice to repeat the patterns by succumbing to the thought patterns of our forefathers or we can create a new legacy for ourselves and our offspring by challenging and changing our thoughts. We need no longer assume any predicted outcome. We need to be co-creators and work with our genes in raising them to a higher vibration.
Do you think I am going kooky?
Science has now proven that different frequencies are capable of completely restructuring our genes. It has also shown that DNA is not only a morphic field, but is also a storage system encoding information. We were taught that our cells store vast amounts of intergalactic information and that our DNA has the same properties as crystals and that is why we can interface with them.
Here are a few more exciting facts. As we raise ourselves to a new level of consciousness, we are creating another chromosome. We are changing our DNA. Brown said that all our DNA is of extra terrestrial origin. It is scientifically proven. We all belong to the Tree of Life. We are all family. We all belong to one another.
The only thing that divides us is our thoughts. The thing that destroys and corrodes our genes is fear. It is a de-coherent frequency.
I hope I have inspired you to watch and steer your mind this week. You have a duty to raise your DNA to a new vibration with the power of your mind
Have an excellent week
lots of love


Monday, 30 September 2013

If I were God

If I were God…
I would have only one commandment – LOVE
I would have only one religion – LOVE
I would have only one healing salve for all ills – Love
You would know me and I you by the LOVE we share
There would be no suffering because
LOVE is incapable of selfishness and greed
LOVE discerns no difference between itself and others
LOVE just celebrates our togetherness, our oneness
Inside you lies a treasure so perfect
Open your heart and receive what you have been gifted with
Give up your external search for happiness and nurturing
LOVE is inside you – Just be it!
I love you!

Monday, 23 September 2013

I am Sorry

How brave are any of us to admit our shortcomings? How honest are we with ourselves in noticing and admitting our behaviour?

We are quick to point out the faults in others but never seem to see those same faults in ourselves. Why is it that we judge others' sins because they sin differently to us? It is because we are so devious in hiding the truth from ourselves. We see what we want to see and that is that we are perfect and innocent  and we project the blame onto others. By focusing on others we create a buffer so that we don't have to confront and stir up the muck in ourselves.

We love to jump onto the self-righteous band wagon and team together and knock the murderers, the rapists, the liars, the cheats, the greedy and the racists.

But we need to step off our self-righteous platforms of pseudo perfectionism and climb down onto the level playing fields and be truthful with ourselves. Are we not all being catapulted along by our ravenous capitalistic greed? Are we not all hoarders of more stuff than we need? Do we not lie and deceive others in order to get ahead? It may be in withholding information, so that we can pip someone to the post and clinch that deal. It may be not disclosing the price we paid for an item, so that we can make an indecent profit.

We point our fingers at the scamsters and those who accept and pay bribes, but don't we do the self same things? We justify our indiscretions by fooling ourselves into believing that what we have done is so slight and so minuscule that it won't hurt anyone. Do you think as most of us do that to steal a person's life savings is so much worse than stealing some of the boss's time? Do you consider killing a person a worse crime than killing a snake?

I was chatting to a friend of mine, who happens to be a black woman, the other day when she related a conversation she had had with her son. Something prompted her to say: "That's not a very black thing to do." and her son quickly admonished her, saying: "Mom, that's racist!"

I then squared myself up to my friend and looked her straight in the eyes and said: "I am a racist. In fact we all are."

You see, it is only when we are honest with ourselves and we look behind the mask we show the world, that we start to notice that we are everything we ever accused anyone else of being.

I confess I am a racist. I have judged people by the colour of their skin. I have judged people by their sexuality and their nationality. I have judged others for being different to myself. But as I confess this I am aware of a shift that is happening within myself. I am becoming conscious and I am not proud of my behaviour. I realise that I was once acting unconsciously because I feared other peoples' otherness.

Judging others is steeped in fear. It is the fear that their being different to me might cause them to not tolerate me. It is the fear that perhaps I am not good enough and I need to wear a mask so people don't see my imperfections.

As I confront my fear I am able to say: "I am a  racist. I don't like that realisation. It makes me feel shameful and everything I despise in others.

It is a relief to engage fully in the proverbial mirror and confess my shortcomings - to realise that I am no different to anyone else.

I am sorry for my judgements. I am sorry for my unconscious behaviour up until now. And being sorry, I access compassion for myself and I forgive myself for the blindness of my conditioned behaviour.

I know that having alerted myself to my unconscious behaviour that I am going to catch myself as and when that old pattern emerges until it eventually disappears.
I realise that it matters not whether you are a person from a previously disadvantaged group, or whether you are a hardened right wing lobbyist or merely a bystander who has profited at the expense of others; we all are challenged by our fears and it is time that we all step up to the confession booth and say: "I am a racist and I am sorry." Because when we do our hearts will change and the world will become a true reflection of what we all have in our hearts.

Wishing you a week of heartfelt love


Monday, 16 September 2013

I am Woman

I was asked to write an article for the Cape Times on what literature I am reading right now. As I delved into the article I thought it might be of interest if I shared it with you.
Two books are vying for my attention on my bedside table - The Spirit of Intimacy by Sobonfu Somé and The Goddess Bootcamp by Kagiso Msimango.
The Goddess Bootcamp is a book you literally have to dive into and do the exercises after each chapter. You have to go within and bare your soul to yourself. I physically reached a deadlock on page 60 when I was asked to write down 25 reasons why it is great to be a woman. Msimango gets to the jugular in terms of what our societal conditioning has done to diminish the worth of the feminine. Until I was asked that question I had no idea how much militant feminism was brewing inside myself.
That simple question gave me the opportunity to look inside and address the unexpressed anger I harboured towards being born a woman. I had no idea that I had feelings of inferiority or regrets based upon my gender. Masimango had me revisiting the story of Eve in the bible and I was instructed to draw up a list of all the beliefs and conclusions I had drawn up about myself and women in general as a result of her story.
I couldn't believe all the negativity that poured out of me. I explored how Eve being a temptress made me feel like a seductress too. If I was created out of only one of Adam's ribs then I am denigrated to subservience. I am a second rate citizen. As Eve took the brunt of blame for humanity's sin, so I felt shameful. The fact that Eve was made to suffer for her sins by having painful periods and childbirth made me angry that I was condemned to womanhood, and made to suffer for her indiscretions. I resented my femininity. I remembered how in puberty I resented growing breasts and starting my periods. I considered being a woman a curse.  
Then I began the second part of the exercise. I had to write down the positives to Eve's story.
I initially wrote in capitals NOTHING!!! I feel so worthless and defeated.
But then a softening began to develop and I confessed to liking that I am a free thinker. I am not controlled by fear or by what other people think. As I focused on Eve's positive traits I began to glow with pride that Eve was a leader, not a follower. She obviously was charming, attractive and persuasive. She had a way with words and was a good sales woman, magnetic and believable. What I love about her is she has a mind of her own. She was brave and adventurous and an 'outside of the box' kind of thinker and that made me proud to be a woman. Suddenly I was glowing with self-worth and self-respect and love flowed right back in where fear, anger and hatred had smothered her eternal light.
Kagiso's book opened the door to a dark layer of unlove that lay within me shrouding my most valuable asset which is LOVE. As I removed the barriers that stood in the way of me living my truth, I awoke to the knowledge that I needed to forgive myself for hating an aspect of me. How enlightening it is to face each new day and each new challenge as an opportunity to forgive my past and step into my power which is the knowledge of who I am. I am a beautiful aspect of Divine light. My expression is in feminine form and feminine is not wrong or right. It just is. Feminine and masculine exist because of and to serve one another. They are equal and opposite sides of the same coin. How beautiful to be reminded of the knowledge that I am exactly who and what I am meant to be.
“I am what I am, because of who we all are.”
So now without further ado, I wish to state publicly that I am proud to be WOMAN. I am proud not because that makes me anything better or worse, not because there is a right or wrong, but just simply because I AM WOMAN.
Have the best week ahead
in love because love is all there is


Thursday, 12 September 2013

Welcome to Earth Jordan Christian Lodge
 born 10 September 2013

Precious little grandson
You are a child of God
You are perfect in every way
You are a bundle of Spirit/Love
I love you because I am love and you are love
We are one and the same
Our bloodline is our soul which we all share

You are coming to a place where they may have warned you
You will find out who and what you are
There will be times of sadness which you will need to experience
in order to heighten your experience of love
And remind you who you are

You will experience so many things here on Earth                                                                        
and I look forward to showing you and sharing with you the treasures I have gained
And I await the teachings you are coming to share with us

Earth is an amazing adventure for those who trust

I want you to know that you can place all your trust in God and the angels                                 
as they will always be with you
They never leave you

You will be able to steer your path by the choices you make
You will always have a choice
And always remember that when you make a choice you don't like
you are free to choose again

I look so forward to spending time with you
I will sing to you and teach you how to dance
We will share stories and play together
I can’t wait to share with you the beauty of all things natural
To roll on the grass and laugh at the sun
To witness the magic of a pearly moon
To walk barefoot in the sand
And dance in the rain

There is so much magic on planet Earth
That I can’t wait to share with you

Awaken to Earth slowly with a remembering of who you are and your Divine Earth purpose.
Bless you sweet soul.

Granny Nix

Monday, 9 September 2013

Missing Human

Where have conversations gone? Where are the conversation rooms of bygone ages, the conservatories, drawing rooms, parlours, music rooms and salons.

Today we have chat rooms, but they are very far removed from the chat rooms of the past. Chat rooms don't require you to sit opposite the person you're chatting to. In fact you don't have to be indoors or in a room at all. You can be on a separate continent and you don't have to use your vocal chords either. All that is required is the use of a few fingers and half a mind, whilst the other half multi-tasks on a variety of other activities like shopping, attending to business, helping a child with his homework and so on. Basically we can chat whilst we go about our day-to-day activities.

I saw the movie 'Disconnect' yesterday and it goes for the jugular with regards to the demise of communication and the human condition.

We have teenagers on ipads at the dinner table. We have adults at restaurants lining up their cell phones almost as a competition to see whose will ring first. We have executives, domestics, scholars and homemakers alike answering calls whilst they're busy doing something else. We attend lectures whilst churning out replies to e-mails on laptops, apple macs and iphones. We watch TV whilst Whatsapping, tweeting and texting.

The world is such a mumbo-jumbo, multi-tasking, fast-paced place these days. I don't know about you, but I certainly battle to stay focused in the present whilst having a conversation. There is always a tweet that seems to vie for my attention and it is not of the feathered variety.

Have you noticed that business partners, clients, corporates, even friends and relatives have little respect for meal times, public holidays or weekends anymore? Gone are the days of observed times of silence around meal times and bedtime and lie-ins on weekends. It seems that we humans are being fed a continuous stream of data and information, a steady and rude invasion of our senses, but have we become better communicators? NO.

There is a constant filtering of communication through us, but somehow it has become so constant, so invasive and demanding that we don't give it our full attention. We can't. We are bombarded with sense numbing information overload.

Well, perhaps I am speaking for myself here, but I have to confess that I battle to narrow my focus down to a single solitary conversation. Many of my communications are severely lacking. They lack focus and presence.

And do you want to know why? Because I am missing the knee-to-knee, face-to-face, eye-to-eye connect. It seems virtually impossible to focus on one person because of all the external stimuli. With all the distractions, I battle to read all the elements when I'm communicating. I miss the subtle nuances of body language, the sadness behind the angry words spoken in haste. I notice that we often don't hold eye contact when we speak to one another. We scarcely touch. We hardly ever engage without the intrusion of all the techno gadgetry.

And we wonder why in this technologically advanced age we have the highest rate of suicide, depression, loneliness and sadness.

We, humanity are missing each other. We are missing the simple basic need for human touch, for human caring and for a gentle, compassionate ear. We, humanity, are missing in action. We have become like robots, driven by the information that is passing through us.

Isn't it time to meet a friend without a phone, without a camera or any digital device; just to see her, just to hear her, just to be?

I am setting a new intention of connecting with the people in my midst. I want some real eyeball-to-eyeball connections this week. I want to discover what's missing in my conversations. I want the human with the information, not some call centre recording.

Let's get the human back into our communications this week

lots of love

Monday, 2 September 2013

Ego's Favourite Game

Do you know the most disempowering game your ego will play with you? It is called 'I am right and you are wrong'?

There is no right and there is no wrong. There is only what serves you and what serves you may very well not serve another. When we attach our identity to the self-righteous thought that we are right and we are innocent, we create a victim and a persecutor. We become the victim of that very disempowering thought process. You see often our ego thinks that playing the victim gives it a kind of power because of all the attention we get from others' pity or their shared defiance at what we have suffered; but it is a very contradictory misperception. As long as we rigidly attach ourselves to that self-righteous belief, we will remain stuck in this vortex of trying to let go of the past and trying to forgive, for eternity. You see, as we hand over our victim status, our ego will feel lost without its perceived power and so take it back, thereby repeating the cycle into perpetuity.

This is the reason that people are stuck 'trying to forgive' and why they never let go.

You cannot say: "I forgive you, but I will never forget". That is saying that you are hanging onto the grudge forever, isn't it? You cannot say: "I forgive you, but what you did was wrong." That statement says that I will always judge you. You see we forgive on the one hand and take it back with the other hand. Our ego wants to have the upper hand.

When you forgive you forgive 100%. You cannot half forgive. You either forgive or you don't and regrettably most people never forgive because they have the perception that they are right and they have been wronged. They hang onto their pride as if their ego is a very real thing that can be hurt.

What is pride? It is the false perception that you are better than everyone else. If you think that you are special, you've just made everyone else on this planet unspecial. That is not possible. We are not any more or less special than anyone else on this planet. We are all the same.

We need to admit our 'samenesses' and access humility, knowing full well that we are all human and we all make mistakes. We all act unconsciously at times, but that is alright. We learn from our bad judgements and make better choices next time around . We all deserve a second chance. That is why we are here on Earth having a human experience in a physical body.

The only way to release yourself from the prison of unforgiveness is to release all judgement of others and of yourself.

Start to observe when you are being misled by your ego. Your emotions will guide you. If you are feeling angry, bitter, depressed or unforgiving you are focusing on events in the past and are reliving the event through your negative emotions. If you notice that you are feeling stressed, anxious, worried or fearful you are projecting yourself into the future. Both of these two scenarios awaken us to the fact that we are in denial of the present. You cannot be in the present when you are in ego. When you become good at catching yourself when you slip into ego's deceptive ploys, you will be able to sidestep your ego and that is when you will experience the feelings of peace, contentment and bliss. Then you will experience your true power.

Your power awaits you. It is a gentle letting go of attachment to an all consuming ego and a surrendering to the Highest Will for the true manifestation of your life purpose.

You are Spirit and Spirit is indestructible. Spirit is where your real power resides. Don't ever be conned into the ego's favourite game because in striving for the illusion of power you will become the victim.

Have an enlightened week precious soul!

lots of love

Monday, 26 August 2013


So many people are searching for something. It could be love, happiness, self-fulfilment, self-worth, confidence, passion, wisdom, a reason to get up in the morning and so the list goes on.

Here's the thing! You won't find any of those things outside yourself. If you are waiting for Mrs or Mr Right to come along and fill you up, you are living a grand illusion. There is no one who will make you whole, who will fix you and complete you. You are you and you are perfect just as you have been created. Everything you need is inside you. All you need to do is go within and uncover the love which is suffocating in piles of stenching debris, old negative beliefs and societal conditioning that don't serve you.

You are LOVE. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are love. You have just forgotten your God-given gift and most precious asset. Go within and uncover the beautiful gem that lies hidden beneath all your prejudices, conditioned thought patterns, societal influences, education, religious brain washing and so on.

You need to uncover your LOVE of self. And you will see that all the wisdom from the beginning of time lies in await for you. All you need to do is go within. Seek it with intention, ask it and it will flow out of you.

Until you love yourself, love from any external source will evade you. You will not believe anyone who tells you they love you, because you have no frame of reference for that within yourself. You have got to love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly and then, and only then, will you be able to give and receive what you already know.

Take this example I am going to share in my talk this Saturday in Newcastle at the 'Leave No Girl Behind' Conference. If someone were to collapse in front of you and were unable to breathe. And if you were inclined to perform CPR on them, what is the first thing you will do? You will take a very large breath of air, wouldn't you? If you didn't, how would you be able to breathe life into them? You can only give what you have got. Now empty your lungs and try and give mouth-to-mouth. You can't. It is impossible to give what you don't have, if you haven't filled yourself up first.

Love is like that, and so too is happiness, self-confidence, passion, peace and self-worth. You have to imbibe it and fill yourself up from within and then you will ooze it. Then you will become a human magnet because everyone will want what you have got and they can't beg, borrow, buy or steal it.

Do yourself a favour and shut out the busyness of the world. Just invest some time for you. Go within to your inner recesses and sit with your soul. Reacquaint yourself with the God/Goddess within. Remember your birth right and fill your thirsty, dehydrated self with love, joy, peace and power from your bottomless well of LOVE.

Search no more. YOU ARE LOVE and don't you ever forget it!

Have a beautiful week, special soul


Monday, 19 August 2013

Life is Sexually Transmitted

I loved this quote which was sent to me by a friend today. Actually it made me giggle and contemplate just how stuck-up we can be about our separateness and exclusivity. If we imagine we can create an island around ourselves and live in isolation from others, we are living in a grand illusion.

This crazy statement really stirred up some mud in my single-focused, male-dominated brain and got my creative juices flowing.

I started to ponder how much of our lives is transference and how much is static.

I started with LOVE, because Love is our prime motive here on Earth. Love cannot be owned, bought or sold. It is given freely and is transferred from one to another. It is in constant motion. It is pure energy which cannot be destroyed only transferred or transformed. We are literally receivers and transmitters of love from one to another. What about happiness, laughter, sadness, stress, actually all of our emotions? Again we transfer, transfuse or transmute all of these emotions from ourselves to others.

Everything in our midst is energy and is in constant motion. We like to imagine ourselves as singular, insular beings with rigid exteriors, but we are not. Our field of energy is greater than the extent of our physical form. We are transmitting energy every second, just as we are constantly receiving energy. We are alive and happening.

We are transmitters of life. How beautiful is that? Did you ever think of yourself as an energy transmitter and receiver - receiving and sending messages, ideas, feelings, information, thoughts, intentions and so much more?

Our physical eyes are continuously receiving transmitted signals of refracted light. Our physical ears are perpetual receivers of sound waves. Our heart centres are continuously filtering and receiving emotional signals because emotions are the language of our souls. When we greet one another with a handshake, a hug or a kiss we are transmitting and receiving healing energy, the energy of the Divine, 'Love'.

So here's my question. If you could choose and you can, which energy you'd like to transfer would your choice be love or hatred, happiness or sadness, vitality or depression? We do have the power to receive negative energy and transform it into positive energy. It is up to us. The easiest and laziest option of course is to just sling the negativity on into perpetuity, but the option which takes a bit of endeavour is that of transforming dark energy into love.

And this is where our Earth purpose lies. We have the choice to be mindless conduits through which energy passes whether good or bad, or we can take responsibility for being transformers of negative energy into positive energy.

I say, Let's be transformers. Let's not just allow life to happen and transmit through us. Let's rather shape and create life with our full creative potential, in brilliance, happiness and LOVE.

Have a magical week transforming your life


Monday, 12 August 2013

Man Up or Be a Woman?

I spent my long weekend embracing my femininity, showering myself in wonderful quiet time alone, interspersed with an art movie or two, a powerful bliss dance session on Friday night and curled up in front of my fireplace with my new book, Kagiso Msimango's' The Goddess Bootcamp.

Kagiso's book is a journey into unravelling the essence of what makes a woman a Goddess rather than a doormat. Of course, we'd all rather be a Goddess or share the presence of a Goddess than a doormat wouldn't we?

It was when she mentioned the list of commonly used sayings, that I too have used on numerous occasions, that a light bulb went on inside my head.

These are things we say to one another in jest and complete innocence: "Man up!" "Stop being a girl!" "You son of a bitch!" "Grow some balls!"

However, if we look at the underlying meaning of those words, what are we saying? That to be a man is right and to be a woman is wrong? Aren't we implying that our masculine energy is preferable to our feminine energy. These sayings are nothing other than derogatory to the feminine. They imply that women are bitches, bimbos, sissies or whores.

We need to look closely at our inherited conditioning and weed out the legacies that don't serve us. If we continue to blurt out these kind of statements without considering the effect it has on all of those in our midst, including ourselves, we will continue to create a sexist, bullying, capitalist, dog-eat-dog kind of world.

I am not trying to take the fun out of life, I am merely pointing out the importance of bringing consciousness to our thoughts, intentions and words. You see, if we continue to use phrases like this we will continue to devalue the feminine and worship the masculine. We tell our sons to "Man up!" as if they need to be any more manly in this male-dominated world. What we actually need, and that is ALL of us, is a lot more softness, compassion and receptivity. But we continue to repeat these sayings even amongst women, to motivate ourselves to be strong, courageous, go-getter's who will stop at nothing to get out on top.

It has been 60 odd years since the radical women libbers burnt their bras in a public protest for equality between the sexes. Their cry to be heard just escalated women into their masculinity as they fought to make it and measure up to men.

My question is this. How long does it take for the conditioning of our pasts to be eradicated?

To change our world we need to nurture our feminine energy. We have spent centuries in our masculine and look where it has gotten us. War, hatred, crime, greed, masses of homeless, starving people. Our world is crying out for softness, empathy, love and nurturing.

Embrace your feminine, whether you're a man or woman. Cherish your femininity and discover your innate power. Don't lose or devalue your masculinity, rather curtail the man in you and invest time in coaxing your woman out of the shadows. For out of woman's womb came all of creation.

Have a blissful week ahead



Monday, 5 August 2013

Find the Door

A friend shared with me once about a dream she had had. It was about her trying to cross a gigantic fence. In her dream she was trying to climb the fence and bash though it to no avail. The fence was just too high and too tough. It was a massive obstacle.

After her full account of the dream, I candidly remarked: "But why didn't you just walk along the fence until you found the gate?"

We chuckled at the stupidity of trying to tear down an indestructible object, but how often do we try and do this in our daily lives. We have a predetermined objective and outcome and we stick rigidly to our planned execution thereof, ignoring the signs and help we are offered from the side lines. We are so stubborn in our desire to execute our plans as we imagine best, that very often we neglect to see the door that is standing wide open.

We obsess and rant on about how tough it is and how hard we have to fight. But if we were to just stand back and take stock for a moment and stop beating down the walls we'd see the doors. There are always doors to choose from. We just need to open our hearts to see them.

Often times the reason we don't see the doors is because we're too afraid. We don't want to entertain the thought that we could be wrong in our pursuit to 'do it my way at whatever the cost'. We perceive that it would be effort to go through the whole process of tacking it differently. But how difficult is it to simply walk through a door? There is absolutely no effort involved. You see, we make life laborious and effortful because we don't still our minds to see.

If we can surrender the need to control, which is based on our fear of failure, and have faith in the supply of all the tools we need from the Spiritual realm, then we place our trust in the outworking of our lives for the highest good of all and for the perfect manifestation of our life purpose here on Earth.

When life gets tough, just take a few steps backwards, breathe, close your eyes in order to rearrange your focus. Dare to consider a fresh new approach. Step outside your frame of reference. Look for the signs. Listen. Observe. Step into your feminine side.

We are so programmed into being in our masculine energy - making, getting, doing and achieving; that we forget to embrace our feminine energy, which we all have. When we step into our feminine side we are the listener, the observer, the nurturer, the receiver and the intuitive.

We need to be whole hearted, balanced beings and to be that we need to embrace both halves. We need the drive and determination to succeed, but we also need the quiet discipline of being receptive to receive.

So, this week, I say: "Stand back and the doors will be revealed".

have an excellent week
