Monday, 21 November 2011


Look around you at your surroundings. Notice the room you're sitting in or the office or house. Take a look outside and notice the plant life and all of nature. Now realise that everything you see is a reflection of yourself, a reflection of your inner status. What we are on the inside is what we manifest in the world around us.


How do you love?
Do you love someone because you have a need that they fill?
Do you love someone because they follow the same belief system as you?
Can you love someone who is entirely different to you?
Do you love in order to access power, security, lack of loneliness, peace, greater self-esteem?
None of these are love. These are all states of co-dependence


How do you love yourself?
Do you love yourself? Oh heaven forbid!
Do you set yourself objectives that if and when you meet those criteria then you'll love yourself?
Do you love yourself the same when you're sick or healthy?
Do you love your inner child, the one that comes without an earth suit, a vehicle, a house, a family?

LOVE just is. It is a choice, not a romantic notion or physical attraction. Love is setting our intention to accept and love ourselves just the way we are without needing to change a thing. And likewise to love and accept others, respecting their beliefs and life choices, no matter who they are or what they do.

If all is not well in our outer worlds, we need to go within and fix the status quo. We need to challenge our insecurities and face our demons and the way to do that is to love ourselves unconditionally because when we focus on all our weaknesses we project those onto everyone and everything around us. If we feel like a victim, we will continually attract bullies to ourselves. If we are angry and disrespectful of ourselves, we will be angry and aggressive with the world and the world will appear to be a very dangerous and brutal place to live. If everyone around us pisses us of, let's look within and ask ourselves why we are so intolerant of ourselves. Our lives are a reflection of what we are.

The surest way to change the life we have, is to change ourselves.
Choose LOVE.

Nelson Mandela sat in prison for 27 years and what did he learn? He mastered his self-love and his love for humanity. What is his incredible legacy that he will leave us with? Love and forgiveness. We need to forgive ourselves first and then we can forgive others easily. We need to live in the now, because when we do we can't focus on past emotional issues, resentment, hatred, intolerance and anger. When we live in a perpetual state of obsessing about the future, we are in a state of fear and anxiety. We can only love when we are fully present in the here and now.

We only make more war, by fighting war with war. We manifest more anger by responding to anger with more angry words. But when we choose to be Love and Peace we create more Love and Peace in and around ourselves. It is just a choice.

We are such incredible, powerful aspects of multidimensional consciousness, how can we not be loving beacons of light to all on our planet?

Our thoughts can be like weapons, they can slay the enemy; or they can be like healing, energising swathes of brilliant light infusing our planet with empathy and compassion. We can create an amazing environment for ourselves by choosing  LOVE.

As parents of the next generation, the best gift we can give earth is to stop seeing division of race, nationality, religion, sexual preference or income bracket and love unconditionally because then our children will inherit that balanced view of life. Then our children will not be prejudiced. They will be true rainbow children.

Let's love ourselves.
Let's love one another.
Let's love all animals and plants.
Let's love our planet.

And let's watch in awe as we witness the divine change we manifest.

Have an awesome week


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