Monday, 7 November 2011

And the Gift Goes On...

What is a gift? It is something given from one person to another. What is that something? Is it material? Is it concrete or is it something abstract? Well, I guess it could be both a physical object, a thought, a prayer, a helping hand, a massage, a compliment, a piece of constructive criticism, imparted knowledge, something which was made by the giver or it could be time spent together.
Does a gift have to be a conscious act? I don't believe that it does. How often have we blessed or been blessed by someone without actual intent and only discovered this later on?

If we just mull over our scrap book of life and revisit some of life's most treasured gifts, don't we discover some of the most unlikely and yet amazing treasures?

We all know about the Christmas and Birthday presents we receive. They are the most outer layer of gifting, the obvious and the ones that most often receive thanks and recognition.

What about the labours of love, where someone has given of their time and energy and fixed something or made us something for no payment: the cup of tea brought to your bedside, your car that was washed for you without asking, your broken chair that your life partner fixed or the hem that your Mom put up for you. These too may well have received thanks and recognition.

Compliments? Well some of these are received with thanks, some with denial, rejection or disbelief. Isn't it amazing how seldom we feel comfortable accepting praise and compliments from another. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves why? Do we feel it is vain and therefore not noble to be credited with praise for anything from good looks to talent to hard work?

Touch is another area of controversy. We want it, but we resist it. "Stop it, I love it". Are we not so entangled in a web of conditioned guilt. We know it feels good, but is it right? Is there another ulterior motive? I want it, but I shouldn't crave or yield to it. We all know that babies that are abandoned and never touched, struggle to thrive and grow. Aren't we adults just as needing and deserving as a small child? Why is it so easy to hug and cuddle a child, relatively easy to have a short hug from a girlfriend, but not too long, not to the point of the hug effecting healing and heaven forbid two men embracing each other, why?

I was at a royal wedding reception not so long ago and spotted one of the royals I have read so much about. In one of my completely conscious or unconscious moments, you decide which, I enthusiastically glided over to her to introduce myself and give her one of my bear hugs, to which she withdrew in horror, offering me her hand instead, insisting that she didn't do hugs.

Wow! In hind sight, I feel deeply sad for this lady and the consequences of her choices, but as with all gifts, not all of them will be willingly received and as the giver, we mustn't be hurt if the receiver is unwilling or closed to receiving. It also mustn't stop us from continually finding more and more opportunities to give.

Then there's the gift of time spent together. Oh how wonderful it is to bask in each other's presence enjoying the presents of presence. How often do we take these precious moments for granted, spending them without presence. We don't really value and appreciate them. Little do we realise that these are the gifts that will endure the test of time, These are the gifts that will be bubble wrapped with us for eternity. We can't take the material gifts with us when we die, but the emotional scrap books of memories of special moments of being are the treasures I know I will always keep close in my heart. These are the gifts that cannot be erased or taken away. They do not fade or age like material gifts. They are gifts for eternity. These gifts are often received without recognition or thanks, but they are remembered forever.

Then what of the gift of intention or thoughtful prayer. It is the looking out for one another, caring when no one knows and no one has asked. This is the ultimate selfless gift! This gift is given without the recipient even being aware of the transaction; and so this gift never receives thanks or recognition. This powerful gift can effect healing for the recipient, love, help in resolving life issues, etc.

But the greatest of all gifts for me are the ones where neither the giver or the receiver are aware of the transaction and I'll give you an example.

A friend reads up about an amazing course and mentions it to her friend who enrols and is blessed by her new found wisdom, who in turn shares it with her clients and her family all of whom are blessed and receive insights and who in turn share their new truths with those in their circle.
And so the gift goes on and on and on...

I love this about life
It is this continuum that enthralls and inspires me and motivates me to keep on sharing and learning and sharing and learning.
The more we share our knowledge, the more comes gushing in.

You are the greatest gift of all

God bless you all and may your gifts keep flowing


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