Monday, 27 June 2011

Just Pray!

I was at the 'Raw Potluck' evening last Thursday night. They apparently have them all over the world, so those of you who live across the oceans, go and look one up. It is a Raw vegan club that meets once a month to share food, recipes and meet awesome people. All you need do is make one raw vegan dish to share and contribute R20 for the venue hire and you get to eat as much as you like from a buffet of the most divine food.

So, there I was, sipping my organic red wine and salivating on my plateful of brightly coloured, taste bud scintillating food and couldn't help noticing the intensity of those all around me, sharing their stories. It felt almost as though I was back in church.

Isn't it funny how, and Paulo Coelho puts it so succinctly in his 'The Pilgrimage'. "We think that the more people there are who believe as we do, the more certain it will be that what we believe is the truth."

Why is it that just because something sits right with us we feel the need to go and convert the world? What happened to one man's meat is another man's poison. Why do we feel the need to convince everyone else that they're on the wrong path and that we have found the only one that leads to Rome? Don't all paths lead to Rome?

It is my belief that we all get to make our own choices and live out our lives as creatively as we choose or not and that is the way it is meant to be without guilt or regrets or fear or obligation. We are allowed to have opinions, change our minds and experiment and do the opposite. It is our journey and it is a fascinating and incredible one.

Opposite me was a man who was telling his conversion story from alcoholic to tea total er. On my left was a confirmed vegan, who informed me that my salad was not truly vegan because it had honey in it. My neighbour was savouring her glass of red wine as was I and we seemed to find some commonality in sharing an almost naughty vice to the overtures of the AA man opposite. We shared our stories amongst one another of whether we were raw or vegan or meat eating, etc. Some of us were sitting quietly lest our meat eating habits be found out. It was as though everyone was searching for someone to give them the answer.

Meanwhile, don't we all have our own answers? We know exactly which food works for us and which food doesn't. We just keep hoping to find more people like ourselves, to give us permission to be who we are instinctively.

Another thought! When we stress ourselves about what we eat or have guilt and anxiety about indulging in a treat, don't we just create an environment of acidity in our bodies? Disease loves an acidic environment. We should eat to enjoy, to taste and to socialise. Laughter and good wine are the perfect accompaniment to a good meal.

With all the talk of dangerous levels of toxicity in the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the pesticides in our non-organic vegetables and fruit and the hormones in our animal produce, I suddenly came to the conclusion: It's of no use trying to wear a Michael Jackson mask to purify the oxygen reaching our nostrils. We are losing the battle. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm out there. But we do have one powerful tool within our reach and that is prayer.

I have seen the kirlian photography of a droplet of water that has been cursed and one that has been prayed over and the difference in their energetic fields is astounding. Nearly eighty percent of our bodies are water as is the percentage of water to land covering our earth. And what about the percentage of water in our vegetables and fruits that we consume. So it occurred to me that there is very good reason to pray and meditate vitality and pure energy and life giving properties into the very food that we consume, because we can change the energy of our food at the cellular level. We can raise the consciousness and life force energy of the food we eat or at least we can try.

So let's pray. Let's focus warm healing energy and love into every mouthful of food we ingest. Let's not have guilt, but only appreciation and gratitude for our nourishment. Let's not judge others for their food preferences. Let's Pray, Eat, Love ourselves and our earth healthy!

Bon appetite! and Le Haim! ( and for those who need translation: Good appetite! and To Life!)


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