Wednesday, 21 October 2015

My View – Your View


Different Perspectives (Copy)
I just love this image I came across whilst reading and completing my latest book by Willem Gous, called ‘Indivineur – Opportunity Accelerator’.
It just demonstrates so succinctly how differently we each see and experience things.
How often have we heard stories of two people being present at the same event and yet reporting completely different experiences? Have you ever wondered why?
Well, aside from the fact that we all have completely different personalities, and a different filter through which we perceive and experience our lives, we also look at a situation from a different view point. We discern and measure each new experience through the collection of our life MY View 6 jpgexperiences so far.Now, have you ever met anyone who has exactly the same credentials as you have?There is not another soul on this planet who shares all our same experiences, same parents, same education, same tragedies, same conditioning, same physical assets and disabilities, same I.Q. and so on.
The exciting discovery is that whatever and whoever you are, which is the product of all your life experiences, is truly unique to you. You and your frame of reference is your own particular signature or gift to humanity. Can you see how valuable your interpretation is in terms of the bigger picture, the human tapestry that we all are? There is absolutely no one who will ever come close to seeing through your eyes and having exactly the same reference as you or me.
This simple diagram has cast a whole new perspective on my future going forward. I am in awe of this newly awakened paradigm shift, as I now see the importance of our shared potential when we co-create with one another, bringing all our varied gifts to the table.
Is it not incredible that when we do combine our intriguingly different perspectives, we have the power to create something so much greater and MY View 7 jpgmore spectacular than we could ever create individually?
I am now questioning myself around the issue of relationships.How often are we found wanting of that special person who sees and understands us exactly the way we perceive ourselves? We almost wish for a carbon copy of ourselves, someone who sees the world through our own unique lenses.
With my newly adjusted focus I am seeing now what a futile waste of time it has been to pursue that silly fantasy.
This awakened realisation is an invitation to accept our otherness, our differences and our uniqueness in a brand new and appreciative way.
Let’s celebrate our individuality and shower humanity with our gifts.
Have a beautiful and enriched week, savouring with intrigue all the variety and diversity in your midst.
Until next week
Lots of love from the shared heart

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