Monday, 7 April 2014


This is the quote that jolted me right back down to earth yesterday.

"You have to begin with the knowledge that there is nothing perfect in this world. Our job is not to hunt down perfection and live within it. It is to take whatever broken pieces we have found and sew them together as best we can"
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994)

I know this, as I am sure you do too, but yet I continue to catch myself judging, controlling and manipulating everything in my environment into my perceived frame of perfection and oftentimes resisting that which doesn’t fit my mould.

I realise that life just is and that is how it is meant to be. 

Every one of us brings a different shade and a different expression to the canvas that is life, and that is part of the beauty, the poetry and the magic.

This week my intention is to seek out all those intriguingly different bits and pieces, all that diverse otherness and see what a great work of art I can piece together.

Let’s be the change we want to see in the world rather than try to change the world to our perceived image of what is right and perfect. If we could be the partner we want for our partners to be, we’d be in heaven, a state where no more lessons are learnt, no more need for duality. It is our otherness that challenges us to go deeper and to access compassion and forgiveness. Suffering and discomfort are our most effective teachers.

So this week I embrace all the broken bits, I accept the bad with the good, the weak with the strong and the distasteful with the tasteful. I pray for compassion, gentleness and acceptance to be my allies. And I know before I embark that I will fall, but I will dust myself off and set my sights on the reality that it is all perfect just as it is.

Have a super week



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