Monday, 3 March 2014

Let's All Win!

“You traitor”, she screamed at me. It was 1974. I was standing in my grade seven class room. The colour drained from my face as she spat at me, her face twisted in rage. “Are you telling me that you would like to have black people living next door to you as your neighbours?”

This was the life changing response I got when I innocently answered her question: “Who will you vote for when you are older?” I had eagerly ventured that I was ‘Prog and proud of it’ and would certainly vote for the Progressive Party, as the DA, was then called.

That day I remember thinking that I should be more cautious about sharing my political views in the future. I had no idea how much fear some others harboured and how differently we all have been conditioned by our upbringing. My inherited reality was the respect and kindness my parents always treated others with. 

As I revisit the memory of that day I have compassion for this girl who knew no better. All she knew was what her parents had brainwashed her with. I do so hope that her journey on Earth offered her the opportunity to open her heart to receive other truths, to know and experience real love, love for all and to have a knowing of who she is. I find myself sending out this prayer for all of humanity. It is a call to come together and to unite with our inner power which is the great ‘I am’.

My call is to all you young people out there, those whose hearts are still tender and malleable. Our future lies in your hands. You are our tomorrow’s leaders, healers and teachers. Use your education wisely and test your preconditioned beliefs. Don’t blindly accept the behaviours of bygone eras. You are our rainbow kids. You are the generation who can see in technicolour. Don’t limit yourselves to the black and white vision of your parents and grandparents. See past the limiting beliefs, the doubts and fears of yesteryear. 

Stop fearing otherness. Stop thinking separateness. Start using your intellect to fathom the mistakes of your forefathers and challenge their beliefs. The world is in a mess today because we are still doing things exactly the same way our forefathers did. In order to get a different result we need to dare to think and act differently. Don’t be a regurgitation machine. Come on! Throw out the rule book, the etiquette, the beliefs and culture that you have unknowingly accepted. It is up to you to choose what you accept and what you discard. THINK FOR YOURSELF!

Now is the time to open your heart. Look at the world through new eyes. Entertain LOVE. Love is the way forward. Entertain thoughts of prosperity for everyone. Don’t regress into negative thinking that seeks revenge and suffering for others. That is like not allowing yourself to prosper because you don’t want to pay more taxes. Think bigger. Think prosperity. Visualise making lots of money and blessing the taxman and others as a result. It’s a win/win situation for all. Don’t begrudge others their successes. Let’s all win. Let’s all prosper.

Now is the time to come together, to stand together for a better future. Let’s join hands and team up in our quest for enrichment and betterment for the greater good of all people. Use your voice. Don’t fear as I once did. Rise above your disillusionment and use your vote with calculated wisdom and intelligence to shape our future. Don’t be complacent and lack lustre. Challenge the systems that don’t serve us. Stand up against injustice, lies, greed and emotional black mailing. 

Use your vote wisely and let’s co-create a better future for everyone.

In love and faith

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