Monday, 24 February 2014



Today my heart feels sore for all the chaos and fighting in the world. Anger, frustration, intolerance and self-righteousness are the order of the day. I listened to Carte Blanche last night and was desperately saddened to hear that the 'born frees' are disillusioned with their right to vote. They  have lost respect and faith in political leaders who consistently lie, cheat and steal from them. The youth have lost faith in humanity. It concerns me that many of them are considering spoiling their votes in the upcoming elections because they don't trust anyone any more.

My heart aches when I switch on the radio and the news reader tells me that racism is rife in South Africa. REALLY????

When are we, humanity, going to wake up? How much more bloodshed and pain and suffering do we need to witness? When will we learn our lessons? When will we learn to share and to care? Madiba is only freshly buried and humanity is slipping back into their conditioned ways, his incredible legacy discarded whilst greedy capitalistic leaders feather their nests.

Surely we don't climb back into our complacent ways? Surely our eyes have been opened to the suffering of those less fortunate than ourselves? Surely we don't want for others to suffer? WHY won't we learn from our past mistakes?

The decades roll on past, but the fighting never abates. The 'haves' turn a blind eye to the plight of the 'have-nots' as capitalistic greed drives a greater wedge between those who care and those who couldn't care less. The fashions change and the weapons just become more sophisticated. Highway robberies have just taken on a whole new look with super cars and AK47s. Political leaders are still meddling in, creating unrest and overthrowing others' countries. They just do it more secretly and deceptively. Governments are still outcasting people of different sexual preferences. We still have people being stoned or set on fire because of their differing beliefs. Where is the equality of the sexes? Where are the female leaders? Why are women not represented equally in business, religion and politics? We are told that racism and sexism are things of the past.

We need to take off our blinkers and see that we are being duped by our complacency.

We need to open our eyes, but more importantly, our hearts to fully SEE. We are deceiving ourselves thinking that we are evolving even slightly. We are blinded by our desire to look after ourselves and our ability to keep on shelving and putting off until tomorrow what urgently needs our attention today.

We cannot keep neglecting and mistreating our planet. The planet will take us out. We cannot ignore the plight of those who live with less than their basic needs. The need for survival will cause those who are suffering to resort to violence. When will we learn? How many times must we repeat Marie Antoinette's distasteful retort, "If they don't have bread, give them cake." Why do we go to school to be educated if we don't learn from the mistakes of our history textbooks?

I can feel Earth's heart breaking. "Wake up!!!!"she cries.

We each need to do it. It is not OK to place the blame at our government's doorstep. Yes, they are a bunch of idiots, but so are every one of us too. It is time to be accountable for the messes we're in and to change how we are. We can no longer remain complacent and ignorant. It is not OK to be a racist or a polluter of our planet. That is how we got into this mess in the first place. We need to become conservative and to value and appreciate our resources. We can't just discard and buy new. We can't treat people with the same disrespect as we do our discarded old possessions.

We need to find it in our hearts to have empathy for others, to imagine ourselves in others' suffering. We need to imagine a world with no on-tap, potable water, no electricity, no more fresh air, the food chain poisoned and then we each individually need to ask ourselves: "What am I going to do about it?" How can I make a difference to my planet, to my world?

And then we need to stop philosophising and DO IT!!! BE THE CHANGE!!!

I hope I've stirred up a fire in you today to cast off those blinkers and take action.

all my love and care

Friday, 14 February 2014


“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”    Mother Teresa

Judgement, judgement, judgement….

Why is there so much judgement in the world? Why do we judge one another for our spiritual beliefs? We judge one another for our different sexual preferences, our physical otherness, our religious choices, for our God-given personalities. We judge those less fortunate, less physically or mentally able. We judge those with a perceived edge, who appear to be more gifted, talented or prosperous, and so on.

Why do we huddle together in mutual ‘usness’ against feared ‘otherness’? Why are we so afraid of being exactly whom and what we are? Why don’t we use what precious time we have left of our lives here on Earth to unite all our otherness in LOVE and compassion and caring, instead of waging criticisms and war with words, accusations, suspicions and our self-righteous assumptions?

Why do we dance between lost feelings of searching for others whose convictions appease our insecurities, and the self-righteous feelings of pride and arrogance in our absolute certainty that we are right whilst the rest of humanity is wrong?

Why do we think that our beliefs are the absolute truth and that so many others’ convictions are so absolutely and emphatically wrong?

How can any religion be the only right one? How can ‘my God’ not be ‘your God’ and the same God of everyone? Think about it. How come there are so many different religions? A religion for every different expression of humanness.

Anita Moorjani in her book, Dying to be Me, says “Religion is just a path for finding the truth. Religion is not truth. It is just a path, and different people follow different paths.” 

Just pause the barrage of judgemental criticisms in your mind for a few seconds and meditate on this simple suggestion. Entertain the notion that we are all aspects of Divinity expressing and exploring different paths that all lead to one and the same place, home.

What if we are all here on Earth to deeply connect with who we are by working through all our choices and experiencing alternating moments of suffering and joy? What if we were to accept that sometimes we will make choices we will regret and these will result in us making other choices next time around? What if we were to be patient and compassionate in others trials and experiences, allowing them to learn for themselves without trying to force them to experience life the way it happened for us? What if we were accepting of others paths and their trials and victories?

Open your heart and allow your mind to explore the territory of the unknown. Imagine that a few years from now you will come to the realisation that everything you believe today no longer serves you, and live your life today as though you have that altered perspective right now. Relinquish your rigid beliefs and be open, supportive and accepting of others paths. I know I have changed paths many times in my life. Choice and change are integral to our life experience. It is the only thing which is guaranteed.

So, on this Valentine’s Day, let’s stop judging one another. Let’s spend the little time we have left loving, including and supporting one another.

Let’s be the love we wish to be showered in by the world.

Have a beautiful day forgifting yourself with love from yourself to yourself.

A heartfelt hug and warmest love

Thursday, 6 February 2014


Today I have an exciting announcement. It is the reason I have been so quiet this past week. Today is the launch of my website 

I feel charged with emotion and huge relief, as this task was not an easy step for me to take. I am one of those technology challenged individuals who eventually took the Universe’s lead and delegated the project to my highly competent web designer, Daniel Smith. I am so grateful to Daniel and his team at Digital Watermelon for his interpretation of my brief, for his patience in affording me much of his valuable time and for being such a great listener.

This brings me to the realisation that there are just so very many of you out there who have contributed in so many ways to my life. And I wish to thank each one of you, for without YOU, I would not be who I am today.
THANK YOU! Thank you for affording me your ears and eyes. Thank you for being my mirror. Sometimes what you said felt uncomfortable and challenged me to go deeper, to source my true meaning and purpose. Sometimes you were there in a supportive role. Other times you shared your wisdom and knowledge with me. Sometimes we just hung together.

Every step of my incredible journey I have had helpers, confidantes, teachers and soul mates to help me. And you are one of them.

I realise with huge gratitude how incredibly lucky and gifted I am.  I am so glad that life isn’t a solo journey. Well, let me clarify that. I do believe that each one of us is making our way back home through our solo choices. However, we have each other to co-journey with and team up with along the way. We get to choose if and when we accept the help and from whom. 

What I now realise is that by accepting the help that the Universe offers, my life is more enriched and productive and I am flowing with my Creator for the Highest Will and for the good of all for the true manifestation of my life purpose. What a revelation for me and by which I feel truly humbled. “I am what I am because of who we all are.”

So today as I sign off, here is my gift to you.

Take the help that LIFE is sending you. Be open to receiving and feel the blessing in your life and those who you have blessed by receiving their gifts.

FORGIFT YOURSELF! It’s the gift of love from yourself to yourself.

Have a beautiful weekend
Love                                                                                                                                                Nicolette