Monday, 13 January 2014

You have the Power

What's your experience right now in this very moment?
How do you feel in your skin?
Are you experiencing peace?
What is your mind buzz? Are you present in the moment or are you replaying old vinyls from your past?

You are only as strong as you are in this present moment. You cannot be who you were 20 years ago. That time is no longer valid. It has expired. You are who you are today. You are not a memory of someone more beautiful, more vibrant, more youthful, less jaded, less scarred. You are the product of every single experience, opportunity and nuance that you have journeyed through. You are a survivor of life, all your relationships, accidents and adventures. Everything that has happened to you has happened at exactly the right time to steer you, develop you and evolve you to this point in time.

You are the main feature show. This very you that you are experiencing at this moment. This is your truth. This is how you are meant to be.

How do you feel about that? Are you in resistance and denial? Are you replaying those old records with all their scratches and glitches trying to rewind the clock? Do you fantasise about how perfect things once were? Or perhaps you are constantly reliving some past nightmare. Every new experience is being soured by some old pattern to which you have become obsessed.

Throw out all those old memories from the past. They are not relevant now. They have become the building blocks of who you are today. You are who you are because of all your cumulative experiences thus far.

Like a fine wine, you have developed, strengthened and matured. The person you are today is infinitely more refined and wholesome than the shadow of your former self.

Do you know the reason so many of us become depressed? It is because we are so infrequently the people we are. We so infrequently find happiness and contentment in just being. We have this insatiable urge to be something better and different to what we are. We are constantly hungry to achieve more, do more and be more.

Here's the thing. To not live in the present moment is to resist life and to have unacceptance for whatever life deals you, which is unforgiveness. To hold unforgiveness towards anything or anyone is to create suffering for yourself. Life happens. It never stands still, but if you choose to resist and fight life you will prematurely age and weaken yourself. You are fighting a losing battle.

It doesn't matter whether it is ageing that you are resisting or the unfair childhood you endured, the tumultuous relationship you're in or the accident you survived or some terrible deed you did in the past. Everyone of these situations highlight your inability to accept and forgive what happened. We all need to accept our circumstances, the times in which we live, the politics, the economy, the global warming, our actions in the past and the actions of others.

We are powerless to change our past. We are powerless to change what happens around us. We cannot undo our history. But we can find great power in the choice to accept what happens to us and to learn from it. We have the opportunity to embrace every part of our human experience with acceptance, humility, forgiveness and gratitude.

We have the power. It is simply a choice.

Stop fighting and start surrendering. Go with the flow. Choose to align yourself with the higher wisdom of the infinite.

Surrender to the simplicity of being who you are. You are who you are meant to be.

Have a beautiful, simple week, embracing peace.

lots of love


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