Here's the line that grabbed me from the latest Superman remake, Man of Steel. "You only know how strong you are when you test the limits."
Superman's real father was explaining to his son that he needed to take the leap of faith and explore his potential, which led to Superman plunging off a cliff and flying.
Clarke Kent had grown up as a normal human being, conditioned by societal fears and was oblivious to his super powers. He had never dreamt that he might be able to fly and he had never tried. It was only with his father's prompting that he dared to explore his capabilities by letting go of his fear.
Doesn't this sound familiar? How many of us have never succeeded because we have never tried in the first place? We have never tested our limits. We limit ourselves with our assumptions because we compare ourselves with others and we blindly follow the societal norm. We won't risk trying because we're too afraid of failure and too afraid to live the life we were meant to live. We are so fearful of the unexpected that we prefer to live our lives as spectators. We are often times so paralysed by our fears that we miss out on living altogether.
How will you know what you are capable of if you never consider the possibility of being able to be and do so much more than what you have ever experienced so far? You have to allow yourself to believe in the unbelievable and expect the inconceivable. We need to step out of our complacency, our calculated, safe, predictable lives and risk living.
You are a multi-dimensional being, possessing far greater potential than your five physical senses and your physical form. You are a spiritual being who has the ability to intuit what others are thinking and feeling. You wield immense power with your thoughts, intentions and words. You have the ability to think of someone and telepathically urge them to call or visit you. You can propagate love and healing with your highest intent or you can create stress and sadness by integrating your negative energy into a crowd.
When we stop limiting ourselves with our narrow-mindedness and conditioned thoughts; and when we allow ourselves to explore our full potential, we start to live as we are meant to.
There is something to be said for adrenaline junkies who love the rush of pushing their physical bodies to the edge of physical life. Fear is like a handbrake. Now I ask you, "Would you test drive a Ferrari with the handbrake on? What would be the point?
What if Spirit has gifted you with an earth vehicle equivalent to a Ferrari, but to date you have only timidly driven a radius of 30 kms with the handbrake on. Would you be living or would you be existing in some illusory, conditioned state of paralysis?
Test your limits. Life is for living courageously and discovering your hidden powers. Be brave and take risks. The only thing you need fear is not living at all.
This week do something you've never done before. It may be picking up the phone to invite a friend for lunch. It could be volunteering for community work. It might involve travel, changing jobs or flying. Whatever it is, take the risk. See how much stronger and more capable you are than you ever allowed yourself to imagine.
Here's to discovering your full potential!
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