Sunday, 28 July 2013

Three Steps

I spent an incredible, mind-altering weekend on a Speaker's Bootcamp with internationally renowned speaker, Frank Furness. And what I have come away with is a head bulging with inspiration, new ideas and determination to get my message out there into our global village.

I leapt out of bed this morning with the enthusiasm of a child, excited to put into practise the new skills I have learnt. Having had a good night's sleep, I awoke with my vision in place.

One thing that stands out for me amidst the murk and muck that has been stirred up in my being, is that all I need to do is focus on just three things that I want to achieve, just three simple next steps I want to put into action.

How often do we become swamped and overwhelmed by life? There just seem to be too many demands on us, too much to do and achieve, too much information overload. Often it seems easier to quit and become paralysed by all the debris we find ourselves buried in.

I have found fresh inspiration from Frank's talk. It is clear cut and simple. All I need to do is choose and plan for the next three steps I wish to take. Narrowing down my scope of vision means my focus is within my reach and gives me an achievable goal for the short term.

With my book FORGIVENESS, just a month away from the book store shelves, I have set myself the task of finding an international partner to take over the distribution of my book internationally.

I know that I dream big but as Steve Jobs said:
"The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
So, I encourage you today wherever you are to dream big and to focus your attention on just the next three steps you need to take to initiate that plan and bring it to fruition.
Here's to a prosperous and exciting week ahead
in love because 'Love' is all there is

Monday, 15 July 2013

Test your Limits

Here's the line that grabbed me from the latest Superman remake, Man of Steel. "You only know how strong you are when you test the limits."

Superman's real father was explaining to his son that he needed to take the leap of faith and explore his potential, which led to Superman plunging off a cliff and flying.

Clarke Kent had grown up as a normal human being, conditioned by societal fears and was oblivious to his super powers. He had never dreamt that he might be able to fly and he had never tried. It was  only with his father's prompting that he dared to explore his capabilities by letting go of his fear.

Doesn't this sound familiar? How many of us have never succeeded because we have never tried in the first place? We have never tested our limits. We limit ourselves with our assumptions because we compare ourselves with others and we blindly follow the societal norm. We won't risk trying because we're too afraid of failure and too afraid to live the life we were meant to live. We are so fearful of the unexpected that we prefer to live our lives as spectators. We are often times so paralysed by our fears that we miss out on living altogether.

How will you know what you are capable of if you never consider the possibility of being able to be and do so much more than what you have ever experienced so far? You have to allow yourself to believe in the unbelievable and expect the inconceivable. We need to step out of our complacency, our calculated, safe, predictable lives and risk living.

You are a multi-dimensional being, possessing far greater potential than your five physical senses and your physical form. You are a spiritual being who has the ability to intuit what others are thinking and feeling. You wield immense power with your thoughts, intentions and words. You have the ability to think of someone and telepathically urge them to call or visit you. You can propagate love and healing with your highest intent or you can create stress and sadness by integrating your negative energy into a crowd.

When we stop limiting ourselves with our narrow-mindedness and conditioned thoughts; and when we allow ourselves to explore our full potential, we start to live as we are meant to.

There is something to be said for adrenaline junkies who love the rush of pushing their physical bodies to the edge of physical life. Fear is like a handbrake. Now I ask you, "Would you test drive a Ferrari with the handbrake on? What would be the point?

What if Spirit has gifted you with an earth vehicle equivalent to a Ferrari, but to date you have only timidly driven a radius of 30 kms with the handbrake on. Would you be living or would you be existing in some illusory, conditioned state of paralysis?

Test your limits. Life is for living courageously and discovering your hidden powers. Be brave and take risks. The only thing you need fear is not living at all.

This week do something you've never done before. It may be picking up the phone to invite a friend for lunch. It could be volunteering for community work. It might involve travel, changing jobs or flying. Whatever it is, take the risk. See how much stronger and more capable you are than you ever allowed yourself to imagine.

Here's to discovering your full potential!


Monday, 8 July 2013


How do you help someone who doesn't want to help himself? How do you force that stubborn camel to drink? You don't. You and I are powerless to cause another to remove the self-made barriers he has built against love. We each have to do it for ourselves but first we must want to.

Have you noticed, that often, when you are asked for help, the victim resists all attempts on your behalf to effect change? It is as if you are met with a wall of resistance, an almost tangible barrier. Could it be that on some level, whether emotional or unconscious, the person in question is holding onto his stuff because in some strange and macabre way he believes it serves him to do so? He feels safe with his pain, his bitterness, his toxic beliefs, his disease. He feels safe with his suffering and scared of the possibility of freedom from suffering; scared because the possibilities are unquantified and unknown.

Why do we resist the opportunity for healing, health, love and happiness? Why is it safer to stay ill than risk exploring a different outcome? If you're ill, then surely it is time to throw caution to the wind and explore every other option besides the one you're in? Unless it serves you to prolong your suffering because it gives your life meaning.

I have the opportunity as a Metamorphosis practitioner to observe this pattern closely. It amazes me how some clients so freely and willingly divest themselves of all their layers they have built against love, keen, as it were, to discard their old, soiled clothes. They embrace the opportunity to be clean and have a fresh start. Yet others, the minute they begin to feel the effects of change, panic and start to pile back on their dirty old clothing and hang onto their patterns of dis-ease. What is the logic of remaining in your foul smelling old clothes? Why aren't we all shedding our old habits? Do we perhaps fear being naked? Do we fear being exposed to others and ourselves? Do we think we can hide behind our fears?

Observe those around you. I guarantee you know heaps of people who fit this mould. You've tried and tried to help them to no avail. As a bystander you can clearly see how they manifest the situation they're in, can't you?

Now, I challenge you. Look within yourself. How are you resisting facing your fears? How are you self-creating your dis-ease, illness, pain and suffering? Stop pointing the finger at those around you. Yes, you're a master at offering others advice and help. But you need to help yourself. You can only help yourself.

Get out of those dirty old clothes that are smothering you in stagnancy. Stand before yourself in that proverbial mirror and take a good look at yourself. You are an aspect of multi-dimensional light. You are a portion of God's Love. What's not to love about every aspect of your being? What's to fear? You are Divine and perfectly created in His image. Your potential is limitless. It is only your fear which limits you and acts as a barrier, preventing you from walking in your fullest potential.

Fear is like those dirty old clothes that smother and restrict you and weigh you down. All fear does is bury your soul in layers upon layers of clutter. Your choice to hold onto regrets, anger, fear, denial, unforgiveness and so much more, is burying you alive. These attachments are weighing you down and cutting off the supply of life blood in your veins.

Open your eyes of consciousness. No, not your physical eyes, the eyes of your heart. Can you see how your 'stuckness' is the product of your choices and your subsequent lessons. You have the power to change that. And no, you don't need any effort or skill to change. It is not a mountain you have to climb. It is not a crocodile infested river you need to cross. It is a simple decision you make. Do I? or Don't I?

You can help yourself. You are the only one who can. So do it! Let go! Stop holding onto all manner of fear and unlove. Choose love. And relinquish yourself from your suffering and be free.

Have a blessed week!


Monday, 1 July 2013

Father and Daughter

As a tribute to all you fathers and daughters out there, I wish to share with you my friend, Rachel’s story.
Rachel was 19 years old and living at home whilst finishing her studies when her mom snooped through her letters and discovered an 'unnatural' attachment between Rachel and another woman. Her late dad, who was a priest in the local church was informed and showed his horror and absolute rejection of the news by placing Rachel in almost solitary confinement. She was driven to college and fetched by her dad daily and all her ties with friends were cut.  No letters that arrived for her were passed on to her. She had no means of communication with anyone.

Rachel spent her time holed up in her bedroom. There were no discussions, nor was she encouraged to share her feelings. How was she meant to suppress the feelings she had for another woman? Was she to deny and compromise herself in order to satisfy her father’s ego and his fear of rejection by his parishioners and peers? She was isolated and alone.
Previously she had shared such a close relationship with her father and now, because of her sexuality, over which she had absolutely no control, she found herself completely scorned and banished from her father’s love.

Rachel confided that her older brother had known of her secret for three years and had advised her never to tell her dad because he would never accept it. So her relationship was already 'underground' and very discrete; as these things had to be in the early 70s.

One Saturday evening, six months after her mom’s invasion and betrayal, her father tapped on her bedroom door and asked if he could speak to her. Rachel barked at him through the door and demanded to know whether he wanted to have a discussion and hear her or whether he just wanted to preach to her. Her father told her he'd confided in a close friend about the issue and now saw it from a very different standpoint - that if it didn't hurt anyone else, no love could ever be wrong. Rachel reluctantly opened the door. She gave him only 20 minutes to say what he wanted and warned him that if he started telling her the same stuff about being an unnatural abomination, she’d leave and that he would never see her ever again. During a three-hour discussion, she promised total discretion because she understood that otherwise her father's position would be compromised; she asked for understanding and acceptance as a person and as his daughter. After all, she was the same person she'd been all along. None of that had changed, but all aspects of her were being condemned because of one that wasn't 'right' in someone else's book.
In closing their discussion, he asked what he could do to demonstrate that he was truly sorry. Rachel had one request of her father that would prove that she could once again trust their relationship. She asked him to preach about David and Jonathan in the next day’s sermon. And he did. If you’re unfamiliar with this story, read it for yourself in 1 Samuel Chapters 14 to 20.

Even though this was one of the most hurtful times in Rachel's life, I do believe it was a blessing. If Rachel’s secret had not been exposed her father would have gone to the grave unchallenged by his conditional love. He would never actually have known his daughter and she would always have harboured doubts. “What would Dad have thought if he really knew me? Would he still have loved me?” She would never have known. And she would have felt the keen loss of him even in his presence.

Luckily for Rachel, both she and her father had the opportunity to face their fears, even though at the time it was painful. Rachel had the opportunity to see her dad in his weakest moment and he saw her in hers. They managed to put aside their egos and rebuild a father/daughter bond that surpassed their previous love. Rachel spent some beautiful time with her dad before he passed away and she is one of the lucky ones who can honestly say that she truly had a father. He believed Freud's theory that what children need is love and discipline. For a short while in a very long relationship, he was a little long on discipline and short on love. Rachel sees that time as an honest mistake.

Today, wherever you are and wherever you stand, I encourage you to confess your secrets, face your fears and speak your truth even if it hurts. Only the truth can set us free and heal the barriers we have built against love.
This week my prayer for you is that you release yourself from the barriers you have built against your own love.

All my love because love is all there is