How do you help someone who doesn't want to help himself? How do you force that stubborn camel to drink? You don't. You and I are powerless to cause another to remove the self-made barriers he has built against love.
We each have to do it for ourselves but first we must want to.
Have you noticed, that often, when you are asked for help, the victim resists all attempts on your behalf to effect change? It is as if you are met with a wall of resistance, an almost tangible barrier. Could it be that on some level, whether emotional or unconscious, the person in question is holding onto his stuff because in some strange and macabre way he believes it serves him to do so? He feels safe with his pain, his bitterness, his toxic beliefs, his disease. He feels safe with his suffering and scared of the possibility of freedom from suffering; scared because the possibilities are unquantified and unknown.
Why do we resist the opportunity for healing, health, love and happiness?
Why is it safer to stay ill than risk exploring a different outcome? If you're ill, then surely it is time to throw caution to the wind and explore every other option besides the one you're in? Unless it serves you to prolong your suffering because it gives your life meaning.
I have the opportunity as a Metamorphosis practitioner to observe this pattern closely. It amazes me how some clients so freely and willingly divest themselves of all their layers they have built against love, keen, as it were, to discard their old, soiled clothes. They embrace the opportunity to be clean and have a fresh start. Yet others, the minute they begin to feel the effects of change, panic and start to pile back on their dirty old clothing and hang onto their patterns of dis-ease. What is the logic of remaining in your foul smelling old clothes? Why aren't we all shedding our old habits? Do we perhaps fear being naked? Do we fear being exposed to others and ourselves? Do we think we can hide behind our fears?
Observe those around you. I guarantee you know heaps of people who fit this mould. You've tried and tried to help them to no avail. As a bystander you can clearly see how they manifest the situation they're in, can't you?
Now, I challenge you. Look within yourself.
How are you resisting facing your fears? How are you self-creating your dis-ease, illness, pain and suffering? Stop pointing the finger at those around you. Yes, you're a master at offering others advice and help. But you need to help yourself. You can only help yourself.
Get out of those dirty old clothes that are smothering you in stagnancy. Stand before yourself in that proverbial mirror and take a good look at yourself. You are an aspect of multi-dimensional light. You are a portion of God's Love. What's not to love about every aspect of your being? What's to fear? You are Divine and perfectly created in His image. Your potential is limitless. It is only your fear which limits you and acts as a barrier, preventing you from walking in your fullest potential.
Fear is like those dirty old clothes that smother and restrict you and weigh you down. All fear does is bury your soul in layers upon layers of clutter.
Your choice to hold onto regrets, anger, fear, denial, unforgiveness and so much more,
is burying you alive. These attachments are weighing you down and cutting off the supply of life blood in your veins.
Open your eyes of consciousness. No, not your physical eyes, the eyes of your heart. Can you see how your 'stuckness' is the product of your choices and your subsequent lessons. You have the power to change that. And no, you don't need any effort or skill to change. It is not a mountain you have to climb. It is not a crocodile infested river you need to cross. It is a simple decision you make.
Do I? or Don't I?
You can help yourself. You are the only one who can. So do it! Let go! Stop holding onto all manner of fear and unlove. Choose love. And relinquish yourself from your suffering and be free.
Have a blessed week!