Sunday, 17 March 2013

Oh My Word!

Do you have any idea how much power you wield in your spoken word?

Words are like missiles. They are backed by intention which is creative energy at its very source. Every thought that you think and every word that you speak carries substance, either the substance to heal or the substance to break down and destroy.

It is vitally important that you recognise the power you wield in your tongue and that you choose carefully what you propagate into the ethers.

And you must start with yourself. Start to observe your internal dialogue. What is it that you catch yourself thinking and believing and saying to yourself? What are those entrenched and outdated beliefs that you have unknowingly adopted and now live by? Challenge your thoughts about yourself, others and the world around you. Start to think for yourself. Do the beliefs that you have been conditioned into by society, your parents, your teachers, leaders and so on serve you? Have you ever challenged the beliefs that have been handed down to you from mortal to mortal?

Remember our parents did the best job they knew how to do, and so did our grandparents and their parents before them. We have to admit that we are imperfect and that is absolutely alright. Don't have judgement towards yourself about that. We have to admit that our lineage is full of imperfect people who have tried to mould and grow us up according to the beliefs handed down to them by their forefathers. O.k. that is a scary thought.

If we just accept the beliefs and thoughts of those imperfect people who came before us, we can easily see how the sins of the forefathers permeate down the lineage for seven generations to come. If we don't examine our inherited conditioning we are going to cause that cycle to continue into perpetuity.

We have a duty to ourselves, our immediate families and our extended family of humans and all other life forms on the planet, to return to the main computer which is our mind and filter through all the viruses that are clogging up our processing systems.

We need to weed out the beliefs that we are not good enough, that we are sinners, that we are useless and that we are unworthy. Who said that? Do you believe that? Do you accept the labels that were passed down to you from your primary school teacher that you are lazy and stupid? Do you buy the branding your parents gave you that you 'll never amount to anything? They may have told you that you are so talented and make them proud. But do you believe them? Are their thoughts and words the ones that have become entrenched in your belief about yourself?

You need to use the power of your word to break the bondage of your past beliefs and harness the power that is yours to tell yourself that you love you, that you are beautiful and exactly as you are meant to be.

You are the master creator of the life you live so start to empty the garbage that has infiltrated your networks and free up the space on your main frame. Delete the destructive messages that are clogging your airwaves and slowing you down. Send them to your deleted folder and then wipe them out once and for all.

Now with a fresh clean slate select those words that you wish to be your new branding about yourself. Choose carefully and select only those thoughts that empower and evolve you and cause you to be a beacon of light to all those in your midst.

You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are valuable. You are a key player. The world's success depends on you. You are love.

Start confessing it and the more you practise saying it the sooner you'll start living it.

You are a beautiful child of God. Say it!

Have a powerful week ahead filling your mind with your enlightened word in love, because love is all there is.

"I love you." Now you say it to yourself and believe it.


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