How many hours, days, months even lifetimes does humankind
spend searching for this ‘one and only’ special soul who is the perfect fit,
the missing piece of the puzzle?
How we dream and fantasize about our perfect partner, the
one with whom we’ll never disagree on anything. Isn’t the soul mate in our
dreams really a carbon copy of ourselves? Don’t we often wish we had that
partner who can read our minds, who has exactly the same interests, whose
on-days and off-days coincide exactly with ours? Perhaps some of us would
believe that our soul mates aren’t entitled to off-days? After all they’re
perfect just like us.Actually, I kind of disagree.
I believe our soul mates are the very opposite of ourselves. They are our complimentary equal opposite or if we’re the yin, then they’re the yang that completes the circle.
Our soul mates aren’t here on earth to agree with us ad nauseum. They are our mirrors, the ones who reflect for us our very flaws and highlight for us what we still have to work on in ourselves. They’re the ones who bring our missing personality traits to the party and show us our lack. Our soul mates cause us to grow, if we’re up for the task and that’s why I believe in committed relationships, because they cause us to stick out the hardships and difficult times and refine our personalities and evolve into better beings.
I believe we have more than one soul mate, in fact we have lots, and they can be of the same sex as ourselves too.
I believe that where soul mates highlight our weaknesses for us, causing us to grow, friends tend to cosily agree with us and although it feels nice for our egos , they don’t challenge us to evolve.
It’s for this reason that I have very few friends and many, many soul mates scattered all over the globe.
I love that my soul mates are mostly strong whole people that are unafraid of speaking their truth and unafraid of causing my growth as much as I am catalyst in causing theirs. They are incredible souls who are unafraid of working on themselves and even in many cases where we are separated by miles, they continue to look for challenges and opportunities to cause their own growth.
We have an unwritten understanding, soul to soul, that doesn’t have the neediness of friendship and regular tea parties. We are not co-dependent. Our love doesn’t fade because we don’t pick up the phone. Our love is eternal and we know that we’re there for one another without the need to know the day-to-day events in each other’s calendars. We continue to grow relentlessly on our separate paths and are always surprised when we do catch up how we have seemingly evolved similarly through very different circumstances.
We know that we are connected by the soul of the universe and that what happens to one of us happens to us all.
We communicate often without the need for words. We just send our love through thoughts and intentions and that is enough.
I don’t need friends often, but I certainly need and appreciate my soul mates.
So, perhaps you’re one of those people who’ve been searching and searching for that perfect one, with whom your life will be ‘Cinderella and Prince Charming’. I challenge you to wake up and take stock of the very people in your midst and re-evaluate the worth of those whom you may have been ready to discard for those ‘like-minded friends’ who like the icing on the cake, look so sweet and perfect but are bad for your health causing you to stagnate in your comfort and complacency.
Open your eyes and acknowledge your true soul mates. They’re all around you, and be brave to the task of self-work and discovery. It is an awesome journey.
Have a fabulous week of discerning who are your friends and who are your soul mates.
I love you
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