A friend remarked, the other
day, that she’s a realist and she sees things as they really are, which really
provoked my challenging mind into overtime. You see, I have been labelled
before as a ‘hopeless optimist’ by one of my client’s husbands, which I have to
mention, has become one of my ardent readers.
You see, I really don’t believe in one truth, but rather many interchangeable truths, as you well know, if you’ve been reading my blogs. Don’t we create our very own environment by the thought processes we initiate? Don’t we often buy into whatever society has conditioned us to believe? Is it normal to suffer depression and take medical drugs to suppress it? Are we just victims of circumstance?
I ask you to step out of your
preconditioned, media contaminated brain just for one second and step into my
reality, just for a few minutes.
Thoughts are energy and that
has been proven by double blind tests as well as by Dr M. Emoto with his ‘The
Secret Life of Water.’
The power of our thoughts is
huge. Thoughts can be like guns. They can slay the enemy or they can heal.
Which thoughts do you choose. What is your reality?
The only reality I know is
that I am a spiritual being having a physical experience. I have been born into
this world and I know that at some point my spirit will escape my body at the
time of my physical death. I do not fear death as I know that spirit which is
pure energy, can never be destroyed. It can only be transferred into another
All the rest of the events
between my birth and death are changeable and determined by the choices I make
on the journey. I know that I can choose to be positive and happy by selecting
positive thoughts. I utilise this technique on a daily basis. I have literally
turned a depressive state into an extremely happy one by choosing to do so.
If you’ve never done this,
you have got to try. It does take work and determination, but if you are
prepared to seek its powerful outcome, you will most certainly become a master
at it.
I remember a year ago. It was
the day before my 49th birthday. I was home alone as my boys were
all partaking in a wake boarding event which was going to keep them from me on
the day of my birthday also. The prospect of a gift was dismal to say the least
and I had expressed my wish to have a statue of a Buddhist monk which was being
ignored. I can remember dragging myself out of bed that morning and feeling
terribly depressed. I felt unloved, alone and totally in my own little pity
I made a choice to not dwell
on my misery and to do what I could to change the status quo, so I got out my
camera, as I was needing some photos for a workshop I was giving and engaged
myself in trying on different outfits and makeup, setting up my camera to take
multiple shots with the built in automatic timer. The whole exercise probably
lasted an hour, but at the end of it I had created some really good photos and
was starting to feel empowered.
I then phoned a friend, who
is a very good photographer, and asked her if she could take some additional
photos of me with some live models. That arranged for a little later, I headed
out to buy my statue, my gift from the boys to me. My day ended by drinking
gorgeous red wine with my friend and her husband. I returned home elated and
full of joy.
Replay the DVD and input some
different data. I could have stumbled to the kitchen and reached for some
comfort food to ease the pain. Indulging in my chocolate binge, I could have
loathed myself for my pathetic weakness and depressing life. After all, no one
understood me or cared about me. If they did they would not be enjoying their
passions but bowing to mine. There are so many interchangeable truths here.
I’ll leave you to imagine up the rest: slitting my wrists, taking an overdose,
blaming the world and venting to a friend about my life in tatters.
Now, all that said. I
challenge you if you’ve never tried it. Go ahead and plan a happy day for
yourself. You deserve it.
Well, that’s my reality
anyway and I’m sticking to it
Love you awesome being of