Now for those of you who know me, I am passionate about this subject. I'll explain in a minute.
I love to compare our earth suits, these things we run around in 24/7, to motor vehicles. Just consider the similarities. Both require continuous maintenance to ensure good performance.They all have specific fuel requirements. They are designed with internal warning systems.
The only difference I can see is that when our motor vehicles have done a certain mileage, we trade them in. However when our earth vehicles have been through the mill, we are stuck with them 'til death do us part.
So now my questions to you are these: "How well are you taking care of your earth vehicle? Is it running on empty? When did you last check all of its levels eg. energy, minerals, sleep, vitamins, happiness, creativity, productivity? Are you treating it like a car rental?"
Remember our earth suits are on loan to us. Only problem is when they collapse on us we can't trade them in for a shiny new one. We're stuck with all the self imposed damage and repair bills.
None of us can escape this truth. If we push our bodies to their physical limits like I did with my dancing and exercise, and high protein diet, our joints will wear down, hence my hip replacement last year. If we consume excessive amounts of sugar, refined carbs and alcohol we'll suffer firstly with hypoglycemia, mood swings and irritability which will inevitably result in full blown diabetes. If we continue to ignore the irritating symptoms of food allergy as in eczema, thrush, psoriasis, asthma, hives, hay fever, gastritis, heartburn, depression, etc. we will inevitably contract one of the serious diseases like cancer, heart attack, stroke, emphysema, osteoporosis and arthritis amongst others.
So I ask one intelligent human to another, "When God gave us the most intelligent data processing systems, why do we continue to ignore them?" Why do we wake up with a caffeine or alcohol induced headache and feed it with more of the same until eventually we no longer get the headache because we are so toxic.
Why do we continue to smoke even though the health hazards are printed on every carton? Why do we continue to feed our sweet tooth cravings with sugar, a substance so poisonous to the human body its increase in our diet is directly proportionate to the increase in human cancer?
The excess consumption of animal protein in our diets leads to the leaching of calcium from our bones causing osteoporosis. The resultant high acidity levels in our bodies causes arthritis.
Cow's milk for human consumption? I don't think so! Cow's milk is for calves not humans. Did you know that cows milk has cassein in it which is found in carpenter's wood glue. This gluey, mucous forming substance is only good for blocking our sinuses, coagulating our intestines and causing a host of germs and fungi to thrive.Watch our sportsmen on the field spitting up globs of mucous. Are we surprised?
Observe the TV ads for heartburn. They promote that we continue the abuse of our physical bodies and merely take an antacid to neutralise the lethal concoctions we're brewing in our stomaches.
O.k. I think I've made my point.
Today is 'Meatless Monday'. It is the first Monday that I remembered NOT to put biltong into my sons' lunch boxes and do you know they didn't complain. My husband even reminded me this morning that we are eating vegetarian pasta tonight. Well shift is happening! and I invite each one of you to join us in this drive to cut back on our meat intake even if only for one day a week. One day may turn into two or three days before you know it. You may just start feeling amazing and love feeling that way. Try it!
And before you moan that you don't have a clue what to cook for the family. Here are some suggestions just to make life simple.
You could try a vegetable stirfry with brown and wild rice. Throw in some cashew nuts or almonds if you feel you desperately need protein, even some tofu cubes with a sprinkling of herbs and healthy garlic.
Perhaps if you consumed a heavy lunch and feel like something light choose a meal of fruit and give your stomach a hard earned rest tonight. You could also choose a variety of healthy salads to which you could add avocado, virgin olive oil, seeds and pulses such as quinoa or buckwheat. Delicious and filling! And if you're really daring add some soaked seaweed to give you all the minerals you need.
Ultimately, and only if you're really one of the brave ones, go for a green juice day. You will have to plan for this and buy yourself a juice extractor in advance. Choose from anything green: Broccoli, spinach, cabbage, celery, parsley, zucchini, ochre, aloe (from your garden) and sweeten to taste with lemon or apple. This is an awesome way to detox and prolong your life and feed your nervous system with all the B vitamins it craves.
So here's to hoping you will join us this Monday and from here on forward in going Meatless on Mondays.
By the way, How is your vehicle running?
Yours in love and health!
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