This is the first week of my 50th year on planet Earth. Wow! I am nearly half a century old.
As I reflect on my life so far, I am in awe of everything having occured at just the right time. I have no regrets. Every stage that I have transferred through and every moment whether eventful or void has been perfect!
When a butterfly emerges from its crysalis or summer turns to autumn or the earth turns on its axis in its orbit around the sun, each of these events happen as and how they are meant to happen. Nature just happens.
Have you ever noticed, when it comes to us humans, that from the moment we are born, the clock of anxiety starts to tick...
When will we get our first tooth?
When will we crawl?
When will we walk?
Pressure, pressure....
When will we talk?
Will we be clever?
Will we be good looking?
Will we win races?
Will we passs our grades?
What will we do after school?
Will we make it?
Will we find a partner?
Will we find happiness?
Will we amass wealth?
When I look back over the past 49 years, I see that I did everything at the right time, not at the same time as other people, but at my time and it was right for me. I have no regrets and I would change nothing.
I simply realise as Neale Donald Walsch so aptly put it in his 'Conversations with God',
There's nothing I have to have,
There's nothing I have to do,
there's nothing I have to be
except exactly what I'm being right now!
A great friend of mine, Nianell, puts it so beautifully in her song, 'Life's Gift'. 'Life's gift to me is just to be'.
John Perkins in his book 'Shapeshifting' says: 'Stop trying to become, just be!'
So my friend, I invite you to join me and step off the busy treadmill of life for a while and JUST BE!
Know that whatever space you are in right now, you're in the right place. Embrace it, breathe it, live it and be it!
And remember to remind yourself how beautiful and perfect you are in every way.
Remind yourself that you need change nothing about yourself and tell yourself that you love yourself....
"I love myself"
"I am beautiful"
"I am perfect in every way"
"I love myself just the way I am!"
Have a beautiful and blessed week
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