Within me I discern a small inner
It has been waiting patiently to connect
with me …
Waiting silently for the noise to
Awaiting an audience with my harried
Without agenda or need
Awaiting a miniscule gap in the
incessant cacophony…
An opportune parting of the clouds in
which to reveal itself,
Baited and ready with answers to the
questions that I haven’t yet asked
A healing balm at the ready…
The small inner voice is calling my outer
To come home and align itself
in resonance…
To give it permission to sooth my
weary soul
To fill me with a trove of ancient wisdom
And healing from the great heart
To quench my thirst and satiate my
To connect with the Mother of all
And receive a warm nurturing embrace…
A healing balm for my heart’s aching
A caring ear,
A soothing word of assurance
The message my inner voice wants me
to know is…
That everything is as
it is meant to be
That I am enough…
That I am intentioned,
That my timing is perfect,
That I am cared for by the unseen
realm of Divinity
That I should savour every
never-to-be-repeated moment
That there is no judgement
That I am infinite love
And that I am free.