Monday, 23 February 2015

Fantasy & Spirituality

One of my favourite fairy stories as a child was ‘Sleeping Beauty’. Apparently my Mom had a choice of that or Cinderella as my preferred bed time story. My brother loved fact, so Mom had to read to him from the daily newspaper, and my younger sister liked poetry, something I have never really understood.

Anyhow, I was ruminating on my apparent obsession with the world of make believe, fantasy and the unreal, when it dawned on me that I have always been drawn to the unmanifest world of spirituality. I have an indescribable connect with my Spirit being, whatever you choose to call it/her.

It is for this reason that I am an eternal optimist, believing in the power of good and the power of love and forgiveness. This connect I have with the spiritual world is the reason I believe in miracles. I believe in goodness and love transforming the negativity in this world.  I believe as Nelson Mandela said, that love comes more naturally to the human heart. Evil has been learnt by our conditioning and our fears. Evil is not our instinctive nature. Love is.

I watched the movie ‘Maleficent’ this weekend and was delighted with the clever remake of the classic ‘Sleeping Beauty’ fairy tale. It is the most magnificent story of fear and trust and the power of love and forgiveness over hatred. If you haven’t yet seen it, I strongly recommend you do.

The story highlights the two parts of ourselves, the human side that is consumed with its fears and self-serving desires, and the magical part of ourselves which is unencumbered by the need for materialism or human drama. 

The story unravels as most fairy tales do with evil threatening and harming good. Good rises up against evil in an attempt to seek revenge, but in the process becomes hardened and bitter, and transmutes into hatred.

Miraculously, good begins to awaken to the love within and to the barriers and blockages that have hardened her heart. She realizes her blindness in her all-consuming need for revenge. 

The story is a triumph for true love, the only thing that is real and permanent in this fearful and transient world of form.

What I loved about ‘Maleficent’ is that this fairy tale, unlike all the classics, causes us to see the difference between romantic love and true love. It is a story about awakening from the unconscious patterns of behaviour to which we all fall victim, and of triumphing over unforgiveness, bitterness and hatred. 

This movie might just be the catalyst you need to realize your humanness and your own potential for love and hatred. 

If you are feeling despondent about the world affairs - politics, capitalism, poverty, greed, cruelty and war, then snuggle up with this movie and give yourself a positive boost with faith in the miraculous.  

Love always prevails.

I wish you a week of discovering the barriers within you that are sabotaging you from loving yourself.

Have an awesome week.


Wednesday, 18 February 2015


“If you want to clean a house, you have to see the dirt.”
- Louise Hay

It’s spring cleaning time. And I am not talking about your house, I am talking about your Spiritual home or temple, the one which is the vehicle for your soul.

If you have been around for a long time, you will have gathered a lot of old stories and conditioning, lots of fandangled, outdated tools and impractical advice from all and sundry. And just like you need to have a very good clean out in your house on a regular basis, so do you need to do this for your soul. All the clutter, the rubbish and dirt have become toxic as they attract vermin and cockroaches.

Likewise your mental clutter, your rigid conditioning is weighing you down and causing you to stagnate. You have become a victim to your old conditioned ways of doing things. This is paralysing you, making you STUCK.

Remember what served you a decade or two ago has become outdated. It worked then, but times have changed and if you want to change with them you need to allow for new thinking and new ways of doing things. You will need to clear out the old programming in order to make way for new improved paradigms that inspire and heal.

As long as you hold onto the past pattern of doing things you will continue to re-create the self-same outcome.

You will need courage as you look within and determine whether your old programming still serves you. You need to be honest with yourself as you analyse your current situation and determine whether you want more of it in your future. You see, 80% of the solution lies in your seeing and acknowledging the dirt, so to speak.

Stop hoarding your past photo albums of memories. They are history.

“If there is a bad taste in your mouth, you spit it out. You don’t constantly swallow it back.”              – the movie, Amazing Grace

Let go of the negativity, the propaganda and brainwashing. Empty your thoughts into a big sieve and wash them through with LOVE from your Higher Spirit self. Only keep the thoughts that serve your highest good.

Embrace humility as your ego bows in subservience to your Spirit self and surrenders its urge to self-righteously resist against change. Have faith in a positive outcome as you let go of fear and detach from familiarity. Take the risk and lay yourself open to what new opportunities lie ahead.

Stop hoarding and swallowing back your old toxic beliefs. Spot them and spit them out. Today is the day to start a whole new paradigm shift.
This week let your mantra be: “Spot it and spit it out.”

If you’re ready to commit bygones to the trash heap, then join me at Casalinga next Friday 27 February at 18h30 for 19h00. I will be sharing my top three tools to help you let go of the past and access forgiveness.

You deserve to have a happy, unencumbered life. Bring your partner or friend and make an evening of it, dining in style at one of South Africa’s top restaurants. Click here for the invitation.

Here’s looking at the new spring cleaned you!

All my love                                                                                                                                               
P.S. My new audio track ‘Facing your Fears’ is now available just click here.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Crying is the best medicine

Today I am going to challenge the old saying that laughter is the best medicine. I advocate that Laughter is the best beautifier, but crying is the best medicine.

Laughter that hides and masks your suffering is the worst kind of denial you can inflict upon yourself. Some of the world’s best comedians are the most depressed people. Look at Robin Williams for example.

I have spent some time since I last wrote to you, accessing the tears that I have systematically filed away for the past five decades.

Let me tell you, it is not easy to find the key that opens the flood gate doors. It is tricky to coerce the toxic feelings, which are corroding your very cells as we speak, out of the shadows. I want to inform you. It is not a luxury to grieve. It is an absolute necessity.

Unexpressed feelings of sadness, grief, resentment and pain cause huge internal chaos. Repressed emotions turn the body chemistry acid, the perfect environment for disease to flourish. My Mom died of breast cancer three years ago and I have a very strong suspicion that it was as a result of all her repressed emotional pain.

We all have a duty to love ourselves and allow ourselves to grieve. Don’t let the world coerce you into its way of thinking that it is better to put on a brave face and ‘suck it up’. Your stoicism will corrode you from the inside. It is the silent cancer that devours your flesh. Repressing your emotions is lethal for your health. Crying releases the negative energy which is what you want. When you cry beneficial hormones like serotonin are released into your blood stream, which has a detoxifying effect and induces a state of calm.

This past weekend, I spent in silent retreat searching for a key to access my grief. I found my ‘heart song’ which was exactly the elixir I needed. If you need help to vent your stuck negative emotions then click here and you can download my heart song. I will explain to you how to use frequency and movement to open your heart and release your tears.

I also attach an invitation to the CHOCOLATE, LOVE & LAUGHTER workshop that my colleague Bev Wium is hosting with Ute Frauen and myself. Come and join us this Valentine’s Day with beautifying raw chocolate recipes and tasters, tips on making your relationships better and laughter that will give you a radiant facelift.

Have a wonderful week
