Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Two thoughts are contending for poll position in my brain right now. They are: “You brought this upon yourself” and “This is just your body uploading the latest virus in the Universe”. 

Yes, as you can guess, I have the latest version of the influenza virus which is making its rounds.
I do believe that we all need constant exposure to the mutating viruses that scour the Earth, because otherwise we won’t toughen up.

But the other belief that has me delving deeper, is the knowing that my physical experience is an outer manifestation of my thought processes. There is a direct metaphysical link between my thoughts (conscious and subconscious) and the condition of my physical body.

I was already in deep reflection upon this fact in response to an erotic dream that I had about 11 days ago. Have you ever had one of those dreams that leave you feeling as though the experience was real? 

What shone the spotlight of consciousness upon me, was a sudden stiff neck that I experienced the very next day. The stiffness was not attributable to any exercise I had done. I assumed that in some way I was being inflexible and rigid in my thinking. Louise Hay also suggests it is the inability to see what’s back there.

Then, when I succumbed to the flu two days ago I consulted ‘Heal Your Body’ to see what Louise Hay had to say about that. The suggestion is that flu is a fear response founded out of the influence of others’ negative beliefs.

Now, I was starting to see the full picture. The guilt I experienced from my dream was founded out of the fear of judgement from mass consciousness. When I unpacked my feelings and questioned myself about the guilt, it appeared as though I felt incriminated by what others might think of me, as if the dream were real. It is quite astounding that a dream can exert such a symptomatic response. But such is the power of the mind, intellect and emotions.

So, to conclude, I am taking the time to address the negative clutter that is corroding my mind and I’m spending time resting and soaking up healing warmth from the sun.

I hope I have stirred up some food for thought.

Have a great week.

Lots of love

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


Hello beloved beings

Just a reminder of my next workshop, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS, at Leafy Greens Café, this Saturday 21 June. 


If you’re serious about creating successful, meaningful relationships (and I’m talking about all of them, including your relationships with your parents, children, lovers, friends, spouse, work colleagues and so on) then this workshop is for YOU.

Please note that each module is a complete stand-alone entity, and that you can join the workshops at any time you choose. If you wish to catch up the ones you missed, I will be making these available on audio downloads. I also plan to rerun the workshops in the New Year for those of you who want the full interactive experience.

Let me explain my vision to you.
I am developing my book, FORGIVENESS, into bite-size, stand-alone modules, which eventually will lead to two full weekend workshops. Your participation in these ground-breaking workshops is to be both student and teacher. Together we will share and play and discuss and process. I am utilising all types of modalities from singing, dancing, drawing, acting, Q & A sections, meditation, Theta Healing, you name it. Your feedback is what will shape the future courses and decide which modalities work best.

So, if you are innovative and daring by nature and like to be at the forefront of new ideas and creativity, then come and hold space for me as I hold space for you and together we will learn and break down barriers we have built against love and forgiveness. Come and be inspired and unleash your creative potential.

To book contact me on nicolette@forgiftyourself.com

I look forward to seeing you soon


Monday, 9 June 2014

Blur Your Eyes to See

Many religions - Just one love
It is my belief that the reason we judge others is because we judge ourselves. We attack others because we are self-destructive. We are cruel to others because of our own feelings of worthlessness. We sniff and snoop and hunt down others’ imperfections to make ourselves feel less inadequate.

It is my belief that each one of us desires, more than anything, to be loved for who we are, to be respected by everyone, especially our parents, to feel supported and believed in by those closest and to feel understood. We all want to feel worthy – worthy of unconditional love, caring, nurturing, compassion and appreciation. This need of humanity’s is what bonds us. We are all as fragile and needy of loving as anyone else on this planet.

So let’s stop judging one another on our individual pursuits for this common goal. Yes, we have different religions. But are these religions not just paths to our inner calling, our search for unconditional love?

We all want to feel seen and heard. We all want intimacy, to be able to let go of our pretences, drop our masks and be accepted for who we are.

So why do we chastise and judge and victimise others whose needs are the same as ours? Why do we feel the need to judge one another’s religions and condemn others for following their hearts?
If we could just blur our eyes a little and embrace the knowing that we are all seeking the same end result; and if we could just show others support and encouragement on their paths and share compassion for one another, we could attain the realisation that heaven is within our grasp.

I had a dear ballet teacher once who used to squint her eyes as she stood back from our rehearsals. She said: “You need to blur your eyes to see.”

Let’s all take a page out of her book and soften the edges of our external vision. Let’s observe humanity with the eyes of our hearts and souls. Let’s treat others as we so crave to be treated - with kindness and compassion.

Have a beautiful week seeing with blurry vision

All my love

P.S. If you would like to share with me privately or join my network and receive these weekly inspirationals and notifications to my upcoming talks please contact me on nicolette@forgiftyourself.com. You can also follow me on my website at www.nicolettelodge.com